New to lifting this program any good???

XLMACX Posts: 346 Member
May 24, 2014 7:51 PM

So I have had my first personal training session at the gym, I have been quite active for years now it's always been my diet that's caused my weight to yo yo but I have never stopped working out. I have always paid attention to cardio but after doing research and reading many posts on here I have learnt the best way to burn fat, change body shape and get "the thigh gap" is lifting weights combined with cardio.

So this is what I asked my personal trainer to focus on he did me a program and I just want people's opinions if it's any good,
I have heard many people say if you want the thigh gap and have big thighs then squats is NOT the way to go, I get so many different messages on her here it's a bit confusing. I know the best way to get the ideal body is to get your fat percentage down my sticking to a calorie deflect which I do and am doing well with, it's more the fitness side I'm not sure on especially science introducing weights.

I plan on doing this 40minute program +30min cardio 4x a week.

I'm 24lb off my target my body shape is howl glass/pear small on top 8/10 uk and on bottom uk12 never ever have I yet got to a 10 on bottom which is my ultimate goal!

My program:

* mid stance barbell squat 3 sets of 12-15 reps lifting between 15-20kg
* clean and press with barbell 3 sets 12-15 reps lifting 10kg
* wide stance squat with barbell 3 sets of 12-15 reps lifting 15-20kg
* even wider stance squat with barbell 3 sets of 12-15 reps lifting 15kg
*Row pulley machine 3 sets 12-15reps pulling 30-40kg - not sure if that's the right name for machine lol
* chest press with dumbells 3 sets 12-15 reps lifting 6kg weights
*deadlifts with barbell 3 sets 12-15 reps lifting 20kg
* standing shoulder press 3 sets 12-15reps lifting 4kg dumbells

I know some of you may laugh at how little I'm lifting but like I said I'm a BEGINNER and I did push myself to the max with those weights had my arms/ body shaking and went to jelly I will eventually work my way up.

So thoughts? Will this show some change in my body as I have never used weights before will this get my thighs more defined and a "gap" if I do this along side my cardio?as I say my hips/thighs are my main areas I want to target rest of my body is OK I fat can not be targeted but will this help?..

Thank in advance


  • Tomm88
    Tomm88 Posts: 733 Member
    It looks good but it's alot of volume for a beginner, give a few weeks and if you're really feeling burned from all the work look up stronglifts 5x5 on the internet, It's a beginner programme that focusses on the big lifts. Good luck:)
    XLMACX Posts: 346 Member
    Thanks love going to look up 5x5 lifting few have advised this.x
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    the thigh gap is genetic, down to width of pelvis and angles of your thigh bones. some people (including me) will never have it and thats the end of it. no amount of leg exercises will make you have this if your body is not designed that way.
    Its good to see proper lifts like clean & press and squats in your program, Id say for a beginner 3 types of squat is not necessary, and maybe add another upper back exercise like bent over rows. I am the same shape as you, was always 1-2 sizes bigger on bottom, now im an 8-10 top and a 10 bottom, doing more upper back work to build up my top half has balanced out my bigger bottom half :-)
    XLMACX Posts: 346 Member
    Thanks Hun and I think what other people and I consider a thigh gal are totally different, by thigh gap I mean just so the fat at top of my thighs are not touching and there is a bit of a gap not a massive u bend in between my legs lol. As for advise on the squats thank you it did seem quite a lot I think I will drop the "even wider stance squat" and add some other back exercise thank you. X
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    I have been quite active for years now it's always been my diet that's caused my weight to yo yo but I have never stopped working out. I have always paid attention to cardio but after doing research and reading many posts on here I have learnt the best way to burn fat, change body shape and get "the thigh gap" is lifting weights combined with cardio.

    You already said the problem is your diet. Until you fix that, permanently, i wouldn't expect to see any changes.
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    My thighs still touch slightly, they did used to rub at top so there is definite improvement. I'm 5'5, 145lbs and around 25% body fat. If I lost any more weight my top half would be too skinny! I just got back off holiday, put on 8lbs and thighs are very slightly rubbing again, so even 10lbs could make a big difference, I'd just keep at it and see where the weight comes off.

    Ps focus more on measurements / body fat readings not weight, weight training will make you heavier but smaller and less flabby. I weigh 145lbs but am a uk10. Last time I was this size and doing only cardio I weighed 130!!!
    XLMACX Posts: 346 Member
    Thanks Hun I will struggle with that because I'm all about the number on the scale! But I will stick at it, xx
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    It takes a while to get your head round the scale not being the most important thing! I only lost 10lbs in the last year, but went down from a 12 to an 8-10. It gets easier to ignore the scale once you start seeing changes :-)
    You have to think...would rather be 150lbs and a size 10, or 130lbs and a size 12?