Portion control on veggies?

bd0001 Posts: 10 Member

Long story short I was on here a few months back and had lost 15lbs, since then I have fallen off the wagon and started eating junk again. I have not gained any additional weight since stopping tracking but I have also not lost any.

I ordered the 21day fix last week and while I am waiting for that to arrive I have began tracking on here once again. I was given a coach to talk to and today I asked him if it was okay to eat a bunch of veggies for lunch and he had said it was not okay and that I needed to control my portions. This seems kind of odd that I cant eat a bowl of veggies that total to 66 calories.

What are everyone's thoughts on this?

Thanks in advance for the advice.



  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Did this person tell you to not eat the vegetables or to log them like everything else, not caring if they are 6, 66 or 6000 calories?
  • bd0001
    bd0001 Posts: 10 Member
    Just to clarify, I had not been logging for the past few months because I gave up, I am back now. Im not sure what you mean by your question. He said i wasnt allowed to eat 2 servings of veggies in one sitting and that I have to eat smaller portions through the day. I did log them. He also said that I should not be eating more then 1500 calories a day, right now I am at 1800. I dont know now weather or not ordering that program was a good idea, I am not looking for quick results and I feel I will end up starving myself.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Is that a beachbody coach? Because anybody can be a coach and most of them are not qualified at all.
    The 21 day fix focuses on portion control though, so yeah, if you want to follow it you can't go nuts on veggies either (and no, it doesn't make sense to me, but you're the one who ordered it!).
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    sounds a little hokey to me... I'd say follow it since it's only 21 days, but keep your 1800 calorie goal. You will be hungry with only 1500!
  • SharonNehring
    SharonNehring Posts: 535 Member
    Having 2 servings of veggies is fine although I'd watch the portions of starchy veggies like potatoes and corn. I'd suggest adding some kind of protein to your lunch to keep you feeling full longer. A leftover piece of chicken, tuna, hard boiled egg, cheese, greek yogurt etc.
  • fificrazy
    fificrazy Posts: 234
    I think it's so weird that people are told to control our portions at all. You're entitled to 1,_000 - 3,000 calories every day; you can choose if you want to eat them at once or you can spread them out. Major restriction just leads to reactive eating. And for veggies, in particular, there's a reason vegetarians have slowed metabolisms: it takes a lot of veggies to meet your daily needs, so it's not something that should be so strongly restricted at all.
  • forkofpower
    forkofpower Posts: 171 Member
    Never heard something like that before. As long as you're meeting your calorie/macro goals, why not eat as much fruits/vegetables/anything as you want?
  • bd0001
    bd0001 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks everyone for the feedback. I think i will stick to my current 1800 cal a day and just use the program for their workout videos and see how it goes. I dont feel like I did my research when I ordered that.
    As for the veggies, I think i will just eat how much I want and hope for the best.

    Its nice to have a community to turn to when you have made poor choices and need some advice, thank you everyone and I will look into everyones suggestions a bit more.