Vegan, looking for other vegan friends

AliEaker Posts: 11 Member
Hi! I'm 29, looking to lose 10lbs and looking for vegan friends. You can even add me if you are vegetarian or interested in being vegan/vegetarian.


  • sakshi0112
    sakshi0112 Posts: 4
    ohh i can't live without ..but ya i can go on veg diet for whole week n chicken js once a week
  • mckenanana
    mckenanana Posts: 2
    Hey, I'm like 95% vegan and I'm trying to go 100% (i just can't seem to say no when people offer me food that's not vegan). I'd love to make another veg friend :)
  • tanishabearr
    tanishabearr Posts: 15 Member
    Hey! I recently went vegetarian like 2-3ish months ago and soon I'll be out in a bigger college so I'm thinking about going vegan when I move out! It'd be awesome to have more friends who can suggest veggie friendly meals and all of that. :)
  • kirili3
    kirili3 Posts: 244 Member

    On June 1 last year, I challenged myself to eat only vegan food for a month. After that month, I started eating various other things, but now I'm really ready to go back to it.

    I would love to get to know more people doing this!

    I'm trying to go easy on the processed food this time, last time I discovered boca burgers and soy and coconut milk ice cream (good to know they're out there!).
  • juliafromrf
    juliafromrf Posts: 106 Member
    Hello, I sent you a friend request :)
    I have been vegan for almost a year now and would like to support you during your weightloss. My diary is open but a great part of it is German unfortunately.