Gallstones anyone?



  • quietcrush
    quietcrush Posts: 4 Member
    Definitely true about the rapid weight loss. I had to have my gall bladder out after developing gall stones after I lost 140 pounds in 9 months. Apparently that's so true that when people have gastric bypass surgery nowadays they remove the gall bladder too since it's so common, that's what my surgeon told me.

    I had it out 6 years ago and have no residual problems. You are supposed to carry on eating a bland diet afterwards but I didn't have any issues besides phantom pain where my gall bladder used to be, and that went away after a few months. The very odd time I still get that if I eat something very fatty. The scars are teeny tiny.

    If you think you might have gall stones, my experience was 2 times in a row after eating greasy food the night before, I woke up early in the morning doubled over in pain. It kind of felt like a stomach ache but I wasn't nauseated. Basically the gall stones block the duct which releases bile into the stomach that digests your food. If it can't get through, your food sits there and takes way longer to digest so the pain of the blockage and the digestion is what kills you.

    Some people live with it and try not to eat anything that bothers them, or get the stones themselves out. But once the gall bladder is inflamed you have to get the whole thing out. The liver then takes over producing more bile to digest your food.

    Hope that helped!
  • There is very little risk of getting diabetes from having your gallbladder removed. That article that a previous poster posted said there is a 2% chance of having any negative effects, and there were a few different effects listed. I had mine removed 5 years ago and had no problems. It's an out-patient surgery and the recovery was less than a week. It's way worth it to get it removed!
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    jess, I just sent you an email about my results I just got back from my physical from 12 21, 2010........I was diagnosed with gall stones, 10 years ago, but never had a problem........In every physical ,they show up

    I started my weight loss 11 months ago, lost 120 lbs, and I as of yesterday, when I got my results in the mail, I NOW HAVE NORMAL LIVER FUCNTIONS

    Because of my exercise and nutrition, my liver function levels are normal..........I was blown away, but again ,Ive never had problems with my gall bladder before...........Also, my blood sugars, ( triglicireides) dropped from 110 to 59, and my Cholesterol dropped to 149.....

    Im no Dr but I got these results because of a life change that dealt with nutrition and exercise............I sent you an email, keep in touch, I have a follow up appt with my Dr, but I will adress this latest result with him

    I dont know if you can dissolve them, really, I ve read different things, but again, for me, and this applies to me only, my liver fuctions have returned to a normal reading................... Keep in touch, LLoyd
  • That can very.
    You're nauseous/in pain at once. You feel like vomiting, but it's too painful and you don't want to get up.
    Gall attacks are terrible. They're sharp pains. I had mine starting in the center of my diaphragm and when I pressed into it, it extended through the rest of my stomach. It usually lasts for a few hours, it wakes me up at night and I'm constantly tired during the day because of it.

    That's the best way to describe it.
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    That can very.
    You're nauseous/in pain at once. You feel like vomiting, but it's too painful and you don't want to get up.
    Gall attacks are terrible. They're sharp pains. I had mine starting in the center of my diaphragm and when I pressed into it, it extended through the rest of my stomach. It usually lasts for a few hours, it wakes me up at night and I'm constantly tired during the day because of it.

    That's the best way to describe it.

    I have given birth 6 times and many of those time it was all natural.....let me tell you that it was nothing compared to the pain of my gall bladder attack. I almost died because we waited too long (my gallbladder was turning black and infected). I had it removed and they had to do open surgery and I have a 8" scare because of that. Try to have it removed before it get too bad.
  • Gary6030
    Gary6030 Posts: 593 Member
    I had mine out and it was the best thing ever. Back to work after 3 business days. Sore but nothing I would call excrutiating. Just make sure you go to a dr. that does laprascopic. There are still some quacks cutting people. I was 350lbs and they did mine so you will be just fine.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    So here's the deal... I have gallstones and so my diet is very limited.
    I need to watch my fat intake as well as foods that make me gassy because the bloating is simply unbearable!

