Five stone in 8 months...!

Hi, I'm looking for some weight loss 'buddies' to keep me on the straight and narrow...

I'm feeling very determined at the moment but I know I'm weak and willpower will flag!

I need to lose 5 stone (70 pound) by my 40th Birthday next February. I absolutely refuse to pass that milestone as the fat little bloater I see in the mirror these days. That is my ideal goal, if I don't hit it I will be happy enough as long as I have made a big dent in it over the next eight months.

I'm going to be restricting calories and increasing my exercise level which is currently zero.

I had to stop running after I strained the ligaments in my ankles and then suffered a couple of protruding discs so I need to work up to being able to run again and whilst I'm as heavy as I am I want to stick to low impact cardio - my elliptical trainer is the weapon of choice.

I used to do a lot of hill walking, cycling and gym and I loved it so I'm aiming to make it part of my lifestyle again not just for the next 8 months.

Anyone want to join me on the journey? ...please? :)


  • Dandman1990
    Dandman1990 Posts: 196 Member
    I'm just 5 days past the 8 month mark and I've lost a little over 5 stone, though I was exceptionally overweight to begin with. I'd actually lost about 6 1/2 but I spent the last 6 weeks feeling sorry for myself and binge eating again. I also did it with almost no exercise so it's definitely possible if you work for it, though I think it may be easier for me because I'm relatively young (23) and I've heard some stories about it getting harder as you get older (though I don't know if that is the case or not).

    I figure if I can manage it anyone can though :-)
  • ImeldaMGF
    ImeldaMGF Posts: 13
    Oh well done, I'm glad to hear it can be done even if you are a spring chicken in comparison. I hope you are passed the feeling sorry for yourself and binge eating now. :) can I add you?
  • Dandman1990
    Dandman1990 Posts: 196 Member
    Feel free :-) Heh, that's what three horrific essays and a 10,000 word dissertation did to me! :p As I just finished university I don't really have any excuses now, lol.