10 Things You Need To Know About Weightloss

SkinnyScripty Posts: 42
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Did anyone catch this show on BBC 1 tonight? I found it incredibly interesting and informative. A really well made show about the science of weightloss. Fantastic tips and brilliant facts! I highly recommended watching this! I enjoyed it so much I'm going to watch it again now incase I missed anything whilst I was gushing about it on twitter ;)



  • bsoxluvr
    bsoxluvr Posts: 183 Member
    I can't watch it because I'm in the US :sad: Any tips you can share?
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    I can't watch it because I'm in the US :sad: Any tips you can share?

    :frown: Ditto. Bummer..
  • Aww really?? I thought iplayer was available in the US now!

    Well apart from the obvious (keeping detailed food diaries and calorie counting ;)), it showed how soups and high protein diets keep you feeling fuller for longer, info about the science of exercise and how you keep burning even after you stop working out. Experiments proving that moving just slightly more than you were before will even help with weightloss, and a really fascinating study proving that a calcium actually clings onto the fat cells in your stomach and you tend to poop out more fat instead of it just going into storage. A dude ate the exact same calories in one week that he did in the 2nd, but in the 2nd week had high calcium, and pooped out double the amount of fat that he did in the 1st. Amazing!
  • bsoxluvr
    bsoxluvr Posts: 183 Member
    The calcium part is fantastic to know! Bring on the cheese!!
  • It did keep stressing as long as you keep counting calories! :D Which I loved. Its the only way! As we all know ;)
  • yip i watched it,i wont feel to guilty now if a have some bacon in my scrambled egg this weekend,plus in the winter months i always have soup for lunch 3 or 4 times a week and its true you dont feel hungry till much later in the day
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    We all used to see those commercials about low-fat dairy products and skim milk to help reduce body fat.. I originally assumed it was the calcium, but after research, found that it's the Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA), a naturally occurring free fatty acid found mainly in meat and dairy products, that has the effect on body fat. It interferes with a substance in your body called lipoprotein lipase that helps store fat in your body, and it helps your body use its existing fat for energy.

    But you know how this country likes to blow things out of proportion (remember when they said Mt. Dew caused infertility because of a certain dye used? -- Yeah, in amounts impossible to be consumes purely by drinking lots of Mt. Dew). So the only problem with this is that meat and dairy products only contain small amounts, and it has been shown that we need 3400mg of it in order to have an effect.. Which is where supplements come in. However, I am in no way stating that they will replace the need for low-fat dairy products in our diets for other purposes!

    I'll have to do my research on the calcium link.. Thanks for filling us in!
  • AmberBarrios
    AmberBarrios Posts: 394 Member
    OH wow good to know. I am going to start taking my calcium suppliments again starting tomorrow!
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    *bumping for later*
  • Hi all,

    I've seen a couple of documentaries about it and they're great, really informative. For all the people in the US there is (at least) one in youtube, this is the first part:


    Enjoy it!

  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    For those of us in the USA you can see the video here:

  • dwarfer22
    dwarfer22 Posts: 358 Member
  • I watched it this afternnon and it was very interesting.

    My concern was the man weighing in at 185ish pounds, was in a scientific laboratory, on a treadmill for 90 minutes at 4 miles per hour on an uphill gradient and he only burned 196 cals which was calculated by new technology tools. When I do this exercise my treadmill says 650 cals burned or my hrm says 400 cals burned. If we add these to our food or only half of them we will go over our intake for the day. The good news is the cals that keep burning after the exercise.

    I don't add exercise cals on anyway but I have friends that put the whole lot on and now I don't think the counting of exercise cals can be accurate.

    Great programme and everyone would enjoy it if they could access it.
  • *bump*

    That calorie burn thing bothered me too actually. He would have burned far more off, and probably did.
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