Anti-depressants and weight gain

Hey, I've just been prescribed citalopram 20mg for depression and anxiety. I have been reading online about a lot of women who have gains over 10 pounds with taking it. - has anyone had the same effect? I'm really paranoid about taking it now in case I do gain more weight


  • FarmallMom71
    FarmallMom71 Posts: 49 Member
    I was on citalopram for a while. I had the same concern. I was already over weight so I didn't want more gain, BUT the benefits of the anti depressant far exceeded the few ponds I gained and I was a serious over eater to begin with so it could have also been my poor diet too. I literally ate my way through my depression till I replaced junk foods with work outs.. * If you do quit meds, DO NOT just stop taking them... it can make you sick. Talk to your doctor and wean off them gently. * I've been off citalopram about a year now. Meds were worth it for me though when I needed them and got me through a really dark time in my life. Whatever your reason for them is, give them time to work and just see how your body is reacting weight wise. If your weight goes up then tell the doctor. The benefits of not being depressed are worth a little sacrifice.