What we (I) do to lose weight

binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
I have no idea why I was thinking about this today. I did my usual daily weigh in and I was up .8 pounds. No worries, but it got me thinking. I went into reports, which I rarely use. I looked at my progress over 90 days and was shocked to find I had lost 15 pounds in 3 months. I am pretty sure the majority of that is fat. I don’t think I have lost that much muscle mass and I am still making gains in my weights. I realized I focus so much on dropping that next pound; I have developed tunnel vision and fail to see the progress I have made.

Next I took my first set of supplements. My knees are hurting after playing volleyball, so I have added glucosemine to my regimen. So I thought about everything I do to lose weight. Here is a glimpse.

First thing in the morning, I pee and weight myself. Then I take my ECA stack (ephedra/caffeine/aspirin/yohimbine) and go make breakfast. While eating, I then take my Animal Pak vitamins and 3 glucosemine tablets (this is 18 tablets so far). During my work day, I try to make sure I drink at least 10-15 glasses of water. An hour before my lunch, I take my ECA stack again (22 total pills now). An hour before my workout, I take my Jack3d in prep for lifting. I fill 1 insulated water bottle with my BCAA’s and another with my whey protein and milk. I sip my BCAA’s throughout my workout and take my protein between my lifting and my cardio. I spend about 2 hours at the gym (an hour lifting and an hour of cardio). I go home in hopes of getting 7 hours of sleep.

I am not writing this to say I am more dedicated than anyone else. If anything, I might need to obsess less. What I wonder is, when I reach my goal weight, what in the hell am I going to do will all my free time?


  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    when I reach my goal weight, what in the hell am I going to do will all my free time?

    Wouldn't you keep doing what you're doing to maintain??
  • baypathgradLyns
    baypathgradLyns Posts: 639 Member
    you lost me after Animal pak.....that is a lot of pills!

    (I assume-not speaking from experience) Once you reach your goal weight, it will be still somewhat like what you are doing now, because you will try to maintain... ??
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    when I reach my goal weight, what in the hell am I going to do will all my free time?

    Wouldn't you keep doing what you're doing to maintain??
    You now hear a crashing thud of my hopes to free up time to learn basket weaving.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    you lost me after Animal pak.....that is a lot of pills!

    (I assume-not speaking from experience) Once you reach your goal weight, it will be still somewhat like what you are doing now, because you will try to maintain... ??
    Animal Paks are multivitamins/performance enhancers/biotic tablets (11 tablets in 1 pack)
  • amandapratt
    amandapratt Posts: 177 Member
    when I reach my goal weight, what in the hell am I going to do will all my free time?

    Wouldn't you keep doing what you're doing to maintain??
    You now hear a crashing thud of my hopes to free up time to learn basket weaving.

    Try underwater basket weaving - it's a workout and entertainment all in one! :laugh:
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    Do you really feel that taking all of those pills is helping your efforts? Or do you think that you would have the same results with out them and more $$ in your pocket?
    I have a hard time with all that junk. My goal is to live with out all the pills....
  • skinnyclothes
    Hopefully you won't be taking so many pills after lol. But in your free time you will be able to do what you want with out any restrictions! I'm sure thats not to hard to figure out something to do.. Keep up the good work you are making progress. It may just be water weight. Don't let 8lbs get you down. Good luck.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Do you really feel that taking all of those pills is helping your efforts? Or do you think that you would have the same results with out them and more $$ in your pocket?
    I have a hard time with all that junk. My goal is to live with out all the pills....
    I am fairly critical of what I take. I do research. I know the ECA stack is very effective, but I know I have to put in the work also. Given the recent data in multivitamins, I might discard those, but my veggie/fruit intake is lacking. If anything, i would replace those with fish oil and green tea.
    Taking pills is a personal choice. I don't criticize either way. I am just going to use something that will get me there a little quicker.
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    when I reach my goal weight, what in the hell am I going to do will all my free time?

    I was thinking about this in the shower lastnight, LOL. What am I going to do? What will my new goals be? Will I try to lose more? Tone up? Start training for my Half? hmm.
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    Do you really feel that taking all of those pills is helping your efforts? Or do you think that you would have the same results with out them and more $$ in your pocket?
    I have a hard time with all that junk. My goal is to live with out all the pills....
    I am fairly critical of what I take. I do research. I know the ECA stack is very effective, but I know I have to put in the work also. Given the recent data in multivitamins, I might discard those, but my veggie/fruit intake is lacking. If anything, i would replace those with fish oil and green tea.
    Taking pills is a personal choice. I don't criticize either way. I am just going to use something that will get me there a little quicker.

    I agree. My husband does Advocare ... he swears by it but to me it's a lot of pills and powder - more than I want to fool with. I just stick with Shakeology once a day. It works for me, his works for him. :glasses: Find your groove and groove with it in confidence.
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    Do you really feel that taking all of those pills is helping your efforts? Or do you think that you would have the same results with out them and more $$ in your pocket?
    I have a hard time with all that junk. My goal is to live with out all the pills....
    I am fairly critical of what I take. I do research. I know the ECA stack is very effective, but I know I have to put in the work also. Given the recent data in multivitamins, I might discard those, but my veggie/fruit intake is lacking. If anything, i would replace those with fish oil and green tea.
    Taking pills is a personal choice. I don't criticize either way. I am just going to use something that will get me there a little quicker.

