Lets do this!

ok... so I have been putting this off... and putting this off mean while going up up up in pants sizes... I used to love shopping now dread it... I am also so tired and lazy... I want to be more active with my daughter... for my daughter! Time to take control and make this happen! I am new to this site anyone who would like to friend me I appreciate! Thank you already for your support!


  • heyitsmekatie
    heyitsmekatie Posts: 544 Member
    nice to meet ya! this is my 5th day, so i'm pretty new too. best of luck!
  • Kara78155
    I agree! Life is too short to not do this and love every moment of it!
    Here's to willpower=)
  • Buckwheat38
    Welcome aboard the healthy way!!! i'm fairly new too and this is by far the best tool i've found to help me and have all the support i need
  • lfondots
    lfondots Posts: 216 Member
    Hi!!! Welcome!!! I love the site. I haven't lost many pounds but have started losing inches. One thing to do to keep yourself motivated is get one of the tapes to measure key areas. I measure once a month. It is always fun to see the results even if you don't see the scale move. Good luck!!! You are on the right track just coming here.
