Starting the new year off on the right foot.

TheLastKeeper Posts: 18 Member
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
I am new here and have decided to get back in shape.

I lost 35# last year eating sensibly and doing virtually no exercise. Sure I fit in my old clothes but I wasn't in any better shape. I put 10# back on over the holidays and decided that was it. Hell, I'm 50 y/o and not getting any younger - I've got aches where I didn't know I had places and it's not fun. So, I want to lose the 10# I gained over the holidays plus another 10# AND in the process actually exercise and get into decent shape.

I'm actually walking and hitting the eliptical, as well as some basic exercises. I've had a few back surgeries, so I have to be careful about how far I push things. The pool is too cold, so I won't be swimming until spring, though I am considering bike riding.

I'm interested in communicating with others for encouragement and even the occasional necessary prodding. Feel free to drop me a note.

Have a blessed day and good luck.


  • SweetOrganics
    SweetOrganics Posts: 16 Member
    I hear you, I'm turning 47 in 10 days & it's been a challenge as to how much exercise I can do, but I've been making sure I burn just a little more calories each day on the Wii to slowly edge myself up without hurting myself. I didn't exercise for years because of autoimmune issues making the exercise cause me to go into adrenal fatigue, but thank God I'm in a remission & am finally able to do some exercise :)
  • I'm 48 and not what you would call a fitness buff. I like to walk but really need to increase my strength and flexibility. I dream of doing a 5k but i'm not the running type. Maybe we could help each other in the exercise department. My 30 year high school reunion is this summer and I'd like to look my best. Some girls come to the reunions looking like exercise is the only thing they do all day. I'm just sick of looking like the pillsbury dough boy. Help!!!! :ohwell:
  • TheLastKeeper
    TheLastKeeper Posts: 18 Member
    I didn't exercise for years because of back issues. 5 surgeries over 6 years left me wary of any thing resembling exercise. When I lived up north I knew that shoveling my driveway of 18" of snow was going to lay me up for 2-3 days. We're in FL now and I don't have to worry about that anymore. After moving to another part of the town we live in, a few months back, we decided to get an elliptical trainer. It's definitely easier on the joints, you can vary the resistance and can choose your own speed. I love it and decided earlier today to challenge myself to 75 miles by the end of the month. I know my biggest challenge will be my own motivation, but looking at the ticker daily will prompt me to get it in gear.

    Hey SWEETORGANICS with you having a history of autoimmune issues, you do have your physicians blessing to undertake what you're doing, right???
    Have a blessed day.
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