Keep sabotaging myself

I'm sooo mad at myself right now. Had 3 good days this week and 4 bad ones. Really bad. I have a binge eating problem. Fried food, beer, Ice cream kind of binges. I'm visiting my parents for a few weeks right now and not to blame them (What I put in my mouth is my responsibility) but they are such bad influences!! How do you find will power guys? I can't have even one more of these days- eating so much to make myself sick mentally and physically.


  • denizfindigi
    I cannot help myself with alcohol sometimes as well but when it is the case I always leave some calories and carbs until the end of the night and mostly it is when I drink.

    For me what works best is having a very small piece of what I crave (like a single strip of french fries) and tell myself that the next one will not taste better or worse and since I have the experience now I can move on : )

    Do not make yourself feel bad, 3 good days in a week is still better than 2 or 1 good days - concentrate on making that 3, 4 and then that 4 5 if you cannot do it otherwise. Take one step at a time!
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    I have binges and sometimes you can't do much but roll with them. Log honestly don't try and kid yourself and try not to beat yourself up too hard. I've pretty much cut alcohol as it causes major binges for me. Yesterday was the first time in nearly 3mths I'd drank & yep it resulted in me going over my cals today.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I tell myself I have to take care of myself. I try to remember why I decided go lose weight in the first place, how bad I felt, how bad I looked. I have to discipline myself or else I lose respect for myself and wonder why anyone else would respect me. I don't want to go back there.
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    I think I do myself in with my wine habit. Won't say how much I drink in wine consumption.
  • jaimeaa2014
    jaimeaa2014 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks everyone. I don't know why I can't just REMEMBER how awful I feel after a binge. Like, I want to cry every time it happens but then a day or two goes by and it's like selective amnesia. Good advice to just cut out alcohol completely.. I'll try that because it always leads to more eating for me. Ugh I am so so mad at myself right now!!!
  • Deedle7544
    Deedle7544 Posts: 185 Member
    I think I do myself in with my wine habit. Won't say how much I drink in wine consumption.

    Me too - so I started making wine cocktails, 2/3 sparkling water and 1/3 wine. Saves on the budget too!
  • AnthonyThrashD
    AnthonyThrashD Posts: 306 Member
    The path to success is rarely a straight line, and twice as long as imagined.
  • Sarahsteve7kids
    Sarahsteve7kids Posts: 146 Member
    For me the binges continued until I gave up beer! Beer made me lazy, drink more beer, and eat everything I could get my hands on. I spent the last 7plus years trying to lose weight only to get derailed by 'just one beer'! Been losing now for four weeks with out a single binge and I believe it is because I gave up beer! Would never had believed before that 20 pounds could just fall off! Good luck!!
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    Are you eating enough on "normal" days? I used to eat less than 1200 calories a day, and then totally binge on weekends because I felt so deprived. It wasn't until I started eating at LEAST 1700 a day, and learning about macronutrients (protein!!!) that my binges are much less and involved much less food!!!
  • Josh_lol
    Josh_lol Posts: 317 Member
    I'm really bad at saying no to junk foods. I live in a house full of the stuff atm and it's really hard to get started again. I've been yoyoing over the past few months and it sucks.
  • Kath1391
    Kath1391 Posts: 138
    I know it's hard,but tomorrow is a fresh day!. I binged abit yesterday and I felt terrible.but today is a new day and I can start alot better :) Good luck! x
  • TiberiusClaudis
    TiberiusClaudis Posts: 423 Member
    I pre populate my food diary the night before or the early morning. I do most of cooking in the house so I'm pretty sure what's for dinner. I get as close to my MACROs as I can without going over, and I build in some snacks (like a cookie) but first and foremost I make sure I get adequate protein.

    Then as the day goes by, I make adjustments. Like tonight I had a smaller lamb chop than I usually do, so I made adjustments.

    When the binge feeling comes up, I go to my diary and bargin with myself. What am I willing to give up and still meet my MACROs? But remember, I MUST hit my proteins MACRO for the negotiating that.

    Most of the time it works. But when I'm away from home and/or eatting out, it is more difficult as I don't have as much control. But I think after you do this for a while, you KNOW when you are approaching your limits. Then you ask yourself what do you want more...the "goal I'm trying or have succeed" or that additional piece of cake.

    Good luck..and as others have stated we ALL have cheat days/meals. Most of us aren't perfect. But the great thing is, tomorrow, we are back to a new beginning.
  • ShaunMc1968
    ShaunMc1968 Posts: 204
    I tend to be very good for about 6 days in a row then binge on the 7th. This is not through choice but weakness on my part. I find if I totally abstain I am ok but the minute it breaks down - all hell lets loose. Too much wine, too big a portion, a little nibble of something sweet at the end. Pretty poor really. But, todays a new day and I am here to fight. Good luck with your journey.
  • mirkonifpfs
    Hang in there. Binges are my number one enemy too. There are days i don't even to look at the ammounts i've eaten after a binge, or even calculate rougly the cals. What works for me the last month is an honest talk with myself (through down my thoughts i find out many causes of the binges). Then i try to eliminate those causes.

    And even when i have already done it and can't change it, i try the hardest the next days. Sometimes i do a waterfast to feel connected with my body again and remind my body what hunger feels like and how much better i feel without swallowing big ammounts of food first chance i get.

    I work out more the next days to minimize the damage and i keep reminnding myself that even if i manage not to gain in a binge-week that doesn't mean i lost either. In the end of the day, all that matters is why you're doing this whole weigh-loss thing. If it's for healthy (physically AND psychologically) reasons you'll steadilly find your balances.
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    I think I do myself in with my wine habit. Won't say how much I drink in wine consumption.

    Me too - so I started making wine cocktails, 2/3 sparkling water and 1/3 wine. Saves on the budget too!

    Good idea. Pair it with my favorite sparkling water, Perrier.
  • dt3312
    dt3312 Posts: 212 Member
    You sound just like how I used to be. Forgive me if you already saw my post elsewhere, but this book really has helped me so much...Breaking Free From Emotional Eating by Geneen Roth. Example: In my house I currently have 4 bags of choc chips (one open), 2 bags of MnMs (one open), carton of icecream (open), 3 doz. cookies in freezer, 2 Lindt chocolate bars, one opened. I haven't binged on any of it. A typical day. Yesterday I had 6 MnMs and I was satisfied with it. Before I followed this book, I would binge all evening until I felt sick.
  • OmegaAlpha007
    OmegaAlpha007 Posts: 70 Member
    Plan your days ahead of time,.. if you really cant get away from a bad habit.. allow yourself to make mistakes..

    I cant get away from chocolate.. so every other day I allowed myself a chocolate bar.. then every 3 days.. then every 5 days.. etc

    now I cant remember the last time I had a chocolate bar (2 weeks ago :p)
  • scb515
    scb515 Posts: 133 Member
    Thanks everyone. I don't know why I can't just REMEMBER how awful I feel after a binge. Like, I want to cry every time it happens but then a day or two goes by and it's like selective amnesia. Good advice to just cut out alcohol completely.. I'll try that because it always leads to more eating for me. Ugh I am so so mad at myself right now!!!

    If you really can't remember, why not write your feelings down? Then next time you're tempted, you can look at that list of regret and use it to motivate you.