South Beach, Atkins, Weight WATCHERS, WHAT is the best appro

bjwb1976 Posts: 9
edited September 22 in Food and Nutrition
Hi Everyone!
I am fairly new to this site, I started a couple months ago, but not seriously. Since its the NEW YEAR Im ready to be serious.
Back in 02/12/09 I had RNY (Gastric Bypass) I went from 270 lbs to 170 lbs, I am only 5'3 so getting that 100 lbs off my small frame was very important. While I am not huge anymore, I still have 50lbs to loose to get to my 120 lb goal weight.
I am of course going to exersize with friends and family every chance I get but other than that, I am SUPER confused on what diet to follow??? So far Im consentrating on NATURAL WHOLESOME foods that are "close to the earth", meaning Im trying to limit OVERLY PROCESSED foods AND JUNK. But Id like to maybe see if there is a actual diet that works...anyone have any tips or diet ideas. Atkins? South Beach? ETC....?
ALSO, see how this site gives you a calorie count to follow, HOW do I know if that is a proper calorie total? What if they are giving me TOO many calories to eat??


  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Have you contacted your surgeons office? If they are no longer available, I recommend you go to that is specifically for WLS patients. Their is a group on that site called Back on Track Together. They have a wonderful packet you can download or print that gives you specific recommendations on how to get back on track.

    It is just a matter of getting back to basics, protien 1st, limited carbs, veggies second. Hope this helps!
  • Honestly, I would check with your doctor. Atkins and South Beach have both seen a lot more effectiveness than Weight Watchers, but I'm not sure how well the eating requirements of a low-carb diet would work out for someone with reduced stomach volume after a bypass.
  • natural food from every food group. That is my biggest tip. I did WW and lost 50 pounds. What is nice about it is ow it focuses on meeting all the different nutrients and areas of the pyramid. If you are eating wholesome nutrient dense foods... you should be able to get by on monitoring your calories and being VERY honest with your journal. Have faith in yourself. There is A LOT of support on this site and I have found it extremely beneficial to my new lifestyle. I am also limiting processed foods and taking in natural foods most of my intake!
    Best of luck!!
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    The diet that works is really quite simple in its scope, but not so easy in its implementation. Eat Less, move more. I too have done my best to avoid the fast and processed foods that are so incredibly available. But even with slight deviations, the concept of burning more calories than you consume is really the key. I'm going to go on a limb and say that the calorie recommendation may be somewhat on the LOW side in most cases. Eating right is one component and exercise is the other. Put them together and you've got an incredible weapon to bust fat.
  • Certainly NO to Atkins! Low carb is NOT the answer. A well rounded diet is the answer. Whole grain carbs and natural fruits and veggies are crucial for healthy organs and digestion. Low carb is HARD on the kidneys.
  • The diet that works is really quite simple in its scope, but not so easy in its implementation. Eat Less, move more. I too have done my best to avoid the fast and processed foods that are so incredibly available. But even with slight deviations, the concept of burning more calories than you consume is really the key. I'm going to go on a limb and say that the calorie recommendation may be somewhat on the LOW side in most cases. Eating right is one component and exercise is the other. Put them together and you've got an incredible weapon to bust fat.
    AGREED! :)
  • diet's don't work, lifestyle changes do. Let me give you the basics of guaranteed weightloss:

    1. Calories- It's all about calories, a man lost 27 pounds in 2 months eating nothing but twinkies and junk food, google it if you want. That means you can brocolli all day and still gain weight if you eat too much of it. So yes stay under you calories, and yes, eat whole foods, thats a very good way to loose weight "quicker", cause thats the key AFTER you have your calories right, you have to find the tricks that make you loose weight faster. Atkins works great for some people, but it's basically the same thing as South Beach if you have your calories right. so just eat under you calories, and maybe mix up you High carb days(black beans) and your low carb days(cottage cheese, chicken breast)

    2. Stay away from 'white foods' i'm sure you know what this means, bread, rice, sugar, sugar, and sugar. it spikes insulin and stores fat.

