Anybody a teacher?



  • rschmmidt
    rschmmidt Posts: 296
    I am going to school to be a teacher. Working on my AS Degree for ECE. The degree will allow me to teach preschool or in daycare settings. My plan is to get that degree, work as a preschool teacher and then go to the university to get my credential so i can work in an elementary setting.

    Talk about working in the food industry. I work at McDonald's!!! It is hard to resist eating the food there. I need to bring my own lunch and just say NO NO NO!!

    Good luck with your degree! I bet you'll find it fun to work with kids!
  • rschmmidt
    rschmmidt Posts: 296
    I was able to resist a cookie today, wahoo! LOL
  • calcote05
    calcote05 Posts: 462 Member
    That's great!! Small steps lol!!
  • yaafee
    yaafee Posts: 274 Member
    I started my OWN collection for our team room.... instant maple oatmeal, ramen (for a splurge when I'm REALLY hungry), craisin 100 calorie packs, whoppers (for that chocolate need). I usually only have 1 or 2 of these options available (so that I don't eat them all at the same time), but WOW, it has helped a lot. Now I can eat/socialize with my colleagues, but I tend to make better choices.

    Its really hard for me to not binge on carbs if I start eating them at the end of the school day. I need to eat craisins or carrots in the car on the way home instead.

    Keep making good choices, you can do it!
  • martilebleu
    Hi there! I hear you, all the treats that are available to us. It's so tough. I teach in a high school, and there is candy, sweets, crackers everywhere! What are some tricks you use to resist the urge to splurge?
  • rschmmidt
    I just got back to this thread and friended a couple of additional folks. I do think MFP is working for me.

    What I've been doing:
    Keeping a big water bottle on my desk and drinking from it often. Hit the restroom while classes are changing.
    Stay out of the staff room at peak "treat' times (ours is Friday mornings) when I know there will be temptation.
    I used to hit the staff room at morning break, now I only go in at lunch.
    I bring my lunch everyday now, most days just a turkey sandwich - there isn't time to fix anything fancy.
    I've discovered fruit. A box of raisins works to satisfy my sweet cravings.
    I've just started to pitch the birthday cupcakes, it wasn't as hard as I thought ("Thanks, Johnny, I'll save mine for after school." Then I pitch it later.)

    I've only tried to tame my eating habits and actually have not yet added in exercise. But I guess I'm ready to add that now since I have had a small bit of success on the eating front.
  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,408 Member
    I just got back to this thread and friended a couple of additional folks. I do think MFP is working for me.

    What I've been doing:
    Keeping a big water bottle on my desk and drinking from it often. Hit the restroom while classes are changing.
    Stay out of the staff room at peak "treat' times (ours is Friday mornings) when I know there will be temptation.
    I used to hit the staff room at morning break, now I only go in at lunch.
    I bring my lunch everyday now, most days just a turkey sandwich - there isn't time to fix anything fancy.
    I've discovered fruit. A box of raisins works to satisfy my sweet cravings.
    I've just started to pitch the birthday cupcakes, it wasn't as hard as I thought ("Thanks, Johnny, I'll save mine for after school." Then I pitch it later.)

    I've only tried to tame my eating habits and actually have not yet added in exercise. But I guess I'm ready to add that now since I have had a small bit of success on the eating front.

    Great simple choices that really make a difference!!
  • jnwn
    jnwn Posts: 6 Member
    Oh my goodness! The trick about the booger visualiation is just ... priceless.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I'm a teacher and every single biscuit in my diary is from the staff room! :laugh:

    There is a big bowl of fruit, but if you friend me you'll see 'banana, apple, two chocolate digestives' on a regular basis. :embarassed:

    We are pretty much expected to go there every morning break. I've been better when I've brought crispbreads to school orsoya nuts. There is afternoon tea at 3 every day too! I was so impressed when I went to interview :laugh:
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    I'm a high school teacher in the Special Education department where there are treats aplenty. I'm talking cakes, cookies, candy, chocolate - you name it! I'm pretty good at resisting those, but it would be really difficult if the options before me were chips and salty "stuff".

