TOM time, calling all my lady friends

Hey gals, question for yall. its about our monthly mother-nature gift and all that comes with it.

Is this "whoosh" thing a myth?

I started my period on Monday. I had terrible bloating and cramping monday and tuesday, and after that everything was fine. Finally finished my period today. EXCEPT, that my lowest weight was on monday, 179.6 and has slowly been increasing all week. This morning I was 183.0

I've heard its not good to weigh yourself during your period, which I understand, but this is my first cycle while losing weight and im curious how the scale is changing it. Ive eaten really healthy during the day and then had a sugary treat at night but nothing crazy in calories. Havent really been exercising but ive been drinking a ton of water.

Ive heard a few days after a period people see a downward whoosh on the scale. Is this a myth? how long after does it normally take to see the whoosh?


  • LondonSuz
    LondonSuz Posts: 166 Member
    I weigh in weekly, this week's been my period so I didn't weigh in as know it won't accurately reflect where I am and period/bloating/water retention will affect my weight right now. I know I've stayed within goals this week and will check my progress next weekend at my weigh in.
  • Napier_mum
    Napier_mum Posts: 88 Member
    I am a daily weigher (I know, I shouldn't do it! But I like to see how much it can change) Anyway, the day my period starts is often a really low weight day for me then it increases over the week then goes back to a more normal weigh a day or two after it finishes. I usually don't hit that really low weight again for a while though. Not sure why it is. I guess you must just retain water etc throughout the week.
  • julez4774
    julez4774 Posts: 80 Member
    i usually wait and weigh myself few days later because i have bad toms swell up bad i still eat healthly and try excercise has eased alittle with excercise though
  • GreenIceFloes
    GreenIceFloes Posts: 1,491 Member
    Not a myth. Give it a couple of days. I generally gain around 5 lbs during Tom. If I've eaten normally (no overindulging and no drinking), I lose the bloat on the last day of my period, but sometimes it can be as soon as on the 4th day, and sometimes it can even take up to 2-3 days after it ends. It's taking longer this time, probably because I've indulged in binge drinking twice in the past week. And eaten a LOT of carbs - way more than my limit.
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    I am at my height when I suppose I ovulate - 2 weeks before my period. I sit there till it starts and then boom, I go down 2kg. Over the next 2 weeks it goes back up.

    As such I only trust what i weigh once a month. I weigh far more often than that of course - but I don't expect to weigh exactly what my dieting says I should. And I know that what goes around comes around - so i'll have that variation even as I slowly lose weight.