weight training, iifym newbies??

Hello all!

I am relatively new to myfitnesspal, I have been on and off it quite a bit. I tried iifym once about two months ago but I realized I was getting too over obsessive with it. But I am going to get back with it starting June (I am graduating college next week and my sleeping/eating schedule has been a mess, yeah no excuses I know but not a good time to start if you are not sleeping properly, yes this is me procrastinating.)

Little background fitness story.

I've been working out since January, started weight training without any guide, which was bad. Did that for a month mixed with cardio usually around 1.5 hr sessions. Then I moved onto TRX group classes and did that for about 3 months, 4 times a week with a couple of group weight training classes, and the occasional spinning class. I switched back to weight training with a more organized online training program, which included short cardio sessions. My work load in college increased so I have stopped working out for two weeks, and I want to get back at it very strong as soon as I am done with this.

I am 5'5'' and weigh 155lbs, I have lost about 20 lbs since January, but I still need to lose body fat and want to lose at least 15 lbs more. I research a lot about nutrition and fitness, so I think I have a good understanding on the subject, even though I obviously don't follow everything myself.

I consider myself still new to weight training, I don't know if i push myself enough or not, and I am still learning how to do many exercises. My goal for this summer is to prepare myself for a 5k obstacle course.

I have considered joining a bootcamp or crossfit, but the only reason is because of the group support and atmosphere, not really because of the workout [no hate to crossfit people you guys are awesome] but I enjoy my time in the weight room, so I thought I would join the community to talk to fun, excited, determined people who love to eat balanced, work out, and keep each other motivated!

Have any of you started weight training, or are experienced in it and have suggestions? Are you a super experienced athlete? Awesome what are your goals??

Bahh you don't have to count macros or weight train either!! Share a little about yourself or don't and just tell a fun story!!

I am a happy person so I like to surround myself with other wonderfully happy human beings!
Oh yeah, I am 21, future architect, and a girl.


  • vampborn
    vampborn Posts: 2
    Hi Jess. Good luck with your goals. I'm a powerlifter/bodybuilder so I do weight train regularly. If you have to question whether you're training hard, you're probably not. Crossfit sounds fun. I'd like to do it myself some time. I'm cutting 3lb a week, and feeling very energetic. Let's slay the beast.
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    I'm twice your age, female and about 6 months ago started weight lifting on my own until I read about the "Starting Strength" book here on MFP. I train with my DH. I had a small weight loss goal to get to my weight class for competitive kick boxing. I'm 44, 5'9" and 145-150lbs. I'm thinking about staying closer to 150 than 145. I weight lift 2xs a week, kick box 3xs a week and rest 2. I'm on maintenance eating between 2500-2800 calories a day.
  • jessherna25
    jessherna25 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi Jess. Good luck with your goals. I'm a powerlifter/bodybuilder so I do weight train regularly. If you have to question whether you're training hard, you're probably not. Crossfit sounds fun. I'd like to do it myself some time. I'm cutting 3lb a week, and feeling very energetic. Let's slay the beast.

    That's awesome 3 lbs a week!! how long have you been lifting? and yeah you're probably right, do you have any suggestions to get more comfortable with lifting heavier? I definitely noticed I have been pushing myself harder in the last couple of weeks, so I guess it's also about getting comfortable with the routine and movement of the exercises.
  • jessherna25
    jessherna25 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm twice your age, female and about 6 months ago started weight lifting on my own until I read about the "Starting Strength" book here on MFP. I train with my DH. I had a small weight loss goal to get to my weight class for competitive kick boxing. I'm 44, 5'9" and 145-150lbs. I'm thinking about staying closer to 150 than 145. I weight lift 2xs a week, kick box 3xs a week and rest 2. I'm on maintenance eating between 2500-2800 calories a day.

    woa kickboxing sounds intense, but so much fun! Did you do any form of exercise before? I definitely want to get enough workout to increase my caloric intake, I want to get muscle, tone up, and actually look like a workout! And working towards a fitness goal (weight class for kickboxing, or for me being able to complete the 5k mudrun) is way more motivating and fun than just having an appearance of weight goal. Have you competed ever since you reached the required weight?
  • vampborn
    vampborn Posts: 2
    Advice for lifting heavy. Know your technique. Know your body. Throw yourself into danger and do the movements, and feel your muscles. And think about your lifts afterwards as to what you could modify to improve leverage and to address any weak points you have. I did weighted pull-ups and 200lb shrugs (not super heavy for me), and it was all about having confidence, knowing I wouldn't miss any reps, and attacking the weight. Don't be gentle.