30 day shred !!!!!

So ive attempted this DVD over and over again ,and always gave up, so I've come here to see who's up for the challenge with me and sticking with it , if anyone is up for it Iwill attempt to start a group for us all to support each other :) so then there's no excuse to give up :D we can all give our updates measurements and even pictures if you wish to keep each other motivated ...who up for the challenge ???


  • SuperC_85
    SuperC_85 Posts: 393
    Sorry not doing it,
    But just want to be helpful and direct you to one of the groups :smile: You will get a lot more responses on there.


    Good luck, that is one killer work out!
  • tarnaford92
    tarnaford92 Posts: 10 Member
    okay cheers ,was looking for people who will go though it with me day by day :)

    hoping to start it tonight so fingers crossed ill make it to the end lol

  • maddieftaylor
    maddieftaylor Posts: 65 Member
    I started it yesterday and I'm on day 2 today! I'll go through it with you :) x
  • rins25
    rins25 Posts: 16 Member
    I am in, I am on day5....
    We can do this together
  • tarnaford92
    tarnaford92 Posts: 10 Member
    just did my day 1 and omg its a killer ,,,is it me or is her voice so annoying ,and im only on day one, maybe ill have to put music on and mute her voice lol ,,,keep up the hard work guys ,we will fight this fat xx
  • Pucks_and_Balls
    Pucks_and_Balls Posts: 95 Member
    I have four days left of it, and if you think Level 1 is tough just wait! Haha. Lots of moves in Level 3 are plank based or are strength+cardio. But it is helping me do at least some toe pushups in BodyPump instead of just being on my knees for them all the time. Good luck!
  • I'm on day three
  • maddieftaylor
    maddieftaylor Posts: 65 Member
    Completed day 3 this morning! I have noticed a difference in my legs already.. although the scale has gone up slightly, but that could be to do with the chocolate attack I had last night! xx
  • nicci3004
    nicci3004 Posts: 4
    how is everyone doing on this?? im tempted to start please can you share your views
  • lilpe5512
    lilpe5512 Posts: 397 Member
    I'm jumping on the JM bandwagon. I've been lokking for a group!!
  • whatusaid
    whatusaid Posts: 41 Member
    I would love to jump on the 30 Day Shred bandwagon! I just started today and loved the D1 workout. Should we start a group?
  • whatusaid
    whatusaid Posts: 41 Member
    So there are a couple 30 Day Shred groups going on right now, but they started a few weeks ago. I think we should start our own group. What do say?
  • whatusaid
    whatusaid Posts: 41 Member
    I've completed 30 DS before, right after I had my last kid. I love it! Yes, it is hard but completely worth it. If I am feeling like stopping in the middle of the workout, I just start following the modified girl and keep going. I've added a few of you but my connection is slow for some reason. Please add me as a friend and we can do this!
  • I am starting it today :) hope it works out for me this time
  • Monde68
    Monde68 Posts: 8 Member
    I started 30DS yesterday. Have done it before. But this time I'm also doing it with 5:2. Need to get this baby kick started!!
  • shermitch84
    shermitch84 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm starting it today. I've just ordered the DVD and some weights but going to use youtube to do it today with some tin cans as weights!
  • thanson563
    thanson563 Posts: 75 Member
    I did it back in April (not every single day, but I did make it through all 3 levels). Was thinking about starting it again. Have y'all started a group yet? If so, I'm in.
  • GMStb10
    GMStb10 Posts: 158 Member
    I'll join too, I'm in the same boat, had the DVD a while and struggle to complete - I got to the stage where I' dread the shred' would love a group for support to help do the 30 days and enjoy it :)

    day 1 done
  • toadg53
    toadg53 Posts: 302 Member
    ok, I'm in. I started it a few weeks ago. Got 2 days done, then something happened (don't even remember what anymore, maybe my poison oak episode) and had to quit. I was just thinking this morning, I think I can tackle it again. I even bought heavier weights to use as the ones I have just weren't enuf for me.

    So, count me in. Will you actually set up a "group" that we can join that we can comment on to remain accountable? That's a big "let know" .... I was debating about doing day 1 tonite or tomorrow, but I'll go ahead & do it tonite. I'll take my measurements again so I have a starting point, and I'll take a picture too to have a reference.

    Thnx so much for taking the initiative and heading this up for all of us. But ya, from the couple days I did it, it's a true butt kicker !!
  • conqueringsquidlette
    conqueringsquidlette Posts: 383 Member
    I've been waffling on whether to buy this or not. All of the low reviews on Amazon are about people developing/exacerbating joint issues with it - have any of you guys had issues?