Young mom starting this again

Ok, maybe I am not so young anymore, haha! I'm 26 and have just finished the coursework for my grad program. I finally feel that I have the mental energy and time to start making my health one of my top priorities!

I'd love to have some "buddies" to help encourage each other! I'm trying to not look at this as a " I must lose xyz by x month". I want to make fundamental changes to my health including eating healthy regularly and working out regularly. I know how to eat healthy- I just don't always do it. I'm hoping the calorie/food tracker on here will help me stay accountable for what I put in my body.

As far as working out, I joined the Y and included in my membership is a coach to help me achieve my goals. The initial goals I have set for myself include:

Running a mile without stopping
Fitting into size 14 jeans again (I'm pushing 16- probably at an 18 if I were to be honest with my body!)

Again, I'd love to get some support and provide support to others..especially if you are a mom in grad school!


  • Jenny8511
    Jenny8511 Posts: 141 Member
    I'm not in grad school, but we seem to have a lot in common otherwise. I'm 25 and a mom. I started out at a size 18 as well :) Feel free to add me if you want!
  • ellie0129
    ellie0129 Posts: 9 Member
    Just added you!
  • WonderWoman_5
    WonderWoman_5 Posts: 101 Member
    29 mom was size 16 please feel free to add me anyone!
  • SBennett0322
    SBennett0322 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! My husband is in grad school now and I'm 24- I'm also a size 18 (if I'm honest with myself!) and looking to not lose a certain amount but instead get healthy and get fit! :) I've been eating a lot better for the past week and just started exercising regularly again, now my goal is to keep logging every day.

    I'm Sarah.
  • ellie0129
    ellie0129 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Sarah..sounds like were at similar goals! Going to add you!