    3. Make this a Hobby, it's easier this way.

    4. - bodybuiliders have had this weight loss thing down to a science for a long time, that site should be everything you'll ever need, believe me i've lost 120 pounds, and i now carry a 6pack. :) this goes hand in hand with #3.
    I'd recommend your calories amount really low, around 900-1100 a day.

    GL! You got this!
  • FIRST, congrats on the initial weight loss! As for a "diet" to help bring off some more weight, I would recommend contacting your surgeon's office or contacting a surgeon's office in your area if you are too far away now. even now, I still call the dieticians that I saw back in 2007 when I was prepping for my RNY surgery when I have questions. They know my dietary needs and know what I can and can not eat.
  • FattieBeGone
    FattieBeGone Posts: 25 Member
    I've done ww and found it worked quite well for me.This time I've decided to see how this works for me.I didn't find my local ww meeting very useful so I found I was spending money just to stand on the scale.
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member

    I'd recommend your calories amount really low, around 900-1100 a day.

    Why would you be recommending a calorie target that is well below the lowest recommended calorie intake from numerous sites, including this one? 1200 calories is the minimum women should be ingesting to keep their body functioning happily, and only if already close to goal weight or very short. I am 5'8" and when I got down to 1350 calories a day my weight loss stalled right out. I need to be eating around 1500 a day to keep losing and I am only 10 pounds from my goal and the middle of a normal BMI. My mom was at 1200 calories a day, but she is 5'4" and only had 20 pounds total to lose.

  • I'd recommend your calories amount really low, around 900-1100 a day.

    Why would you be recommending a calorie target that is well below the lowest recommended calorie intake from numerous sites, including this one? 1200 calories is the minimum women should be ingesting to keep their body functioning happily, and only if already close to goal weight or very short. I am 5'8" and when I got down to 1350 calories a day my weight loss stalled right out. I need to be eating around 1500 a day to keep losing and I am only 10 pounds from my goal and the middle of a normal BMI. My mom was at 1200 calories a day, but she is 5'4" and only had 20 pounds total to lose.
    I agree! This is dangerous and ineffective!
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    The diet that works is really quite simple in its scope, but not so easy in its implementation. Eat Less, move more. I too have done my best to avoid the fast and processed foods that are so incredibly available. But even with slight deviations, the concept of burning more calories than you consume is really the key. I'm going to go on a limb and say that the calorie recommendation may be somewhat on the LOW side in most cases. Eating right is one component and exercise is the other. Put them together and you've got an incredible weapon to bust fat.
    AGREED! :)

    Ditto! Make fresh fruit and veggies, lean meats, low fat dairy and whole grains the base of your diet. Limit the presence of processed foods in your diet and maintain proper portion control. It's all about lifestyle!
  • I started FLFL which is now DFL (infomercials), which advertises eat your favorite foods and lose weight. They also want you to tweak the recipes to lighter versions, but I'm not into recipe stuff, They also have a big emphasis on exercise. The trick is supposed to be the combination of foods at each meal. Another thing I have is motivational tapes, I guess it's sorta like power of suggestion (that has a specific name but with my CRS I don't remember it right now). I have tried every gimmick in the book and this one is regular food, we'll see, this is my first week.
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    diet's don't work, lifestyle changes do. Let me give you the basics of guaranteed weightloss:

    1. Calories- It's all about calories, a man lost 27 pounds in 2 months eating nothing but twinkies and junk food, google it if you want. That means you can brocolli all day and still gain weight if you eat too much of it. So yes stay under you calories, and yes, eat whole foods, thats a very good way to loose weight "quicker", cause thats the key AFTER you have your calories right, you have to find the tricks that make you loose weight faster. Atkins works great for some people, but it's basically the same thing as South Beach if you have your calories right. so just eat under you calories, and maybe mix up you High carb days(black beans) and your low carb days(cottage cheese, chicken breast)

    2. Stay away from 'white foods' i'm sure you know what this means, bread, rice, sugar, sugar, and sugar. it spikes insulin and stores fat.

