Looking for Workout Video Suggestions

rugare Posts: 25 Member
Hi There,

I am running into a bit of a slump with my workouts. So I am thinking of buying a new DVD program to help re-motivate me. That has worked in the past! Does anyone have any suggestions? I am considering T25, P90X3....or any other suggestions you have for me.

I have about 19 pounds of fat to lose. And I really only have about 30 minutes and 5 days per week to work out. My favorite type of workout to do is lifting weights.. I am also the most uncoordinated person on the planet, so keep that in mind when making suggestions.



  • GreenIceFloes
    GreenIceFloes Posts: 1,491 Member
    Jillian Michaels maybe? You could do Body Revolution or 30 Day Shred, or any of her other 30-minute workouts.
  • Froggymcconnell
    Froggymcconnell Posts: 92 Member
    Kettlercise DVD or Jillian Michaels :smile:
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Walk at home by Leslie Sansone.

    Trust me, I can run I can do almost anything & yet these still get me sometimes. Try the Fast 4 miles. It has HIIT in it and wow is it good.
  • rugare
    rugare Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks everyone for the suggestions. :)
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    Try You Tube - there are tons of FREE workout videos. Jessica Smith, Real Fit TV and Fitness Blender are my top 3! Great workouts!!
  • ktloo
    ktloo Posts: 90 Member
    I've been using a mix of Jillian Michaels and Leslie Sansone lately.
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    I agree with Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. You can find at least the first level on YouTube for free to see if you'll like it.
  • HalfwayGone
    HalfwayGone Posts: 1,242 Member
    Yeah 30 day shred is good. Insanity is supposed to be good too but I haven't tried it/not sure how long the workouts are.
  • No_excuses_nikki
    No_excuses_nikki Posts: 16 Member
    I personally LOVE Jillian Micheal Videos. I have her Hard body, Dvd she incorporates small dumbells into her routine. There is also some of her videos on youtube :)
  • sheltol
    sheltol Posts: 120 Member
    T25 and P90X3 are both great options for a 30 min workout timeframe. However T25 probably takes more coordination. With x3 you need more equipment. Depending on your fitness level and goals there may be other programs better suited. I've completed almost every beachbody program if you have specific questions send me a message.