I'm new to myfitnesspal

Hi, I have been struggling to lose weight for a long time. I find it really difficult to lose weight and stay motivated. I am a comfort eater. In the past I have lost loads of weight but find it so hard to lose it now. I work part time and I am a mom to 3 year old toddler. I really love to lose weight so I can wear nice clothes and feel good about myself when going out. I have struggled to lose weight on and off. I know I have to change my eating habits in order to lose weight by cutting down on sweet foods and fried foods. I'm not as active as I used to be. I need to be more positive and not give up easily. Easier said than done I know!! That is why I have joined myfitnesspal:smile:


  • eustaciavye
    eustaciavye Posts: 27 Member
  • Parminder123
    Thanku :smile: Hello 2 u 2
  • heatherws113
    Hey there! I am new to my fitness pal as well. I have struggles with my weight all my life...lost and got down to goal weight but have gained some back and working on losing it again. I know how it is just hard making myself do it. I guess that is all of us huh?
  • heatherws113
    Me again...question - how do you put your pic in your profile? Mine is showing up as blank and I can't figure out how to change that. TIA!
    Edit - NEVERMIND I got it :)
  • Parminder123
    Hiya, don't worry. We will lose weight. It will be hard at first but once it starts dropping off you will feel absolutely fantastic. Keeping it off is the hard bit. Been there. Lol I can see your profile picture. So you must have added it just fine:smile:
  • Humblepie1
    Humblepie1 Posts: 3 Member
    Good luck to you both. I have struggled all my life with my weight and although I have not a massive amount to lose do not want to go out as hate the way I llook. Onwards and upward to everyone.
  • JanaLee45
    JanaLee45 Posts: 3 Member
    Welcome! This site really works! I lost about 30 pounds a year or so ago, but since the weight is creeping back on, I need to recommit. I know we can do it, though! :-)
  • Parminder123
    Thank you. I'm going to try my best to stick to it. It's my first time I've joined the community forum. Through everyone's support we will lose the pounds:smile:
  • SteampunkSongbird
    SteampunkSongbird Posts: 826 Member
    I comfort eat a lot too. Good luck to you, I've found the food logging a massively helpful tool and have lost a few pounds when weight loss is normally quite hard for me, just being able to know when I'm eating at a calorie defecit has been great (and being able to still have treats so long as I keep within my calories/macros is fantastic for someone like me with a sweet tooth.) MFP is the first tool I've found that has worked for me that I can stick to, it can work for you too. :-)
  • Parminder123
    Hi, thank you for your message. Im enjoying using myfitnesspal app so far. Everyone are so supportive and lovely. It's taken me a couple of days to get used to cutting out sweet foods and the diary really helps to see where I am over indulging. Finding time to exercise is another one of my downfalls. Haven't incorporated any exercises into my diary yet. Been concentrating eliminating bad foods such as cakes and chocolate from my diet. I haven't eaten anything sweet today!! Been so difficult. The temptation was there. Going to try to not give into sweet foods this week.
  • Glossysweets
    Hi! I have a toddler too - and I can completely understand how difficult it can be to put in some time to exercise for yourself. Also, if sweets are your thing maybe I wouldn't cut them out completely but instead make healthier choices - and weigh everything (This is Key). I also love my fried foods (who doesn't, right?) Anyways, if you want some support add me as a friend. Welcome fellow mother of a toddler :)
  • maryowens1
    maryowens1 Posts: 8 Member
    I am past the toddler mom years (my kids are 14 and 10 now) and I remember how tiring it is to look after toddlers, but one thing that helped was building exercise into the day in small chunks. For example, during their nap time, doing a set of situps or 5 pushups. These can add up if you do them a few times a day. Also making up games with my kids, like 'airplane' which involved me lying on the living room floor and lifting up my kids on my feet (I'd be holding their hands) and 'flying' them on a ride. They loved this and I got some weight resistance exercise. Also chasing them playing tag at the park, climbing on the structures with them, etc.

    As they got older, I'd play whatever they were playing -- basketball at the outdoor court, foursquare at the park, jump rope, soccer, etc. We'd also do family swim time at the Y, and play swimming games like sharks and minnows, water volleyball, whatever. The main thing was to just keep moving.

    I've been on this site a few months and really want to encourage the exercise component, because you get to eat more and still lose weight over time. There is no way I could keep to my 'neutral' calorie intake of 1200 calories a day, I'd be ravenous. But walking, running, whatever -- allows me to eat more food and stay within my calorie count. You 'buy' more calorie allowance by exercising.