Hello Everyone! :D

I've been using MFP for a lil while now, but never really stepped into the forums.
Or at least, I don't remember doing so before.
Anyway, my goal is to be 120lbs and my ultimate goal is 115lbs.
It doesn't seem like I have a lot left to go, but sure feels like it.


  • Amy1527
    Amy1527 Posts: 18
    Hi Keyeno,

    Welcome to the forums, I have only just started using them a couple of days ago and they have already been really helpful. Have a look around at all the different one, you probably find that other people have already asked questions or offered advice on the same topics you're interest in :-)

    Feel free to add me if you want and good luck x
  • Keyeno
    Keyeno Posts: 6
    Thanks. :)
    So far my only worry is if walking (maybe power-walking) an hour to get to the sushi bar will make up for the calories... >.>