Starting a proper diet... How and where to start?!

Simply put, I need to fix the way I eat and what I eat. I'm trying to get my feet on ground when it comes to starting a proper diet but I'm just so overwhelmed by all the information available to me. I walk into the supermarket with the intention of buying healthy foods but the problem is I don't even know where to start. I get there and it's like... now what?! It's a little dizzying to be honest with you.

Does anyone have any good articles they might be able to link me too in order to help me get started?!

Thanks and much appreciated,


  • Dandman1990
    Dandman1990 Posts: 196 Member
    You could do it one of two ways I guess. Make detailed plans of what you want to eat for a week making sure you're within your calorie goal and nutritional macros for each day and then go and shop for the specific items after carefully planning all your meals for the week. Honestly, I think the only way to do it here (and I don't do it any more than I have to because it's a lot of work) is to carefully consider what you're going to eat ahead of time and make sure to weigh and measure everything precisely.

    Alternately you could take the lazy way out and buy microwavable meals like I do (hey I'm a student, I have an excuse!) and just eat 3 per day since they have all the info' clearly listed on the back, lol.

    Either way, make sure you leave room for a treat or two once in a while or you'll go crazy!
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Read these:'re+new+here

    TL:DR the link right above then read this one ->

    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal

    Other tips,

    It's about moderation not deprivation.
    There are no good/bad foods, only bad eating habits.
    Eat all the foods, don't restrict yourself too much. Just make sure you are eating the correct portion size.
    Make lifestyle changes. Don't look at this as a diet. Whatever you do you'll need to do for the rest of your life to keep the weight off.
  • WLG1974
    WLG1974 Posts: 90
    There's a lot of options. Everyone is so different and people do things that work out the best for themselves. It's very trial and error for each individual

    I personally am someone who loves to search for balance and making sure I keep a variety of healthy foods available to me at all times.

    One thing that will help you is to try out new recipes and if you find some that you really enjoy stick with those for awhile. Although it's all about calories in vs. calories out you still want to be healthy, energetic, and all that good stuff. So it's vital that you get the nutrients and vitamins from your food to keep you going.

    I have a nutritionist who came up with a menu for me. If you would like that I could send it to you and you can configure it the way you want that might work out best for you.
  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member
    Get 90% of your grocery store supplies from the outside ring.
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    I found this looking for something else, but found it interesting and worth a try when I can chew again. The idea is to do something each day for eating clean. Not going to debate the merits of that vs. convenience foods. It's just a place to start.
  • lemur_lady
    lemur_lady Posts: 350 Member
    My advice is to start slow and make small changes. This way it wont seem so intimidating or challenging. Start by simply logging your calories on here. Then make small changes here and there such as increasing amount of fruit/veg, swapping foods for healthier alternatives and starting/increasing your exercise. Changing everything all at once can make it seem a bit too daunting to some people and at least in my experience makes me prone to quitting as its all too much.

    When I first started I tried to make small increases on my fruit/veg intake as some days I didnt have any. After a few weeks I started doing small workouts. Ive been at it nearly a year and im still adjusting and making small positive changes.
  • chani8
    chani8 Posts: 946 Member
    It's easy if you skip the packaged goods. Go for fruit and veggies and fresh herbs, and meat and dairy. Then head to the check out.