Meals not heavy in veggies?

So this is going to sound horrible, but I pretty much despise vegetables. I really only like corn, cooked carrots, and green beans. Yes, I'm aware this is a problem, but I just can't make myself like them! All of the healthy recipes I find seem to be comprised of 90% veggies, but I want to find healthy recipes that aren't veggies with a side of more veggies.

If anyone has any suggestions that'd be GREAT! Thanks! :)


  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Nothing to give you recipe-wise, but just here to say im the same as you. I hate all veggies. I wish i didnt, but i do. But, even with that, i have had success. I take my supplements, and yes i know they arent replacements, but its better than nothing. So dont think you HAVE to eat veggies to lose weight. :)
  • Krikit34
    Krikit34 Posts: 125 Member
    Try recipes at
  • This is a really hard one because, in essence, to eat healthy means to get a balanced diet (which includes fruits and vegetables).

    Have you tried cooking your veggies differently or in something?

    I find that raw vegetables just make me tired of eating them so quickly. But if I can make chicken that was cooked with a bunch of onions, red peppers, tomatoes, etc, then I don't mind the veggies because they have a great flavor to them.

    That might be a good place to start!

    Or, since you like corn, try to find recipes that incorporate corn along with other veggies, that way you don't mind eating them *as much*.

    If you've tried all of these things and they just don't work for you, try searching for kid-friendly healthy meals. Kids don't usually like their veggies, so most of those meals are made to disguise/hide or otherwise avoid the taste of vegetables in your foods.
  • Diamond1014
    Diamond1014 Posts: 20 Member
    Ok so I am kind of in the same boat as you, I am not a vegetable lover but I have decided to try and add one new veggie per week to my meals. I have added TINY diced up yellow squash and cant even taste it :) also sugar snap peas, again diced up tiny. I find if I dice it up really small and add it to whatever I'm cooking i'm getting the nutrients and not eating a hunk of something I don't like.
    I recently did a veggie lasagna with mushrooms, onion, tomato, sugar snap peas, yellow squash and my newest veggie asparagus.. put it with 1/4 cup (for single serving) of pasta sauce and 1/4 cup of light cheese and all i could taste was the sauce! Low can and SUPER yummy, also a great one for adding one veggie each time to :)
  • fittestpal
    fittestpal Posts: 94 Member
    Well you have to have veggies for your body to change regardless of your goals. My favorite is dry broccoli roasted on a pan at 425° for 20mins with fresh garlic salt and pepper. When it comes out throw some fresh lemon juice and grated paramesan cheese on it. It's delicious
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Well you have to have veggies for your body to change regardless of your goals. My favorite is dry broccoli roasted on a pan at 425° for 20mins with fresh garlic salt and pepper. When it comes out throw some fresh lemon juice and grated paramesan cheese on it. It's delicious

    Well, clearly, you dont. My body has changed literally beyond recognition for the better, and i dont eat veggies.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Look at food as a resource for your health and not a comfort system. This will greatly improve your consumption of vegetables.
  • earthboundmisfit
    earthboundmisfit Posts: 192 Member
    Do you like spaghetti sauce? If so you can make it with pureed veggies and you won't taste them all that much. If you like fruit you can get lots of vitamins from brighly colored fruit like strawberries, blueberries and cantaloupe.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    You may be over thinking it. Just eat what you like in smaller portions (that's what I do, with minimal vegetable consumption) and don't stress about other things.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    You may be over thinking it. Just eat what you like in smaller portions (that's what I do, with minimal vegetable consumption) and don't stress about other things.
  • jmascoll
    jmascoll Posts: 1
    You ever thought of making green smoothies. Message me and I will try to help you prepare them. I am a certified raw vegan chef…
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Do you like potatoes and onions? I make a dish that is very simple and includes turkey kielbasa, carrots, potatoes and onions. Is it super healthy? I don't know but it's super delicious. :)
    You may be over thinking it. Just eat what you like in smaller portions (that's what I do, with minimal vegetable consumption) and don't stress about other things.

    This is also very good advice.
  • hrissolo
    hrissolo Posts: 2
    i'm vegan so all I really enjoy eating is fruits and veggies BUT if you like fruit or making fruit smoothies, a great way to get veggies in is adding them to your smoothie! Greens like spinach and kale in a strawberry banana smoothie - you can't taste them at all. it will provide you with iron and vitamins that are vital for your health.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Do you like fruit? If so, then don't worry too much about the veggies, fruit plus green beans will give you a lot of vitamins and minerals.

    A healthy mean should contain:

    1. protein - a fairly large serving of this (meat, fish, eggs, dairy, beans)
    2. fat - include fatty foods that are high in EFAs and fat soluble vitamins e.g. nuts, egg yolks, oily fish, full fat dairy
    3. carbohydrate - adjust the amount of carbs to suit your activity levels (bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, sugary/sweet foods) if you're not that active you don't need that many carbs, if you're running marathons you need a ton of carbs
    4. fruit OR vegetables...... even fruit juice will give you the vitamins you need, get "not from concentrate" as it has more vitamins in it (the concentration process destroys some of the antioxidant vitamins and not all of them are added back again) - try to eat as wide a variety as you can cope with
    5 fibre.... fruit and veg provide this, but if you're not eating many fruits or veggies you'll need to get this from other sources, e.g. whole grains

    It's really hard to get scurvy, you have to have no fruit or veg for months on end to get it (although scurvy's not the only health risk from eating no fruit or veg at all)... if you're eating fruit, then you really don't have to worry about not eating vegetables. However if you're eating very little of either fruit or vegetables then you need to be certain you're getting your fibre from other sources and you may need to take a vitamin and mineral supplement, a dietitian can advise on which ones you should supplement (vitamin C is the obvious one but not the only one). If you're getting your vitamins from fruit juice bear in mind that the fibre has been removed in the juicing process so you need to get fibre from other sources.

    Basically, plan your meals following this advice and stay within your calorie goal.