I want to start running

Any advice? I walk a lot. I love walking, just didn't know if their are any tips or runners advice.


  • AwesomeSquirrel
    AwesomeSquirrel Posts: 643 Member

    Look up the couch to 5 K program (often abbreviated C25K). These types of programs let you transition from a run-walk strategy with a progressive run-section increase to straight up running a 5K (3.1 miles) often over the course of 8-10 weeks. Have a look around to see what you might prefer, there are apps, podcasts (I recommend the NHS one) and just straight up text-based programs where you will have to take note before you go out what you are supposed to do that day.

    This is an excellent way to get started slowly and safely which should help you avoid issues like shin splints or pain form going too fast to soon.

    You should also consider getting fitted for a good pair of trainers, preferably by a store that specialises in running shoes and who can check your gait to help you find the perfect pair. Good shoes are key to a pleasant running experience.

    Happy running!
  • MandyH1991
    MandyH1991 Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks :) I actually have some running shoes! I just walk in them though. I am on the C25K site now :)
  • BlueberryWatermelon
    BlueberryWatermelon Posts: 73 Member
    Another vote for the Couch-to-5K program! It's a great way to ease you into running. I did the Couch-to-5K program a few years ago (I was NOT a runner before then), and now I run 5K and 10K regularly.

    The biggest problem people have when beginning to run is doing too much too soon. You end up exhausted and disappointed, which is why many people quit, claiming they hate running. But running is a GREAT form of exercise that I believe anyone can do! As long as you start slow and steady, and slowly increase your mileage.

    I use a free app called Runkeeper, but there are lots of options out there. With Runkeeper, you can input the intervals manually. It's easy and takes about 30 seconds.

    If you DO start the C25K program, complete all the weeks -- don't skip ahead! But if you're having trouble finishing the runs, there's nothing wrong with re-doing a week before moving on. Take it slow and steady.

    Good luck!!
  • WestslopeCutty
    WestslopeCutty Posts: 30 Member
    I like to listen to my podcasts, and tended to find C25K a little monotonous.... What I'm doing right now (just getting back into it) is doing my warm-up walk and then running increasing numbers of blocks. The first day I could just do one block run and then two (or more) of walking. This morning I went out and managed to consistently do 3-4 blocks running with only 1 block walking.

    What truly matters is that you find something that you enjoy. For me, it's the cool mornings with a good podcast, and RunKeeper to track how far I've gone (I'm keeping my "runs" to around 35 minutes each). It also helps if I drink plenty of water and stretch my calves really well afterward and then later in the day...

    Good luck, and enjoy!
  • SexyCool13
    SexyCool13 Posts: 11 Member
    Some folks stick to it when there is a social aspect to it. Most running stores have run groups, for all levels, that meet a few times a week.

    Perhaps you can find a local group and begin getting some miles in with them.

  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    C25K worked wonders for my ability to run, so I recommend it. I find using a phone app good for mindless obedience. It only interrupted my music when it needed to issue commands, so it had that going for it, as well.
  • MandyH1991
    MandyH1991 Posts: 65 Member
    Do you need to have a smart phone for it? I haven't had minutes on my phone since Jan. Haha
  • Marlitharn
    Marlitharn Posts: 36 Member
    This thread has tons of good advise: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1217573-so-you-want-to-start-running

    I've been running a couple of months now. The most important thing I learned was to go SLOW. Even slower than I thought slow was. I was trying to run a 15 minute mile and could manage maybe 3 minutes before I was gasping for air; when I slowed my roll down to a 17 minute mile suddenly I could go much longer, and yesterday I jogged for 40 minutes straight and did over 2 miles which made me indescribably happy. I figure speed will come with time, I want to build up my endurance.
  • samg135
    samg135 Posts: 14 Member
    I have to recommend Zombies! Run. It's a smartphone app that is a couch to 5k programe.
  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    Do you need to have a smart phone for it? I haven't had minutes on my phone since Jan. Haha

    The phone made keeping track of time easy, but you could use a stopwatch, provided you remember what your run/walk intervals are for a given day.
  • running4thehigh
    running4thehigh Posts: 144 Member
    Honestly... I do support all the apps and programs that are out there. But in reality...

    Just start running. Obviously, don't overdo it in the beginning. Walk in between if you have to.
    Slowly increase your mileage.

    You don't need some fancy app or ANYTHING to run. Just go for it and your body will tell you what to do!

    (and then, once you've actually started running, you can do all that other stuff too.)
  • greentree0
    greentree0 Posts: 40 Member
    There's a fairly active c25k group here - http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/47-couch-to-5k-running-program-c25k- with people who are at all stages of the program.
  • dherburg
    dherburg Posts: 12 Member
    I am also slowly making the transition from a fast walker to a runner. It was eye opening for me to go for 'run' with a friend who calls herself a runner and I was worried because I am not a runner--my walking pace was faster than her running pace, and that made me realize the only thing holding me back was my perception of what a runner should look like. You might enjoy reading articles and books by John Bingham--Running for Mortals and The Courage to Start. He also has a website-I find his musing to be inspirational and encouraging.
  • kill3rtofu
    kill3rtofu Posts: 169 Member
    let's go pens
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle Posts: 1,349 Member
    Do it!!!! I think I've been running fairly regularly for the past six years or so now and I think I can finally say that I love it!!! I haven't pushed myself and I usually get involved in a group of some sort. I'm glad I started:). There are lots of runners here so ask away!!
  • ladyargentum
    ladyargentum Posts: 82 Member
    I've just finished week 4 of a couch to 10km program. As I was already comfortable to power walk for over an hr I went for the 10km rather than 5km goal. Agree with others these are great to get you into running :)

    Good luck
  • Forty6and2
    Forty6and2 Posts: 2,492 Member
    I use sporttracker live in combination with my friend's HRM to keep track of calories, time run, distance, speed, etc. I would suggest getting a good HRM and a really good pair of shoes. The two together will probably run around $175-200 but they're definitely worth it!
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Do you need to have a smart phone for it? I haven't had minutes on my phone since Jan. Haha

    I used the NHS Podcast version, so that didn't need connectivity on the phone. That said, I track my performance using Runkeeper, which needs at least a WiFi connection after the session to upload.

    The link to the thread on advice is already upthread, as is the C25K group. I'd support both suggestions.

    While you needn't use the plan, it structures the running to try to avoid overdoing it initially. That helped me after several abortive attempts when I ran too far or too fast and ended up injuring myself.
  • MandyH1991
    MandyH1991 Posts: 65 Member
    So I just got back! I went for a fast walk up hill. 3008 steps, heart rate was at 164 :) it's a start.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I like to listen to my podcasts, and tended to find C25K a little monotonous.... What I'm doing right now (just getting back into it) is doing my warm-up walk and then running increasing numbers of blocks. The first day I could just do one block run and then two (or more) of walking. This morning I went out and managed to consistently do 3-4 blocks running with only 1 block walking.

    What truly matters is that you find something that you enjoy. For me, it's the cool mornings with a good podcast, and RunKeeper to track how far I've gone (I'm keeping my "runs" to around 35 minutes each). It also helps if I drink plenty of water and stretch my calves really well afterward and then later in the day...

    Good luck, and enjoy!

    This is a smart idea. I love listening to podcasts while running too, and use blocks to track mileage more often than not (I carry my iPod and don't want to carry my phone too).

    I also second the advice about starting slow. A lot of times people pace themselves too quickly. Build up distance and speed will come. I was lots faster when I used to run before getting so heavy and have to remind myself that I'm building stamina by running with all this extra weight and it will get easier as I lose it.