crap metabolism!!

CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
What am i doing wrong!? I am not losing weight!!! I stay under calories and work out everyday!! I dont get it!!!! so annoying!!! and its not a plateau....Lost 13 lbs initially....and that was right before I joined MFP(at the end of Nov) since then I have only lost 3 lbs!!! three freaking pounds!! workout for atleast a half an hour everyday and most days it is an hour or more!!!!! and i am staying under cals....aside from maybe 4 days(cheat days) and they were not in row....Why is my metabolism soooo crappy!!! I am only 22 years old!!!


  • Jourdan_Rystrom
    Jourdan_Rystrom Posts: 176 Member
    That happened to me too. It's hard when you get close to what you want and then your body says "Nope I wanna stay here! This is a good weight". BLEH, body! NO!

    I started taking one capsule of OxyElitePro a day (been at it for a week now) and it has broken me out of my plateau. I would suggest at least giving it a try, but its not a permanent solution :)
  • amymt10
    amymt10 Posts: 271 Member
    I hear ya!! I recently gained 5lbs! i dont know how. I was at my goal and i know 5lbs is not that much, but now I cant get it off!!! Errr..
  • Are your measurements changing at all? It may be the muscle you are building? Good luck!
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    For me personally, whenever I hit a plateau in my weight loss I knew it was because I wasn't eating enough. What do you have your weight loss set at? 2 pounds a week? 1 pound? I would set it to loose less each week. If at 2, set it to 1.5. I started out at 1200 calories, loosing 2 pounds a week. When my body finally decided to try that on for size, loose the weight and then plateau, I knew it was time to move it to 1.5 pound loss a week. Which then upped my calories. Went with that for a while, plateaued, lowered it to a 1 pound loss a week...and so on. As I lost weight and didn't have as much to loose, I didn't need to starve myself more. I needed to feed it more! Whenever I plateaued in my journey...which was WAY too much, lol, it was usually because I was eating too little and not vice versa. And whenever I did this, I wasn't just loosing the 1 pound a week. I would loose 2 or 3.

    You can always try it and see how it works! Its a scary thing to try to eat MORE when you are trying to LOSE weight. But its worth a shot!!! Worked for me!
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    Your diary is not open, so I can't see what you are eating or how much. If you are eating too little, your weight loss will stall. It may not be under 1200 calories, but if it is too low for your body, it will rebel. If you are trying to lose 2 pounds a week, cut it back to 1.5 or 1 pound and see if that changes things. Eat some of your exercise calories, your body needs fuel. If you are eating too much processed foods, your sodium levels may be high. Try to eat fresh foods more often. And lastly, drink your water! If you open your diary, let me know and I will take a closer look. :smile:
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    You might not be eating enough. Don't be under your calorie goal, try to meet it. That's why it's your goal. It's not a maximum allowance. You might even try increasing your daily goal. To jump start your metabolism. If you get too little to eat for long enough your metabolism will slow down and you won't lose.
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    my body does the same thing so I confused it....several day I'll eat right at my limit (1200) regardless of exercize (about 400 extra calories a day) and then on the day were I do a hard workout (i.e. my long run for marathon training where I may burn 900 calroeis or more) I'll eat nearly all of my calories back (usually about 1800 caloreis). This seems to confuse my body for some reason (sh!! dont tell it i told you my secret). Just stuck with it and EVENTUALLY the pounds will come off. They seem to come off in 5-7 lb bursts over 3 weeks for me then will slow down to just a pound for several weeks. I think its a test to your determination. Stick with it girlie! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
  • notsosimplyabby
    notsosimplyabby Posts: 138 Member
    My doctor told me in order to speed up my metabolism I needed to be eating small amounts often. So, I eat breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack (last snack need to be way light like a grapefruit half.)

    That has helped my metabolism a lot, hope it will work for you as well!
  • DeBlue
    DeBlue Posts: 254 Member
    You could also try changing up your workouts. Add fast bursts every so often to confuse your muscles and increase the burn. Example if walking, walk a challenging pace for 4 minutes, then for 1 minute walk an insanely faster pace. Or try a different type of workout entirely. Anything new helps rev things up again. It can help break the plateau blahs!
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Haven't read all the posts on here so I might be repeating. Eat AT LEAST 1200 calories a day. If you are gaining any kind of muscle that will mess up the numbers on the scale. Instead of focusing on the number on the scale try getting a measuring tape or a Body Fat caliper and go by inches lost and how your clothes fit.
  • The answer is don't CHEAT!!! (easier said than done) keep up the good work - STAY FOCUSED. Good Luck!
  • Cristy_AZ
    Cristy_AZ Posts: 986
    Sometimes you have to go by your measurements not your weight. Might try changing up your workout routine. Also when are you working out? I heard that working out in the morning helps speed up metabolism all day. Are you counting fat and carbs too? or just calories? Keep at it and good luck!!
  • NanBar
    NanBar Posts: 283 Member
    The answer is don't CHEAT!!! (easier said than done) keep up the good work - STAY FOCUSED. Good Luck!

    I respectfully say this, there is more to losing weight than "not cheating".She may not be doing a set "diet" but working for a lifestyle change that promotes weight loss by eating healthy foods but may include all kinds of foods- but in balanced numbers.

    When this kind of lifestyle change takes place the body goes through many different kinds of changes, and there are different types of solutions to helping the body overcome problems it may have in adapting to these changes.
  • You might not be eating enough. Don't be under your calorie goal, try to meet it. That's why it's your goal. It's not a maximum allowance. You might even try increasing your daily goal. To jump start your metabolism. If you get too little to eat for long enough your metabolism will slow down and you won't lose.

    This. It looks like you're completely ignoring the workout calories you gain and therefore netting well under 1000 calories a day. It's likely that your body needs some more food. Try slowly adjusting to eat back some of those exercise calories. I say slowly because if you jump from the very small amount of food you're eating now to the full amount recommended your metabolism, which is running on low, will have problems handling all the food and you might see minimal gain. You might anyway, but you really need to eat more than it looks like you are in your diary.
  • I am having the same problem.

    I lost 7#s in the first 1 1/2-2 weeks. I have checked my measurements and am losing there too. I am doing walk/jog intervals on the treadmill that burns 500 calories in 47 minutes (found in article w/jillian in Self mag (I think)). My daily cals are set to 1200, but if I get more from the exercise, I will eat those as well. Not always every single one, but most. I stick with whole foods 95% of the time and have been incorporating a little dairy (light cheese sticks and 0% fage yogurt) and lean proteins back in too.

    I feel like I am doing the work, but my question is: does drinking the appropriate amount of water help with losing weight? That is the one area where I fail. I get so busy that I forget to drink. I have been trying top do better though!
  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    My doctor told me in order to speed up my metabolism I needed to be eating small amounts often. So, I eat breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack (last snack need to be way light like a grapefruit half.)

    That has helped my metabolism a lot, hope it will work for you as well!

    I totally agree with what she mentioned. The same has worked for me. I eat plenty - every day - and get in about 5 meals. I love it! And as long as I've done that with exercise and tons of water I've lost weight. I'm only about 7-8 lbs from my goal weight so I think this is really helping my metabolism.

    Good Luck! :smile:
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