Please help, I need a diet check


I started my journey at 120kg. I have lost a total 12kg over the past year going very slow. In fact, it's more a case of ups and then stagnating, then up and again. I only gained 1.5kg at Christmas so that was very good, and I lost it back.

This has really reassured me i am not yoyoing.

Currently I am back on full force with the following targets: 1240 cal per day allowed, and 10k steps walking using Fitbit flex which is really good. I also do some squats and weights.

I am thinking that this could give my metabolism a big boost . In the next month I want to boost it by losing at least 5kg, or hopefully 8 kg. I want to at last get under 100 kg... It would be a huge motivator.

I am worried about pushing hard for a month and not knowing if that is detrimental or if it can be the metabolism and reward boost I'm hoping for...

What do you think?

Thank you


  • faith2liveagain
    faith2liveagain Posts: 3 Member
    i am preopt. so i am not sure if this will apply to you or not. I was told by my nutrisist to go for at least 65-95 gm protein and day and less than 146 carbs. and 1200 calories. what ar eyou using and how do i look at yolur menu to see if i can help?
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Losing weight does not boost your metabolism.
  • mythyn
    mythyn Posts: 9
    Hey - thank you for the quick replies

    - I am trying to lose a higher amount of weight in a shorter time with calorie control and up my metabolic rate with exercise, particularly cardio and strength mixed, as I do brisk walking

    - I am focusing on having some yoghurt and carb in the morning, then protein and veg and fruits for lunch with some carb and finish the day with protein and veg. I drink only water and milk tea. The only treats I allow are 1 or two small meringues about 40 cal each because I have a sweet tooth, I know myself if I don't I will crack...
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    Easier to do a 'diet check' with an open diary..


    You can set your diary to public here:
  • segovm
    segovm Posts: 512 Member
    I think the only potentially bad part of the plan is that you really can't control the amount of weight that is going to come off in any given time. It would be a FANTASTIC plan if you made sure to focus on the stuff you can control, the number of calories, steps taken, other fitness metrics.

    I would just hate to see someone push hard for a month and do amazing things for their body and health but still feel a disappointment just because some stupid scale disagreed with them.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Easier to do a 'diet check' with an open diary..


    You can set your diary to public here:

    Yes, I would suggest opening your diary, as well.

    We also need to know your height, weight, and age (goal weight might be helpful too). Otherwise, it's very hard to advise ... I can't say if 1240 calories is just right, too low, or what, based on what you've entered.
  • mythyn
    mythyn Posts: 9

    I didn't know you can open your diary... I am not sure I like the idea... I looked back at it and in fact in started in 2012 after I had managed to get to 117.5 kg, did yo-yo back then quite a bit until last year when I went as low as 104. Since I went back to 110, and now I am at 108kg.

    I am 28 yo, 171cm. I want to aim for 68kg in the end. I want to be healthy and strong, not skinny. I used to do diet only but then I realised I really do enjoy exercising...until I get ill or something happens like travelling on a stressful business trip. I stopped yo going since I combine both, I just haven't had the motivation in the last months to give a strong push, so I have gone slow.
  • agrafina
    agrafina Posts: 128 Member
    I didn't know you can open your diary... I am not sure I like the idea...

    First, you want to lose 11-18 pounds in a month. That is a very ambitious goal, and I don't think it is doable in a healthy way.

    Second, why are you hesitant to open your diary? I don't understand asking for a diet check and then being unwilling to show people what you eat? People can't give good feedback if they don't know what you are currently doing.
  • mythyn
    mythyn Posts: 9
    Hi Agrafina, is it only the food diary it opens or other personal information too? At any rate, I have opened it and if I get uncomfortable later I assume I can close it later...
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I have taken a look at your diary...

    1200 calories eaten 800 netting 400 a day when you exercise...

    You either haven't been tracking for very long or you don't track consistently...

    Some of your entries are suspect as they start with homemade...unless it's your recipe don't use those.

    As well your calories are too low on the days you track...

    Your goal of 11-18lbs a month is quite extreme...that is 3-4 lbs a week.

    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal

    If you want to lose the weight you need to track consistently and accuartely and do not start on a path that is not sustainable...too low calorie goal, giving up foods you love/crave is not sustainable as it leads most people to fall off the path.

    as well opening your diary just shows people what you eat, how you track etc.
  • agrafina
    agrafina Posts: 128 Member
    Hi Agrafina, is it only the food diary it opens or other personal information too? At any rate, I have opened it and if I get uncomfortable later I assume I can close it later...

    The only info it shows is what you are eating. Nothing else.

    Based on how your diary looks, I would tend to agree with SezxyStef, on the days you are burning 800 calories you aren't eating enough. You will probably hit a wall and be exhausted if you do that for too long.

    Focus on making the healthy changes you need to and don't get so hung up on what the scale tells you. Set goals for yourself that aren't related to the scale to give you that motivation. Scales are fickle beasts.
  • mythyn
    mythyn Posts: 9
    Hi Sexystef,

    I travelled a lot in the past couple of months unfortunately, and now it is calming down so I can track again.
    When travelling I am not able to enter my meals.... I know this sounds like excuses but literally I am out and about with clients from early morning until after diner and when I get back to my hotel I just want to sleep mor prepare for the next day.

    I know I can do this consistently for a month now.

