Can you really lose weight eating whatever you want?



  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    I also want to point out that if I need to eat at 1500 calories a day to lose 1 lb a week and someone else can eat 1800 calories a day to lose 1 lb a week (because they have more muscle than I do), they have 300 more calories available to them to fit in treats.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    It really depends on each individual...everyone has different list of "whatever I want to eat" and different eating habit. For me it's impossible because I am 'neverfull" and what I want to eat is all that stuff with higher calorie count.

    But it made me think...those who have better eating habit might not end up needing to lose weight at the first place anyway...
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    It's always how much you eat. You can eat 1,500 calories in donuts and still lose weight. Just like you could eat 3,000 calories in broccoli and gain weight.

    3,000 calories of broc broc is roughly 600 g. of Carbs, 30 grams of Fat, and 201 g. of Protein and it weighs roughly 8400 grams or 18 and 1/2 pounds. Now this would be a pretty good caloric intake single source food. Assuming the stalk at 280 grams and 98 calories is accurate; see link-->

    Okay, math nerd hat is officially off for the weekend.
  • MarthaQ2
    MarthaQ2 Posts: 47 Member
    A calorie is a calorie and always will be a calorie!
  • Mav3rick54
    Mav3rick54 Posts: 180 Member
    Yes I eat what I want, in moderation. It's the only way I would have stuck to losing weight for this long. In the past I tried cutting out foods I love and then I crashed and burned. I do make better food choices now but if I want chocolate, I'm gonna have chocolate. lol

    ^^ this...I have not given up any foods....I just eat less of it and move more...I have some chocolate every night.
  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    Eat what you want but weigh, measure and log everything. Don't judge a portion based on the size it looks, weigh it. I've eaten what I want but not all the time and not to excess. Its a lifestyle change not a diet so it had to be sustainable. I have found that the more veg I eat over time the more I crave it if I haven't eaten as much for a day or 2. My tastes have changed - prior to this I'd quite happily scoff a large Dominoes Pizza, the thought now makes me feel physically sick. I really can't stomach greasy food now and find that lean protein with a selection of fresh veg keeps me feeling fuller for longer. My evening meal size has probably increased in size but the balance has changed with a small portion of lean meat or fish and a huge portion of roast veg. I eat chocolate every day (actually eating a bar as I type), have beer most weekends and one or 2 days a month I'll have a cheat day. Although this usually means I eat around maintenance (i've only gone over maintenance significantly about 3 times in the time I've been doing this).

    That said, there are some foods I do now avoid as I struggle to show self control - Jaffa Cakes & Pringles are the 2 main ones but that's a small price to pay for the weight loss & gym/ fitness gains I've made.

    Best of luck OP
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Okay I seems most people on here eat what ever they want just as long it's under they're calorie limit. So which one is more important? What you eat? Or how much you eat?
    Yes, I eat whatever I want. which is big difference for me. Before when I lost my first 70 or so pounds, I cut out all types of food I saw as "fattening," and was extremely diligent in making sure I stuck to my plan. One day, I couldn't help it and started eating those fattening things again and gained back thirty pounds in a five year period.

    This time around, I decided to get rid of the old mentality of good/bad food and just eat what I wanted but in moderation. I lost 42 pounds about a nine/ten month period or so and have been maintaining since about January/February, and both are from eating what I want just in moderation.

    For example, yesterday I had a half of a chocolate chip cookie at work that someone made. During the week I had salmon, went to my aunt's birthday party last weekend and had cake.

    Weight loss and maintenance is about whatever works for you to eat within a calorie limit, and some people do benefit from cutting out certain foods. The only foods I have cut out are those which I am intolerant to (lactose, soy), because I want to sustain my weight loss for the rest of my life.
  • natthetiger
    My body is a strange device. When i eat healthy, i lose extremely slowly, like a pound a month (might be fine for some, but i'd like to be thin before my 50th birthday)...when i eat what i want, but keep it under calories, i lose much faster.
    The drawback IS, stopping yourself once you've had a bit.

    ....I've definitely lost 5lbs as a result of literally only eating oreos and McD fries every day for a week after a slow month of weight loss eating healthy. Not proud of it & it felt gross but it is what it is.
  • kuger4119
    kuger4119 Posts: 213 Member
    You will absolutely lose weight no matter what kind of food you eat as long as you stay under your calorie goals. The kind of food that you eat and the exercising that you do while you are losing weight will determine how you look. Eat a bunch of carbs and the wrong types of fatty foods and you are more likely to keep that sexy midriff bulge around. The more variety to your exercise and the leaner your food and higher in protein, the fitter you will actually look at your goal weight.

    I lost 30 lbs a couple years ago without worrying about what I ate. I did a lot of cardio but not all that much weightlifting. I lost a lot of fat but I lost a tremendous amount of muscle too. I intentionally gained back about 12 lbs with the hopes that the next time I cut back, I'd have about 6 lbs more muscle. Unfortunately, I haven't been all that diligent in the past couple years and haven't ever made it back down the 10 lbs to judge the difference, but I do know that my arms are over 1" bigger (with muscle) than they were then.

