Getting Regular (bathroom)


i see people jogging, running and those who do marathons.

My personal question is I am starting to walk but I get 10 House's away and have to run back home to go to the bathroom for a bowel movement.

Ho do people keep themselves regular or at least not have to go when out?

I mean people run 5 and 10 K's and they must have to go????.

Thanks so much,



  • AwesomeSquirrel
    AwesomeSquirrel Posts: 632 Member
    I have to say, never really been a problem for me (furthest I've run is 2 half marathons and they took me over 2.5 hours each).

    It might be because I run quite early in the morning? Like, get up, eat a boiled egg and some water, get dressed, go to the bathroom, RUN.

    For long runs I usually have a bit more time so I will probably have some coffee as well and give my system some time to wake up and empty before I go.

    I would say routine is probably key. I don't know if you've ever watched the Big Bang Theory, and know about Sheldon and Leonard's bathroom schedules? It's basically that.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    That's why they have port-o-poddie's on the way on the marathon's.

    Could just be your body getting used to going. Could be a lot of things.

    Check your fiber numbers to make sure you're getting enough fiber in. If not, hopefully once you get used to walking, it'll work itself out.
  • detoxjusttoretox
    public toilets are your best friend here. Theres loads where I live so I just tweak my running route to go past one if I need to.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    Well, I'm not sure exactly how to answer this, but I'll theorize!

    It could be the "stress" of the workout that's suddenly jostling everything into motion. Especially if you are just starting the activity and your body isn't used to it, it may be a reaction to you getting up and about, and getting everything flowing.

    There is a photo on the internet of a marathon running pooping himself during a yeah, it does happen.

    But in regards to getting regular, especially if it's a radical overhaul of your former intake, may take some time. Just eat foods rich in fiber, and it should eventually balance out soon enough!
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    Work out when you usually go every day, and don't go then. Either go when you've been or before you need to go.

    It'll be safe to go then, knowing you won't go.

  • CassarahW
    CassarahW Posts: 93 Member
    Exercise is a natural way to get things moving (inside and out). It's very common for you to have to have a bowel movement on your walks. You can try to get up a little earlier and do some at home light exercise to see if you can do it before your walks. Eating and drinking will also help to stimulate it. Get up a little earlier, do some moderate exercises at home, eat a very light breakfast, wait twenty minutes before you head out, hopefully you'll go before you go! I always have to use the restroom after I get home from jogging in the morning.