    I am worried that achieving my targets on my Fitbit and doing my normal strength exercises means a lot of calorie burn... Yesterday I did 12.6k steps, 45 very active minutes, 8.96 km. I also did some exercises from Shaun t insanity at random, bursts, like jumping jacks and jog etc. hence 800 cal counted on this app.

    As I said I want a big month then work a way to lose moderately again after that without regaining again.

    Thank you
  • ravenmiss
    ravenmiss Posts: 384 Member
    As I said I want a big month then work a way to lose moderately again after that without regaining again.

    Thank you

    Why? What's the rush??
  • mythyn
    mythyn Posts: 9
    Because I am able to do it properly for a month and I haven't since the beginning of the year... Quite frankly I am so fed up with having been stuck at the 104 to 110 bracket for so long... I know if I get under 100 psychologically I will never again allow myself to go back up. Never again.

    Also I have ichronic pains in my left arm and in my feet, plantar fasciitis ( I had a couple of accidents and injuries a few years back, main one was getting run over by a taxi), that I have treated, but the extra weight makes it possible for it to come back again... I never want it again.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Do you have the phone app installed? I find that I'm using my phone for all kinds of random things throughout the day and even when it's time for bed, so for me anyway , it didn't make sense to not be able to spend a couple minutes logging my food. So much of the other bull**** we do with the phone is about wasting time. Why not spend some for your health

    Just thought I would mention that, because unless you never plan on traveling on an extended basis again, you really should try to log your food. Sometimes I might log the food the next day - so long as it's logged

    And oh, eat more food , what're you doing to yourself?! :flowerforyou:
  • ravenmiss
    ravenmiss Posts: 384 Member
    Because I am able to do it properly for a month and I haven't since the beginning of the year... Quite frankly I am so fed up with having been stuck at the 104 to 110 bracket for so long... I know if I get under 100 psychologically I will never again allow myself to go back up. Never again.

    Also I have ichronic pains in my left arm and in my feet, plantar fasciitis ( I had a couple of accidents and injuries a few years back, main one was getting run over by a taxi), that I have treated, but the extra weight makes it possible for it to come back again... I never want it again.

    Well you have 2 options, do it properly as per Stefs post or do it another way.

    Choice is yours.

    Good luck!
  • tremroy1
    tremroy1 Posts: 90 Member
    Slow is better than fast.........learning how to eat and excersise.....tracking is a big part of the can you know the amount that you are eating without making the effort to track. Write it down and record it later if you have to. Find the answer to any excuse you make.
  • GlennTipton
    GlennTipton Posts: 19
    Your daily cals are all over the place. Put your daily goal to 1200cal. I think you can drop this a little more if you aren't active some days, just to sell off a few extra grams of fat. It's entirely down to how you feel. You need to be as low as you can get without feeling light headed, dizzy or nauseous.

    255g of carbohydrates a day!? There's your problem. Unless you are an Olympic athlete at 10% body fat you shouldn't eat that many carbs a week! Drop you carbs to 20g, up your fat (saturated and mono only) to about 65% and protein to 25%. Eat lots of green vegies and not too much fruit. Your struggle is going to be the sweet tooth thing. That's all a head game. Understand your attachment to sugar and you can overcome it. The best suggestion I can offer is when you feel that urge to have sugar, find the place in your body where you feel it. It's usually the stomach or just under the lower ribs. Put your hand there and ask your body why it wants sugar. Do it a few times you'll find yourself struggling for answers and less interested in sugar. After a while you will hopefully pick up something from childhood or your early adulthood that would have used sugar as a comforter and you can start to tell yourself you don't need it anymore. Tell yourself every day and you will teach your subconscious to stop needing it.

    I am also an Intermittent Faster and will be for the rest of my life. I would suggest reading some info on that. That will really help you enjoy your meals and detach your unhealthy connection to food.

    All the best and well done on your fantastic progress so far! Don't quit!

  • mythyn
    mythyn Posts: 9
    Hi Janeir36
    In fact you are right, except... I have no idea most times how to log what eat there. Breakfast is ok, hotel buffets are easy enough. But lunch and diner I often have no clue. I can input a few things like if there is pasta or the type of meat or other things but it's obvious it's not accurate at all. I do try to log snacks or drinks.

    When I exercise a lot, should I keep the same food routine but add protein for muscles regeneration?
  • Angylisis78
    Angylisis78 Posts: 32
    Because I am able to do it properly for a month and I haven't since the beginning of the year... Quite frankly I am so fed up with having been stuck at the 104 to 110 bracket for so long... I know if I get under 100 psychologically I will never again allow myself to go back up. Never again.

    If you're able to do it properly then do it, *properly*.

    5-8kg in a month, is NOT properly. I really do feel your pain, 7 years ago, I weighed about 110kg, and was miserable. I made a decision to lose the weight and at the end, I was about 65kg. It took about a year, and I was losing pretty consistently about 1kg or less than, a week. You know what I did? Watched what I put in my mouth and moved my *kitten* more. Seriously, it was that simple.

    Based on your diary, netting 400 calories a day is insane. Its not healthy at all, and it's probably why your body is having trouble letting go of the weight. If you are to eat 1200 cals a day (based on your stats here in MFP, Im just throwing out a number here), then you want to NET those calories. When you log in, go to MY HOME. From there you can see your NET calories that show up at the far right by your profile pic.

    Why don't you, instead of spending the month focusing on an unattainable goal, spend it on focusing on eating your NET calories that you should be eating, and getting a good solid amount of exercise and just see where it takes you? I bet the weight starts coming off a bit easier :)