    So, eat what you want, but understand that you may not look the way you want.
    Okay I seems most people on here eat what ever they want just as long it's under they're calorie limit. So which one is more important? What you eat? Or how much you eat?
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    From my friends who lost weight by eating "clean" (their words not mine), they said eating all that "boring and clean stuff" (again their words, not mine) helped them have more control on appetite and less craving. I did notice if I eat cookie/cake/fried foods, I do have more craving for the entire day...I guess it's indirectly sabotaging my weight loss.
  • Froggymcconnell
    Froggymcconnell Posts: 92 Member
    this is interesting topic.

    For me I did have to watch what I ate to lose the weight.

    I started off eating what I sued to just less of it but it wasn't working so I changed things and now eat different things, cut out takeaways, no sugar in cups of tea etc etc and its made huge difference.
  • MrsATrotta
    MrsATrotta Posts: 278 Member
    Yes and no. I personally never deprive myself if I want cheesecake I'm gonna have cheesecake BUT maybe just a few bites. Calorie count is pretty important. On the other hand you don't want to eat foods high in fat sodium and sugar bc that could very well stall your weight loss and you wouldn't be truly healthy.
  • navygrrl
    navygrrl Posts: 517 Member
    I have been much more successful with weight loss this time because I haven't demonized any foods or food groups. If I want ice cream or a piece of chocolate cake or a glass of wine, I plan it into my day. Knowing that nothing is really off-limits sort of calms my cravings.
  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,808 Member
    I chose to not eat anything I wanted on most days . I just found I was hungry more often so I eat really healthy for at least 5 days out of the week and then for 2 of the days I still watch my calories but eat the foods that arent always the best choices. This has worked really well for me.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Sure you can, but you might feel like you're starving all the time! Here is an example of what I used to eat, compared to what I eat now, with about the same calories for each meal.

    Breakfast - A bowl of sugar sweetened, out of a box cereal with skim milk.
    Now. Steel cut oats, made with almond milk and 1/2 cup fresh fruit.

    Lunch - A frozen 'light' dinner.
    Now. A whole plate of veggies with light ranch (or not), 2 slices of Healthy Life 35 calorie bread, spicy mustard, lettuce, tomato and lean turkey or chicken.

    Dinner - Frozen pizza
    Now. A large fillet of grilled salmon (or any lean chicken, lean beef, shrimp, etc.) basted with a fresh orange juice/maple reduction, tons of grilled veggies (with lots of flavor, I may add) and brown with wild rice.

    Snacks - cookies, popcorn
    Now. A banana smothered in almond butter, chocolate dusted almonds, greek yogurt, etc.

    I do have to cook more, but I love the new flavors that spices, herbs and marinades add to the food. I have a LOT less sodium now and my blood pressure has dropped. I'm also able to have a treat, such as a small Buttefinger Blizzard, once a week. I'm still losing weight and I'm rarely hungry anymore. And, if I have a good workout, I eat even MORE food and still lose weight!

    You can do what you want, eat healthy food and treat your body like its the only one you have, fill it with nutrients, or fill it with garbage. Your choice. You'll still lose weight, calorie for calorie, but you probably wont feel as well.
  • cheesevixen_staci
    cheesevixen_staci Posts: 153 Member
    I can personally eat whatever I want. I've never had a big sweet tooth so I don't eat sweets, and I don't like a lot of red meat so generally I eat lean meat (Unless the hubby comes home wanting hamburgers or spaghetti ). Plus I love water.

    If you are only concerned about losing weight. Than, no, it doesn't matter as long as you stay in your calories, but it'll probably cause a slew of health issues in the future. However, if you want to be healthy it's important you eat food that is good for you, and stray away from the bad stuff for the most part.

    When I'm tempted to splurge on a really good meal, say we order pizza, I'll split up what I eat. I want 4 slices of pizza right then and there, but if I restrain myself I can eat 2 now, and save 2 for a different meal. It's rare, but it happens lol. I had pancakes and bacon for breakfast and lunch, but Im also following it up with grilled chicken and vegetables for dinner.
  • sokkache
    sokkache Posts: 220 Member
    How much you eat is crucial in losing weight. But eating healthy and not eating too much, that's unbeatable. You feel good and you're losing weight.
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Okay I seems most people on here eat what ever they want just as long it's under they're calorie limit. So which one is more important? What you eat? Or how much you eat?

    I eat what I want, but what I DONT'T eat or want is probably what most of the people in MFP eats and wants. Are you confused yet???
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    Both are important. Moderation is key, but also hitting your macros, calorie goals, and exercise goals is important as well.
    I eat whatever I want, but I also balance it with greens, fruits, ect. But I never deprive myself of foods that some people label as "junk".
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    Mostly, I eat what I want (HBP so sodium restricted). I just don't eat as much as I want.