    Anyone looking for support, please friend me. None of us have to do this alone or with only a few cheerleaders! We can be here for each other.
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    :happy: I bring my lunch and only buy cafeteria food once in a great while. If I pack it the night before I am not rushing around and have time to plan to eat right. I try to steer clear of the lounge area....I try to keep an apple or granola bar to eat at break...and water, water water!:drinker:

    My downfall is the hour when I return home from used to be such a habit of junking out and watching TV for an hour. I try to have a healthy snack and something warm to drink...tea or sugar free hot cocoa seems to fill me up. Then I exercise before dinner. It is getting better but this used to be my darkest hour! Has anyone else struggled in that first hour when you get home from school?:grumble:
  • pocha0704
    I just got back to this thread and friended a couple of additional folks. I do think MFP is working for me.

    What I've been doing:
    Keeping a big water bottle on my desk and drinking from it often. Hit the restroom while classes are changing.
    Stay out of the staff room at peak "treat' times (ours is Friday mornings) when I know there will be temptation.
    I used to hit the staff room at morning break, now I only go in at lunch.
    I bring my lunch everyday now, most days just a turkey sandwich - there isn't time to fix anything fancy.
    I've discovered fruit. A box of raisins works to satisfy my sweet cravings.
    I've just started to pitch the birthday cupcakes, it wasn't as hard as I thought ("Thanks, Johnny, I'll save mine for after school." Then I pitch it later.)

    I've only tried to tame my eating habits and actually have not yet added in exercise. But I guess I'm ready to add that now since I have had a small bit of success on the eating front.

    Those are great suggestion! I hate birthday cupcakes!
  • theseus82
    theseus82 Posts: 255 Member
    I'm a certified teacher, but still waiting for that dream teaching job! I currently substitute teach and have to avoid the same temptations from the staff room.

    Bring your own lunch and consider popcorn. By the time you've eaten your popcorn, your lunch will be over and you'll be back to teaching!
  • theseus82
    theseus82 Posts: 255 Member
    Oops! My post got submitted twice!
  • ilvpsu
    ilvpsu Posts: 25 Member
    THAT is hysterical! I will get that image in my head now...I am a school nurse, so I don't have classes, but I see the treats in the office.....
  • caitlinclock
    caitlinclock Posts: 528 Member
    I currently am a sub while waiting for that teaching job, too. Some high school must need a math teacher somewhere!

    I go to the library instead of the faculty room to get my work done and bring my own lunches to eat. Often times my leftover home-cooked healthy dinners make all my friends jealous.


    I also resist all the things students bring in. I thank them and put it on my desk for later but I give it to a friend or toss it when they aren't looking. I tell myself it isn't worth it and I also have used the germs saying on myself more than once.
  • pocha0704
    I'm in my last year of school as an education major. I've been doing placements and I know what you're talking about! Kids bring in goodies and teachers are constantly bringing in brownies, donuts, cookies, and pastries. It's definitely a battle that I have lost more than I care to admit. :(

    You go to UF? I graduated from there. Proteach all the way!
  • Annie5859
    Annie5859 Posts: 280 Member
    Hi there,
    I'm a teacher too. I teach kindergarten. I can relate with the goodie manifestation. There seems to be always a birthday treat a couple times a month.
  • jerseyshorenurse
    jerseyshorenurse Posts: 47 Member
    Not a teacher, but a nurse. You know, that nurse who's taking care of your mom while she's sick, so you brought in a box of hot chocolate and a dozen donuts from Dunkin for taking such good care of her? And there are multiple grateful family members visiting my unit EVERY day. It's a constant challenge, and I was SO appreciative of the person who brought us a veggie tray last week. Score!

    Moral of the story...thank them PROFUSELY, tell them how much I appreciate them thinking of me, and then PALM THEM OFF on hungry medical students, surgical residents, family members waiting for their loved one to get out of surgery...on whomever I can, really!!! Bottom line, once in a while, I indulge. But just say 'no'....most of the can be very empowering! Important key: always having my own meals from home. Being hungry at work is fatal.
  • rschmmidt
    My downfall is the hour when I return home from used to be such a habit of junking out and watching TV for an hour. I try to have a healthy snack and something warm to drink...tea or sugar free hot cocoa seems to fill me up. Then I exercise before dinner. It is getting better but this used to be my darkest hour! Has anyone else struggled in that first hour when you get home from school?:grumble:

    YES! YES! It's the hour right after school, whether I'm at school at my desk or whether I'm at home. I need a snack! It's like some kind of strange habit I got into, "I've worked so hard and now I deserve to treat myself." I could eat a whole bag of cookies or pretzels and hardly notice I was doing it. Gone are those days, thankfully. I have also started drinking the after-school tea - it works.