feeling ill after running

I ran for about an hour. I ran 6 laps around my local park; im not sure what the distance is, maybe around 1k. I think in total I ran more than 5k. I ran a bit around the streets. I ran for long stretches without stopping at all. I feel really ill after the run; I felt so shattered when I got back home, my stomach hurt and i've got a sore nose and throat. i usually run a lot so i should be used to it but my speed has increased. is this normal? what can i do to feel better?


  • Carrieendar
    Carrieendar Posts: 493 Member
    Initial thoughts:

    -allergies? this season has been horrible
    - slow down; I remember how much more enjoyable running came when I slowed down
    -when I get home and feel kinda like that, I brew some tea-- I use local honey in it (probably all a myth that it helps with allergies but it does taste good and support local farmers :) )
  • iwannabinnarnia
    iwannabinnarnia Posts: 179 Member
    were you well hydrated? how about food? how long had it been since you ate?
  • hiraethed
    hiraethed Posts: 26 Member
    Plan your runs a little more thoroughly and time them a little more accurately so you know how much you are actually running, maybe you are overtraining. I recommend using runningmap.com so you can see how far you are running, I find that website so useful!
    When I started running about a year and a half ago I used to be prone to feeling ill during/after runs if I ate dairy, high fat or high sugar foods within about 4hrs of a run. I've become much more accustomed now though so it's not really an issue anymore. Try going for simple carbs and low fat foods before runs, things that are easy to digest. Make sure to get lots of water but not immediately before a run, and try a post-run snack with potassium and other electrolytes.
  • RunnerStephe
    RunnerStephe Posts: 2,195
    Lots of fluids before and after. Did you drink too much while running? Over hydration is worse, which this sounds like.