Can you really lose weight eating whatever you want?

Okay I seems most people on here eat what ever they want just as long it's under they're calorie limit. So which one is more important? What you eat? Or how much you eat?


  • Rawr1978
    Rawr1978 Posts: 245 Member
    My body is a strange device. When i eat healthy, i lose extremely slowly, like a pound a month (might be fine for some, but i'd like to be thin before my 50th birthday)...when i eat what i want, but keep it under calories, i lose much faster.
    The drawback IS, stopping yourself once you've had a bit.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    It's always how much you eat. You can eat 1,500 calories in donuts and still lose weight. Just like you could eat 3,000 calories in broccoli and gain weight.
  • SymphonynSonata
    SymphonynSonata Posts: 533 Member
    Yes, you can lose weight eating whatever you want. It matters how much you eat, no matter what you eat. What you decide to eat is totally dependent on what works for your lifestyle and long term happiness. If you want poptarts? Eat poptarts within your calorie goal. If you want to be vegan? Be vegan within your calorie goal. Want to be paleo? Be paleo within your calorie goal. Want to do weight watchers? Do it within your calorie goal. It seriously all just comes down to the calories. I'm vegan; I'm 5'4, 120lbs. If I eat, say, 1,200 calories (too low, but for example purposes) and do no exercise and I have an exact copy of myself with the same stats who eats a lot of fast foods and comfort foods, but at 1,200 calories, our weight loss will be the same. I may get there a little quicker because of less sodium. That's about it!

    For being able to stick to a way of eating for a long period of time I recommend moderation of all food groups. Eat salads, meats, candies, all of it as you want it within your calories. Restriction of certain food groups can work, but when you're just feeling things out? May as well as make it feel less like a 'diet' more like a lifestyle of just eating less, but what you want. :)
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    I haven't cut anything out of my diet. If I eat it while I was fatter, I'm probably still eating. I just eat less of it, less frequently. 48lb lost in 475 days - that's 1lb every 10 days.
  • derrickyoung
    derrickyoung Posts: 136 Member
    I think everyone is different to an extent. at the end it is how much you eat and has to be under what you burn. How you apply this is where we all vary to an extent. I know or me personally there are certain foods that are triggers for me wanting more than I should ever eat. So I need to stay away from those. Some of my friends on here have no problem eating them in moderation and still loose weight. So if you can eat 10 chips and stop and still maintain your totals, all the more power to you.

    For me I need to eat pretty clean right now to avoid falling off the wagon.
  • LucasEVille
    LucasEVille Posts: 567 Member
    Its about finding what works for you, your body, your brain and your willpower.

    If I ate what I wanted I would eat ice cream, drink beer and have steak n chips every day.
    So I control my nutrients, kcals etc and prioritise proteins to keep me fuller for longer.
  • TX_Rhon
    TX_Rhon Posts: 1,549 Member
    Moderation is the key. For me, I have not cut out any food groups because I have no health reason to do so. Nutella is often found in my diary. :flowerforyou:


    for the inevitable calorie in/calorie out discussion.
  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    Well, the easy answer is that if you stay under your calorie limit , you will lose weight. WHAT you eat matters for health. You'll have more energy to enjoy life if you make smarter choices most of the time. 1500 calories of chips, cookies and McDonalds every day won't get you a ton of food. 1500 calories of mostly vegetables and fruits and ample lean protein is a LOT of food.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    You will lose weight by staying within your calorie limit. But you will only get the results you want by meeting your macros. Most people on here practice IIFYM.
  • MegE_N
    MegE_N Posts: 245 Member
    Yes, to an extent. But if you eat your 1,800 calories in junk, you'll find you're constantly hungry and feeling restricted. Just by logging what you'll eat, you'll find your habits start to change - I only have 600 calories for dinner, so I can't eat candy and ice cream because I know I'll be hungry. But that doesn't mean, if you're careful with your math, you won't have enough left over for a scoop of ice cream for desert. Moderation really is key.
  • yvie63
    yvie63 Posts: 193 Member
    Well I manage to eat pretty much what I want but stay within calories. I think it is correct to say you can really eat what you want and lose weight that but obviously if you want to lose weight AND be healthy you need to examine what you are eating and try to opt for healthier choices where possible. For me, I just try to keep my food choices to relatively simple, plain and unprocessed food where possible with the odd splurge of crap food here and there. I certainly don't want to over analyze everything I eat, I think that really messes your head up.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Yes, you can, but if you pay attention your body will tell you if it needs more of one nutrient and less of another. As with anything, I try to balance the best I can and allow myself a small treat everyday so I don't feel deprived.
  • lsorci919
    lsorci919 Posts: 772 Member
    Yes I eat what I want, in moderation. It's the only way I would have stuck to losing weight for this long. In the past I tried cutting out foods I love and then I crashed and burned. I do make better food choices now but if I want chocolate, I'm gonna have chocolate. lol
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Technically, yes, if you eat less than what your body requires daily, you will lose weight regardless of what you eat.
    For example, this professor demonstarted that with a twinkie diet in which he lost 27 lbs.

