Stretch Marks!!

thatgirl17 Posts: 21
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
Well I'm one of the very unlucky people blessed (not!) with stretch marks on my stomach! I hate them, as most would. I can't wait to lose alot of weight however everytime I think of losing weight I always think of how nice its going to be to rock it in a bikini. Unfortunately I don't think it's in the cards for me with all the stretch marks, granted they're all light not extremely noticeable red ones but I don't imagine anyone else wants to look at that anymore than I. I am just wondering if anyone else feels the same way that when we finally reach that goal weight we still won't be comfortable or "acceptable" for a bikini. I don't know why I just got really down thinking about this today :(.


  • WEN575
    WEN575 Posts: 34
    I too have stretch marks from the 3 children I carried. However, for me they are not one of the things I worry about. I can't see myself ever wearing as bikini anyway, but I also have a large stomach with a lot of skin, so I am worried about all the loose skin I will have when I lose weight, not the stretch marks. If you get to a weoght where you feel comfortable in a bikini, why would stretch marks matter. You shouldn't be worrying aabout what others think when you can be confident in yourself for the marvellous job you did in losing weight and getting healthy!
  • Dencrossgirl
    Dencrossgirl Posts: 501 Member
    I have many and I think my stomach looks really gross, but when I get where I want to be I am going to wear my bikini and enjoy it. I don't know we are so critical of ourselves. We all can't look like a magazine cover (even the girl on the cover), mark my words
    years from now women will be celebrated for their flaws---why wait let's start now.
  • NyteMirage
    NyteMirage Posts: 315 Member
    I have stretch marks too. I've had two children... one was 9 lbs 4 oz! He was a big one! So I got HUGE! I'm not sure if I'll ever wear a two piece or not.
  • I feel the same as WEN. I only had one, but he was a doosie. :laugh: If i ever got to the point where I felt comfortable in a bikini, stretch marks or not you better believe i'll be in one! (you can see my tummy in my pics if you want... they're not close, but you can kinda tell the marks cover my whole tummy) - I take that back. No you can't. :laugh:
  • Ashlea_M
    Ashlea_M Posts: 165 Member
    No kids, but i have purple ish stretch marks all over my stomach and i'm trying to think about them! :) I keep telling myself if i forget they're there maybe they'll disappear. Maybe.
  • Ashlea_M
    Ashlea_M Posts: 165 Member
    No kids, but i have purple ish stretch marks all over my stomach and i'm trying to think about them! :) I keep telling myself if i forget they're there maybe they'll disappear. Maybe.

    * I'm trying not to think about them
  • Hotbottom
    Hotbottom Posts: 168 Member
    Try MSM cream from Pairie Naturals a canadian company. ( I don't work for them or have anything to do with them) But this cream is wonder cream, natural and cheep!!! My teenager had terrible stretch marks from growing and I had some surgery that left a terrible scar and nothing would make it go away. This MSM cream worked on both....
    I also now use it as a face cream as it is so natural and works miracles. Its about $18 for a large tube of the stuff.
  • Totally hearing ya! I too suffer from stretch marks and know how they can make you feel.
    I have found that whilst on this weight loss journey the less I worry about what others think of my appearance the better off I am. Dont let strech marks stress you out as that can hinder your progress. Just wait and see how your body transforms when you lose the weight! Good luck :smile:
  • ladysvs
    ladysvs Posts: 61
    As you lose weight your stretch marks become less visible! Not disappear, but less noticeable. I went from over 200 down to 135 (gained lots back but that's why I'm on here!) & I wore a bikini to the Bahamas! I've also had 2 kids & got VERY big with my first. Like someone else said, YOU have to be comfortable in it! don't rule it out!
  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    I got my than ridiculous amounts of stretch marks with my kids. I also got that little droop in skin at the bottom of my stomach. So even though I will feel good about losing the weight, I won't ever look how I want. I will always have loose stomach skin. And for non-rich people like myself, surgery really isn't an option for me. So I feel you.
  • I was actually about to post this question because of similar reasons. With my first child I ended up with those stretch marks on everything but my stomach. (boobs and all) My second, third and fourth child made sure I had them everywhere else. After baby #3 & #4 I got the pouch in the tummy that wouldn't go away course they were the two that allowed me to eat, unliked the first 2 where I could never touch anything. Today I look in the mirror and know I look pregnant and hope one day that'll go away....that little pouch where no baby lays but looks like one could. Ikk. I had hoped that once I lost all the weight and toned up the stretch marks would fade, I have some really dark, some that bleed on occasion and then the pinkish ones. I hadn't even thought about the skin that'll stick around. Oh boy.

    Those of you that have lost the weight, how do you deal with the loose skin?
  • dlrcpa
    dlrcpa Posts: 114 Member
    Honey, I am 54 and won't be seen in a bikini ever again. Plus I have a lot of surgical scars that I don't really want to exhibit. However I think the Land's End tank suits rock. I have long legs and arms which are are showing a lot toning now (been working at it.) Think of what your *best* features are and how you can show them off. Maybe it's your legs, maybe shoulders. Pick a swimsuit that will play up to those features. Good luck!
  • I have a few stretch marks from my 3 full term pregnancies, mostly on my love handles. I will say, when I lose all the weight, they virtually disappear. Maybe the same will happen to you!!
  • karriecook
    karriecook Posts: 84 Member
    Honey, I am 54 and won't be seen in a bikini ever again. Plus I have a lot of surgical scars that I don't really want to exhibit. However I think the Land's End tank suits rock. I have long legs and arms which are are showing a lot toning now (been working at it.) Think of what your *best* features are and how you can show them off. Maybe it's your legs, maybe shoulders. Pick a swimsuit that will play up to those features. Good luck!

    Amen sista, I totally agree! Accentuate your best features. Try not to focus on wearing a bikini, but instead just focus on feeling good about yourself by the beach/pool.
  • kiannlouise
    kiannlouise Posts: 310 Member
    No kids for me, but the more weight I used to put on, the more the stretch marks starting appearing!
    On my hips, then my stomach, then my legs....

    Now that I have been losing the weight my legs you cant see, I also got a tatoo down one side of one hip isnt noticable at all haha, my mum also got a tattoo to cover her stomach ones!

    But can I suggest you all go out and buy bio oil! I swear by it, its amazing! Rub it straight onto the skin for thirty days and volaaahh! they fade right down! - also if you're worried about lose skin why dont you do weights?? most of the girls on here who have lost over 30kilos did it slowly using weights and cardio so there was time for their skin to heal!

    anyways BIO OIL is the best (:
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