    Now I'm looking up foods I'm trying to eat and there's almost NOTHING I can eat that won't trigger one or the other.

    I guess where I'm trying to get at is I'm curious to know if there's anybody else that's suffering from this? You should add me because it'd be nice to befriend other people who understand this pain. My friends and family sympathize, but it's not the same. I'm constantly either in pain or discomfort and I'm ALWAYS hungry because I can't eat much! Haha.

    I had my gallbladder removed in September. I find it odd that your doctor wouldn't schedule surgery, especially since you're in pain. There's no cure for gallstones, the pain is not going to go away either. That thing needs to come out! I know what you're going through. I never had any symptoms dealing with fatty foods, but I sure as h*ll had some gallbladder attacks. WORST pain in the world. Please talk to your doctor!
  • KAM1500
    KAM1500 Posts: 9 Member
    I am so sorry. I had the same problem when I was 19. I lived literally on bread and water for almost an entire month until I had mine removed. I was so afraid to eat. One good thing was I lost weight (but it came back as soon as I got it out and could eat again). I still have issues with certain foods making me sick, but it is not hard to deal with. I will say if I eat any of the foods I do get the symptoms of having an attach.
  • They wouldn't schedule because I don't have insurance, thus I can't pay for it. So I really don't know what to do at this point.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    They wouldn't schedule because I don't have insurance, thus I can't pay for it. So I really don't know what to do at this point.

    I guess the only thing you can do then is continue what you're already doing. Avoid foods that trigger the attacks. Let me just say I've never heard of anybody getting diabetes after having their gallbladder removed. In fact, my surgeon didn't even mention the possibility of it. And, while there are medications that supposedly "dissolve" gallstones, they don't work. My parents are both doctors and have both had their gallbladders removed too. Trust me, they would know. I begged them for the medication because I was scared of surgery. There's no "natural" remedy either.

    Oh, and with what everybody else is saying, extreme weight loss can bring on gallbladder disease and or stones. That's what happened to me!
  • I had those nasty things when I was pregnant with my 2nd.. I was like 6 months and on when I found out I had those and I remember the Dr telling me that I couldn't eat anything with spice, caffeine etc and I was like are you serious?, I am friggin pregnant and you are telling me I can't eat tacos or drink coffee or sucked and I was in EXTREME pain at times.. Ugh they are horrible!! I hope you can get those removed!
  • educate yourself and ask lots of questions before you decide..there is lots of info out there.. wishing you the best.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    hi jess, I sent you an email today.......I just wanted to say, and to make sure you understand, in my case, and this is me, Im speaking for myself, I had high liver functions which required an xray, which showed calcium deposits. Again, Im not that familiar with the actual size but they were there

    my Drs assistance referred me to a surgeon, but I never went . I had high liver functions back in 1998 when I had a physical, but too scared to find out what that was

    After losing my weight in a SENSIBLE way, I didnt crash diet, but I ate a good diet that was mostly, fruits, vegs, pinto beans, and chicken breasts, with on ocassion, some pasta......

    NO PROCESSED FOODS, NO SALTS, NO DRUGS, NO ALCHOL, NO CIGARETTES, ............liteally a clean diet

    When I got my readings back, the one from my physical in Dec, 3 weeks ago, my liver functions have returned to normal.......I was stumped, as well as all my readings and tests are those of a 25 year old man ,lol...........Im 55

    So, since I have never ever had problems with my gall bladder, its a different scenrario, as opposed to your situation

    IF you are in pain with severe stabbing pains, go the your local hospital and GO TO THE E.R

    They cant "LEGALLY" turn you away.......tell em you think youre dying, they have to have you looked at, as you mentioned you, dont have insurance

    But again, if youre in pain, really , get it looked into........I was just a lucky one, from what I have read, it seems its a pretty easy surgery

    LOL, Im scared to death of Drs and hospitals, so this was really really a blessing........
    Take care, and keep in touch.......add me as your friend........Lloyd
  • Yes, thank you.
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