Sick And Tired Of Looking Sick And Tired

Who else is with me on this?
I know we shouldnt hate how we look but does anyone else look in the mirror and see a giant staring back at them?
Come on I know Im not alone on this!
What are you doing to change?
When will you start?
No not tomorrow~Tomorrow never comes!


  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I avoid mirrors and cameras. I hate the way I look. I look disgusting at this weight, but I'm doing what I can. It won't come off overnight. It didn't go on overnight.
  • Buckwheat38
    I used to be like that and you know what,,, i've learned that to start changing your looks and become healthy and leaner, you need to start loving yourself and who you see in the mirror,,,, trust me you guys see yourselves a whole lot worse then the others around you
    start loving you!!!
  • MarilynMarie
    Thats what i repeat in my head every single day
    i have to turn the lights off just to get a shower
    the worst part is when people laugh at me for doing so
    if they knew what it was like to carry extra weight they would understand.
    all my friends are sticks ugh makes me wanna cry looking at them because i used to be them
  • Buckwheat38
    dont' compare yourself to your friends trust me, in high school i was like 80 lbs (soooo skinny and actually anorexic) and strangely enough i was heavier then all my friends and that made me do diets all my adult life... now finally at 38 i understand!!! we're all different, we're all made differently and we need to learn to love us for us and how we look
    trust me no one is perfect, not even the models!
  • lfondots
    lfondots Posts: 216 Member
    I know how you feel. That is one reason I'm here. I'm tired of the way I look and I'm now taking charge. I think that is the way you have to look at things. You are great inside and now have to get the outside the same as the inside. My dad always said that when I was younger and it is so true. We are doing this for us and we will get there. It takes some time and you have to be able to see the small changes to keep you motivated. 5 yrs ago I had colon cancer. When I started trying to get back in shape about 6 months ago I could barely climb two flights of stairs without being tired. I can now do that and my stamina has improved. There are other small changes also. Everybody keep seeing the small things, they lead to even bigger.
  • MarilynMarie
    So your saying even though your overweight you love yourself?
    I have never loved me which is why i was anorexic at 8 years old
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Oh hunny! I so understand! Recently my husband found pictures of me going through my weight loss journey of the past 1.5 years and I can't believe how sick and tired I really was. I hated it. I remember one day when we moved into our new house, I took a bath, and was hurrying to leave the room in my towel when I dropped my hold on it and had to see myself in the mirror. I was in tears. I avoided mirrors like the plague. I remember even putting makeup on and not even concentrating on the face I was applying eye shadow too or lipstick on. Just get it done and move on.

    I'm going to talk to you in the same way I wish someone would have talked to me. You can do this! This isn't some unattainable goal, this is in your grasp! You HAVE HAVE HAVE to love yourself now. I know its hard...TRUST me. But I think back to how much I hated the body I was "trapped" in and it so wasn't right. I should have concentrated on my beautiful traits instead of tearing myself down. You, Marilyn, right now are the one saying, HECK NO! I'm going to loose weight, look good and feel great! Not anyone else. Not the girls that loose weight thinking about But you! That girl deserves a round of applause because she has strength, determination and drive. That's what you should see when you look in the mirror. As your new lifestyle continues, and your new body takes shape you will begin to praise yourself for other things. Marilyn is Determined...has a sparkle in her eye...she is happy...she is getting a flatter tummy...she is beginning to see collar bones: SHE IS DOING THIS!!!!

    Can't wait to read your success story! :o)
  • Buckwheat38
    i do love myself even if i'm overweight i started at 206 and now am 192 i started on mfp at 192 and can't wait to continue and i love the change i'm seeing don't take me wrong but i no longer hate myself and no longer yoyo diet :)
  • MarilynMarie
    Thank you so much!
    That really made my day I swear!
  • lfondots
    lfondots Posts: 216 Member
    I look at all the people on this thread and see amazing people. I think that is what we have to see in the mirror. You are all doing this. We are all in this together and all the feelings that we put down on these type threads are what others are feeling too.
  • emjones35
    Oh my God...I am so with you on this. I feel fabulous and really positive about myself in the morning when I get done with my walk on the treadmill....then I go up to the bathroom to shower and it never fails, I get ready to step in and look in the mirror....and goodbye feeling positive.

    Without any change to my diet or routine activities I have gained over 25 lbs and 6 dress sizes in 1 1/2 years....the only thing that dropped was my opinion of myself. I tried to justify it as turning 45 and becoming single and laughed that the dogs didn't care how much I weighed, but no matter how much I laughed to get people to laugh with me, I still couldn't convince my ownself that I was happy.

    I have become so sick and tired that I have changed my entire routine, getting up early to work out longer; meeting with my doctor to make sure there wasn't anything medically going on; and revamping my eating routine. I am a little hopeful that something might change, including my opinion of myself.

    Granted I only started a new exercise routine on Monday, and today I took the step to change my eating routine...what I am scared about is being committed enough to stick with the program and not be tempted to just crawl back in bed. The dogs only provide so much encouragement.
  • Buckwheat38
    i agree with Taramaria,,,
  • MarilynMarie
    We are all here for you we wont let you fail
    there is incredible people on this site!