    3. Make this a Hobby, it's easier this way.

    4. - bodybuiliders have had this weight loss thing down to a science for a long time, that site should be everything you'll ever need, believe me i've lost 120 pounds, and i now carry a 6pack. :) this goes hand in hand with #3.
    I'd recommend your calories amount really low, around 900-1100 a day.

    GL! You got this!

    I agree with this guy. has some great articles! I also buy all of my supplements there because they are cheapest and they have user reviews. this is a lifestyle change. Not a diet. I bet that guy that ate twinkies for a month felt like crap everyday.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member

    I'd recommend your calories amount really low, around 900-1100 a day.

    GL! You got this!

    I agree with this guy. has some great articles! I also buy all of my supplements there because they are cheapest and they have user reviews. this is a lifestyle change. Not a diet. I bet that guy that ate twinkies for a month felt like crap everyday.

    Roy, I'm sure you don't agree with him on this part though, right? The rest is sound advice but telling her to eat 900 a day is stupid.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I think the best approach would be to just count your calories and eat more fiber-rich, whole-grains, and fruits and vegetables. Of course, considering that you had WLS, it probably would be a good idea to check in with your doctor first.

  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member

    I'd recommend your calories amount really low, around 900-1100 a day.

    GL! You got this!

    I agree with this guy. has some great articles! I also buy all of my supplements there because they are cheapest and they have user reviews. this is a lifestyle change. Not a diet. I bet that guy that ate twinkies for a month felt like crap everyday.

    Roy, I'm sure you don't agree with him on this part though, right? The rest is sound advice but telling her to eat 900 a day is stupid.
    oh yea, i must have missed this part. Dam add.
  • oceanrose78
    oceanrose78 Posts: 133 Member
    I am a big believer in the South Beach Diet, done the right way, and not the wrong.

    The right way is 4 cups of veggies a day, lean proteins, limited fats, and no white carbs. 75 free calories a day. It's naturally low-calorie, you're filled up, and getting plenty of nutrients. Fruits are allowed too, but within limits.

    When I originally did the SBD, I lost 75 pounds, and easily kept it of for 4 years. It was only when I dumped it completely that I've slowly gained back the weight. I'm a sugar addict, and if I start eating white carbs (potatoes etc) I start eating sugar and it spirals.

    I started the SBD again Tuesday, and started using this to track what I'm eating. It's interesting though, that it's really low in calories, I'm sure because of the veggies and the large amount you eat.

    I agree with the others, the most important thing is to eat healthy whole foods. Try to avoid processed foods, and strongly limit sugar.
  • rudog1984
    rudog1984 Posts: 1 Member
    really a six pack?
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    diet's don't work, lifestyle changes do. Let me give you the basics of guaranteed weightloss:

    1. Calories- It's all about calories, a man lost 27 pounds in 2 months eating nothing but twinkies and junk food, google it if you want. That means you can brocolli all day and still gain weight if you eat too much of it. So yes stay under you calories, and yes, eat whole foods, thats a very good way to loose weight "quicker", cause thats the key AFTER you have your calories right, you have to find the tricks that make you loose weight faster. Atkins works great for some people, but it's basically the same thing as South Beach if you have your calories right. so just eat under you calories, and maybe mix up you High carb days(black beans) and your low carb days(cottage cheese, chicken breast)

    2. Stay away from 'white foods' i'm sure you know what this means, bread, rice, sugar, sugar, and sugar. it spikes insulin and stores fat.

    3. Make this a Hobby, it's easier this way.

    4. - bodybuiliders have had this weight loss thing down to a science for a long time, that site should be everything you'll ever need, believe me i've lost 120 pounds, and i now carry a 6pack. :) this goes hand in hand with #3.
    I'd recommend your calories amount really low, around 900-1100 a day.

    GL! You got this!

    Shame... it was a good post until you started talking nonsense about 900 calories...

    I know any number of semi-professional competetive athletes that are in exceptional shape (beyond the 6-pack), from body builders to Ironman triathletes and ALL of them without exception would laugh their heads off if you told them they should be eating 900 calories.
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