Need advice

I'm trying to lose 8 lbs. I'm trying to eat healthy foods but I think i have metabolism problems. I feel awful after eating, blood pressure falls and I have troubles concentraiting ( which is bad, because I am studying for exams). I tried eating smaller portions troughout the day but this resutled in increased calorie intake and i still was feeling awful after eating. So now i try to eat 3 meals a day around 300 - 400 calories, consisting mainly protein, little bit of fat and little bit of carbs, but i still feel awful. My heart beat is strange too. I'm having an eating disorder (bulimia), but I'm desperately trying to recover and eat like a normal person, but I guess I have screwed up my metabolism for life? I'm walking almost every day at 3mph speed.. I'm 110 lbs 5'2. Maybe I have metabolic syndrom?


  • JSN66614
    JSN66614 Posts: 66
    While it is possible, I would seriously go to the doctor. I know they are expensive but well worth it and please have it documented you are in recovery of an eating disorder for further doctors once they look into your medical records. It's like an addiction that your body is stuck in either physically or mentally and you must fight it.

    He can also check things like hormones, thyroid, all that good stuff.

    You're doing a great job with the trying to eat like everyone else does but don't make yourself sick in the process, like exercise take it slow. If you do it too quick you might do more harm than good.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    Please see a doctor! Your symptoms are worrisome and not at all normal.
    You are already at a good weight. Bulimics can develop serious heart problems that in some cases cause heart attack and/or death!
    I repeat-PLEASE see your doctor immediately and be honest about your situation!
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    You should probably see a doctor
  • dextress
    dextress Posts: 3
    Could low-carbing be the problem? cause I ate some baked potatoes and a piece of bread and I'm good for hours.. the problem is I went over my calorie goal for the day