    There are a few catchs though -
    Eating whatever you want below that goal does not mean you will feel full or satisfied.

    Also, for health and body composition, it is more than just eating less calories.

    You may want to check out this link. A few people have mentioned IIFYM - if it fits your macros. This style of eating focuses on hitting you calorie goal and macronutrient goals while still including some of the food that you enjoy that may be less healthful. It is not "eating whatever you want" but does include eating things you want in moderation.

    It is also mentioned in this link which is another great resource
  • nancy10272004
    nancy10272004 Posts: 277 Member
    Yes you can. In the past week I've gone out for Thai food with friends, had pizza at a department meeting and ate a meatball sub for dinner and still lost weight. (I don't weigh myself but I had to go buy new pants in a smaller size yesterday).

    I just make sure I adjust the rest of my day accordingly. I love fruits and vegetables so I have no problem with that. I hit my macros just about every day without too much thought.
  • SCV34
    SCV34 Posts: 2,048 Member
    Okay I seems most people on here eat what ever they want just as long it's under they're calorie limit. So which one is more important? What you eat? Or how much you eat?

    Yes, you can really lose weight eating whatever you want. I lost 13 pounds and did so by eating what I wanted, but in moderation.
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    Well, the easy answer is that if you stay under your calorie limit , you will lose weight. WHAT you eat matters for health. You'll have more energy to enjoy life if you make smarter choices most of the time. 1500 calories of chips, cookies and McDonalds every day won't get you a ton of food. 1500 calories of mostly vegetables and fruits and ample lean protein is a LOT of food.

    I agree. Reduced energy from inadequate nutrition can cause you to move less (and burn less calories). And I also agree that a diet high in vegetables and fruit (I like to call them "calorie sparse"), SEEMS like more food, to the eye and to the stomach.
  • ladybearheart
    ladybearheart Posts: 5 Member
    You can eat whatever you want and lose weight, but not whenever you want and however much you want. But it is much easier to make the goal not how many pounds you want to lose but what changes you are willing to make to reach that goal. :wink: Change the habits and the thought patterns that lead to the weight gain.

    One thing I cannot stress enough, is portion control. Remember that a serving is about the sized of a person's fist. if any portion on your plate is greater than the size of your fist, you are eating multiple portions. Looking at how much a portion is on here, with the calorie counters, was a huge awakening for me. Try to eat at least 3 meals a day. A meal is like a piece of toast, an egg, and about a cup of fruit, washed down with a cup of milk or water. If you can't make it on only 3 meals a day, make it 3 meals and two snacks. But, a snack is still from the same calorie pool as the 3 meals.

    Also pay attention to what your choices are. Do you really need that candy bar that you so crave, or is it just something sweet you crave and will a sweet piece of fruit kill that sweet tooth? Chocolate is a major weakness for me. Now, I am learning I can have it, but small portions. A Rollo out of the bag will solve the craving oftentimes, and I feel successful and still have plenty of food I can still eat. And the more of these choices we change along the way, the healthier we end up eating and then then our goal of eating better turns into weight loss. Also, is it worth it? Asking myself that on a non-healthy choice will usually change my mind. If you are at a wedding, and they have the best wedding cake ever, have a slice. But a Hostess Cupcake? Not so much.

    Pay attention to why you are eating, too. Feeding your emotions will not lead to long term weight loss. Find out what your triggers are and avoid them. I avoid buffet places like the plague because I know I will succumb to trying "everything", and oh that dessert table! If it is because you are bored or need something to do with your hands, it's time to take up a hobby, something that keeps your hands occupied.

    And don't use your triggers as scapegoats. Remember, just because you hit a trigger spot doesn't mean you have to follow through with that choice of eating that cake.

    By the way, eating too few calories will cause your body to store fuel, (fat) . And your body becomes more efficient at burning the calories, and also leaves you with a larger calorie pool to work with the more you move and the more calories you consume.

    Above all else, forgive yourself and just take each moment at a time.Just because you slipped at lunch doesn't ruin the whole rest of the day, Just start fresh in each now moment.
  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 691 Member
    My name is Bunny and I'm addicted to Reese's peanut butter cups. And I'd like to direct you to my ticker.


  • asciident
    asciident Posts: 166 Member
    For pure weight loss, you can eat whatever you want as long as you're in a calorie deficit.

    For overall health, it's a good idea to eat a variety of foods (which can include "junk").

    Unless you have specific medical concerns, there is no need to cut out foods you like.