i need help when it comes to snacking..

TwinBlade09 Posts: 2
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
we all love snacks right? its really hard for me to resist the temptation for bad snacks like chips and candy and soda. soda is a big killer of mine. so what im asking is how can i gain more will power to chose better things for me like fruit and to chose water over soda?


  • stephensgirl
    stephensgirl Posts: 22 Member
    you fill your house and lunch bag with better choices .... So when you want something sweet you have a sugar free pudding or something salty have some rice cakes... and even tea with splenda or flavored water... Diet dr. pepper tastes the most like the original one... Good luck those are a few things that have worked for me...
  • Dont have the junk food in the house "Out of site out of mind" type thing. If its in the house I am always tempted!!! Otherwise you just gotta tell yourself NO. Have ready available snacks (apple, banana, yogurt, easy stuff) that sounds good to you. :)
  • twinni
    twinni Posts: 7
    Maybe try not having it in the house at all. don't buy it at the store so you are not tempted when you are home and hungry. If at work or elsewhere try to remember why you are avoiding that stuff in the first place. whether to lose weight, be healthier, etc... Keep a picture of you at your worst so it reminds you of what you don't want to go back to. Best thing is to just have the healthy stuff in the house only so you don't have the options or temptation of chips and soda... I hope this helps...
  • btrflyflutter
    btrflyflutter Posts: 68 Member
    I don't chose water over soda...I add water to my diet. I did however stop drinking real soda and coffee a year ago...I know drink mainly Coke zero and water. I will have an occasional coffee but it's rare! My issue is chocolate! Try fat free pudding with lite whip cream for a snack and you can also take a tortilla shell (soft flour) sprinkle it with cinnamon and bake it for just a few mins...it creates a FAT FREE chip!! So if you like chips you and bake that....break it up and put it in a ziplock bag...make a bunch and use it for a snack. It's DELICIOUS!
  • thanks for the advice i will def keep those tips in mind :D
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    Personally, I don't keep that stuff in my apartment because I know I'll want to eat it. On days that I work out, I have much better will power in any situation because I don't want to undo my progress.

    Basically, look at the big picture. Do you REALLY want to lose weight, look better, and feel better? Is that bag of Lays going to get you to your goal? Absolutely not. If you like those things, incorporate them into your calorie limits, and choose the baked versions to save some fat calories. If portion control is an issue, get the single serving bags. If you're craving something candy-like, limit yourself to one fun-sized bag of M&M's or something of the like. Additionally, a Fruit Roll-up only has 50 calories.

    Give yourself a soda limit.. Make sure it fits into your calories (Notice a theme here? Calories-in vs. Calories-out is Everything). Maybe try switching to diet (Which goes against the "rules" because they're not much better, sugar craving-wise, than real soda.. But even I enjoy a diet soda once in awhile). Honestly, the more you make yourself drink water, the more you'll crave it.

    Personally, my current favorite snacks are a handful of Emerald Cocoa Roast Almonds, or a small Ziplock of frozen green grapes. :)

    Good luck. I know you can do this. Everyone else here on MFP knows you can do this. YOU have to believe YOU can do it, and then put it into action! :)
  • runs4zen
    runs4zen Posts: 769 Member
    Some of my "tricks" that worked!

    1. Find substitutes for your favorite "bad" snacks. For instance, eat low salt pretzels instead of chips. Of course, eat a reasonable amount--not the whole 12 serving bag!
    2. Do not buy (or allow others to bring into your home) high calorie, fatty foods. If it isn't there, you can't eat it
    3. Build your snacks into your daily calories so they're planned "noshes" not just eating to eat
    4. Stay away from prepared "diet" foods. They're high in carbs and don't satisfy cravings. Instead, learn to eat smaller portions of regular foods.
    5. Sugar-Free foods rock. Always choose those when available! They are not the same as "diet" foods!
    6. substitute some of that eating time with activity time
    7. Cut out soda, or if you can't, go to sugar-free

    Lastly, be kind to yourself! Changes don't happen over night. If you "blow it" one day, don't dwell on that. Just say "hey, tomorrow is another day and I'm going to make it a point to remember how I felt about overeating today and not do that again". It's a process and pretty soon you'll have few if any "bad eating" days if you stick to your goals and calorie targets. If you're not already doing so, try using the food diary on this site. It's really great and super easy and makes keeping track of food choices a no brainer!

    Best of luck to you!
  • ugh i love soda!!! let me tell you!!! it took awhile but i did it in steps! I switched to diet soda and everyday just drank a little less! I buy it in cans that way i know how much and many i drink! Snack id hard for me to! I switched chips to popcorn and little debbies to jello with lowfat whip or fruit with whip cream! whip cream is 25 cal for 2 tablespoons and sugerfeee jello is 10 for one. I buy everything premade as far as low cal snacks!
    we all love snacks right? its really hard for me to resist the temptation for bad snacks like chips and candy and soda. soda is a big killer of mine. so what im asking is how can i gain more will power to chose better things for me like fruit and to chose water over soda?
  • gentlebreeze2
    gentlebreeze2 Posts: 450 Member
    I snack mostly on fruits and nuts, but when I'm stressed I need something that crunches. That's when I have a bowl of dry cereal to crunch on, it satisfies my need to crunch plus I'm getting some fiber... and its usually about 200 calories.
  • I don't chose water over soda...I add water to my diet. I did however stop drinking real soda and coffee a year ago...I know drink mainly Coke zero and water. I will have an occasional coffee but it's rare! My issue is chocolate! Try fat free pudding with lite whip cream for a snack and you can also take a tortilla shell (soft flour) sprinkle it with cinnamon and bake it for just a few mins...it creates a FAT FREE chip!! So if you like chips you and bake that....break it up and put it in a ziplock bag...make a bunch and use it for a snack. It's DELICIOUS!

    That's a great idea! Chips! Yum.....
  • gentlebreeze2
    gentlebreeze2 Posts: 450 Member
    oh and I make bags of stuff up ahead of time so I know when the bag is empty my snack is done.
  • I agree with everyone else's posts! I too love to snack and like pop. I am currently cutting my pop intake down and don't allow myself any until I reach my water goal. I have found that ff/sf pudding made with skim milk can help alot with the different sweet cravings. I am constantly looking for things that are better for me not just calorie wise ( like I have in the past ). When I have that sweet and salty craving, I like pretzels sticks with a tbs of peanut butter. Good luck!!
  • secostley
    secostley Posts: 409 Member
    Put healthy foods within easy reach. I keep healthy snacks at my desk at work (almonds, nuts, tuna packs, rice cakes, etc) to snack on during the day.

    It took awhile to give up sodas for me too. I went from regular to diet for awhile, then to sparkling water. I think what really made me stop was when I realized how much sodas were inhibiting my weight loss efforts at the gym. High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) is a monster and I decided I wasn't going to work out an hour in the gym and ruin it by downing a few cokes. For Type II diabetics, avoiding culprits like HFCS will allow you to see better results in your weight loss goals.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    I agree with the above post try to find substitutes for your favorite snacks, eat baked lays instead of reg chips or pretzels or popcorn, eat weight watchers ice cream bars (60 cals) instead of ice cream, eat bagel thins instead of bread or bagels, and drink the carbonated flavored water instead of soda. I hope this helps . You can do this
  • If you have to have a soda, only drink an 8oz portion of the real thing because artificial sweeteners are atrocious for your body. If I'm in the mood for a sweet drink I reach for V8-fruit, or OJ, or even sweet tea.
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