    I agree. My husband does Advocare ... he swears by it but to me it's a lot of pills and powder - more than I want to fool with. I just stick with Shakeology once a day. It works for me, his works for him. :glasses: Find your groove and groove with it in confidence.

    Thanks you two. This is the response that I was looking for.
    I think that I have come pretty far with out them.
    I was thinking about doing something (Shakeology was one of them) but will all the junk that is out there it can get confusing on what is good for you and what is, well, junk.
    Think I'll stick to the all natural way that I have been going.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Where are you getting ephedra? I know what yohembe does *wink.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Where are you getting ephedra? I know what yohembe does *wink.
    You can get ephedra in Bronkaid and primatine tablets.

    Yes...yohimbine is a vasodilator, but that isn't why i take it. It has also been shown to decrease fat synthesis by increasing fatty acid mobilization.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    A 15 lbs loss, especially if that is all or mostly fat, is excellent going. To put it into context check out this link:


    It shows what a mere 5lb of body fat looks like. Frightening.

    However, talk about suffering for your art. ECA and Jack3d? Seriously? I'm not your Mum so I'm not gonna lecture you but duuuuuuuude. I guess if you have weighed up the pros and cons and you find it acceptable then I'm not gonna change your mind. I won't even try. Personally, I think supplements are massively over priced snake oil and have minimal benefits (unless you're juicing that is...) and some can damage health but that's just me.

    As to your question, well the world's your oyster. What about working on flexibility? Get into different sports like MMA? I've always fancied sprinting so I may look into that (if I ever reach my goal that is!) I wouldn't take up competitive basket weaving though. Some of those Grandmothers can be vicious with their knitting needles.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    A 15 lbs loss, especially if that is all or mostly fat, is excellent going. To put it into context check out this link:


    It shows what a mere 5lb of body fat looks like. Frightening.

    However, talk about suffering for your art. ECA and Jack3d? Seriously? I'm not your Mum so I'm not gonna lecture you but duuuuuuuude. I guess if you have weighed up the pros and cons and you find it acceptable then I'm not gonna change your mind. I won't even try. Personally, I think supplements are massively over priced snake oil and have minimal benefits (unless you're juicing that is...) and some can damage health but that's just me.

    As to your question, well the world's your oyster. What about working on flexibility? Get into different sports like MMA? I've always fancied sprinting so I may look into that (if I ever reach my goal that is!) I wouldn't take up competitive basket weaving though. Some of those Grandmothers can be vicious with their knitting needles.
    I need to work on flexibility most definitely and wouldn't mind doing yoga. While taking ECA three times a day (the 3rd dose an hour before my workout and that was 400mg caffeine and 1 ephedra), I had a full body checkup (yes, i still get night sweats) and my BP and pulse were 100% normal. So dropping the 3rd dose and adding Jack3d is actually lowering stimulant. I agree about pre-made supplements, especially thermogenics.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Well, if your BP and HR are normal then that seems ok. If I am honest ECA is the only thing I have ever been tempted to take...but I still prefer the natural route.

    Yoga? Hmmm, sitting in a room surrounded lots of incredibly flexible women in leotards practising the lotus position? I could be tempted ;)
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I read on someone's blog that once she reached maintanance she still couldn't slow down and stop working out and all. Sure, when you reach maintanance you may end up cutting back on some of the supplements but the workout is going to be just as intense. But that is where the love of exercise comes into play. I love to exercise and even when I was drinking and eating everything in sight I still worked out religiously. Maintanance is really just more clean calories and at that time you would have learned more about nutrition and how to make it work for your body. You can still take up basket weaving, maybe on the weekends. :tongue:

    For someone that wants to get this done and never have to make this journey again this almost has to become a hobby.
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    The progress doesn't always show in the weight loss. Hell, I've dropped 16 pounds since the beginning of November, but I've stalled recently (after finally breaking my last plateau I quickly landed on another). It's been kind of upsetting, when I only look at the scale...but pictures, and measurements help put it back into perspective. My before and in progress photos are pretty different (not posted yet...I will at the start on February). I also put on a pair of pants today that I haven't worn since the start of this journey...there is easily a 2 - 2.5 inch gap between my waist and the pants now. I had to use my favorite belt to hold them up, and now that belt is on the last hole! It's crazy!

    The journey doesn't just stop when you reach your goal weight. You have to work hard to keep it there. Getting into the mindset like edorice mentioned is pretty key. You have to want it.
  • kellybelly113
    kellybelly113 Posts: 60 Member
    What I wonder is, when I reach my goal weight, what in the hell am I going to do will all my free time?

    Date A LOT!! lol ;)
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