Need guidance in becoming fit

Hello All, I am new to this group and excited to begin my fat to fit journey. I am 140lb and 5'4 tall. I have a huge tummy and i am very flabby throughout. I have the so called batwings and muffin tops too.
In the past, i was able to reach 125lb by running but was still flabby and cannot remember anytime when i had a flat stomach.
Is there someone who had similar stats as mine and was able to become fit.
Can you please guide me what to eat and exercise. I am a vegetarian.
Thank you so much for your help and advise.


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Lift heavy things. Cardio will only get you so far. You really need to do some strength training to get rid of the jiggle.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Only run so that you can eat more and still have a deficit, otherwise I could see the eating level being so low that it's blown away anyway. But don't run too much, just tad.

    And the smaller the weight loss amount weekly you have set, the better effect you'll get from that recommended lifting you'll need to do. So the faster the changes from it.

    And those changes will be mainly inches, even if not scale numbers.
  • GoobeEyes
    GoobeEyes Posts: 31 Member
    Thank you Ready2Rock and heybales. I had hired a personal trainer for guiding me. but he used to make me do the same things everyday of the week and i kind of got bored. I somehow like doing things that elevates my heart rate.
    Last year, i did a few hikes and half marathons. But now i am totally out of shape and when i run, i get this itching all over the body(which has kind of reduced now) and i go out of breath. I was never able to run continously, so i mostly do walk-run-walk cycles.
    i tried to have salads for lunch. but i get very hungry in the evening.
    Are there any suggestions for weight training for me. I dont think i have the energy to lift very heavy weights from the beginning.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Heavy is relative to you.

    5 to 15 reps, 2 or 3 sets, if the last few reps were almost not good form, you got the weight right.
    If you could have done 30 reps, you got the weight too low.

    Traditional 8-12 reps x 3 sets works well.

    You start with 3 x 8 reps, and each week or each workout you add another rep. When you get up to 12 reps, you add 5 lbs or 10 lbs and go back to 8 reps.

    This has some day to day routines, plus the list of exercises to work that suggested muscle. You decide which ones you can do.
  • GoobeEyes
    GoobeEyes Posts: 31 Member
    Thank you haybales