I am getting a little frustrated



  • smn76237
    smn76237 Posts: 318 Member
    Glad you're moving to a food scale, OP. Your oatmeal breakfast for example is likely a whooole lot more calories than you think because all those items you put in it are calorie dense (even though they are all healthy). And hummus, oh god hummus, an actual serving size of 28g/2 tblsp is waaay smaller than I ever imagined. It makes me so sad.
  • blueturquoise
    blueturquoise Posts: 13 Member
    Does anyone have any recommendations for logging weirdo foods? For example, today for lunch I made some pasta that was pretty odd. Spinach macaroni noodles, homemade pesto made from garlic, basil, kale, pea shoots, lemon juice, olive oil and feta. Then grilled mushrooms, peppers, onion in it. I really don't know how to log meals like this.....Do I for regular macaroni and a generic pesto but that is not accurate....
  • smn76237
    smn76237 Posts: 318 Member
    Use the recipe function to create your own recipe. You add all the ingredients to the recipe builder then enter the number of servings. U personally weigh each item as I add it to my recipe, then weigh the final product altogether and divide it into 100g portions.
  • blueturquoise
    blueturquoise Posts: 13 Member
    Great thanks.