It Never Fails!

Ok, so why am I eating this time of night. You know why because I'm HUNGRY!!!! You know why I'm hungry because I didn't eat all my allotted calories today. Why I didn't, BECAUSE AT THOSE TIMES I WAS FULL!!!!! Neverending cycle.....before doing this I know for sure I had no problem averaging over 2500 in calories. Now I don't know what to eat and can't get this right. I want so desperately to do this. I know you guys say be patient and just keep at it. But seriously it's 1am my time and I'm snacking on chips and dip like crazy....NOT GOOD!


  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    Ok throw out the chips and dip. :)
    Stock the cupboards with fruit and healthy stuff so when you get a munching then you'll have to pick something good.
    Try to add some healthy protein through out the day so that you're full. Soups are warm and filling another good option at night. Makes a full belly and easy to make.

    You can do it.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    hey,dont be so hard on yourself that would be step 1...secondly put those things away if your hungry make something to eat a salad some fruit..even a light late night breakfast ..boiled egg and toast....try your best not to even reach for things that will leave you feeling guilty ..good luck
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Put them DOWN!

    Try spreading your calories out more (eat every 2-3 hours) and make them small "meals". Make sure you're hitting your protein and fat goals and get fiber - those are the things that will help you feel full. If you're getting hungry in the evening, try eating dinner a little later and make sure you get enough protein with it. Then, save some cals for an evening snack of something filling and HEALTHY (ie not chips/dip). Almonds are my go to for evening snack.

    Stay committed! You can do this!
  • Seesaa
    Seesaa Posts: 451
    yeah snacking isn't terrible, but make the right choices when ya do it. You know chips and dip aren't it. And you'll feel icky in the morning cause you ate them and because they aren't something that will keep you full.
    I like almonds as a snack. cottage cheese is nice as well, or yogurt, just something small before you lay back down because you don't want something heavy in your tummy this late at night.
    AADLONG Posts: 12
    Yes you are hungy but part is habit too. Do experiments for what works for you. Find what fills you up. Try drinking a glass of water wait 10 min and then see if you are still hungry. Don't beat yourself up. You have to look at this as a lifestyle and not a diet. If at first you don't suceed try try try again. It took me many years of trying before I quit smoking but I finally did it. Then I moved on to soda. Now I am moving on to my weight. Have faith in yourself sweety. You CAN and WILL do this. You didnt form the bad habits that made you gain weigtht in one day so you wont form good habits to reverse those in one day either.
  • kimbot
    kimbot Posts: 32 Member
    You already know the chips & dip are not a good thing to snack on. Try snacking on heathy veggies. If you're craving that crunch you get from chips, try snacking on celery or apples and dip them in a low fat peanut butter (if you must dip.) There are plenty of alternatives. Even 100 calorie snack packs. But there is nothing wrong with snacking on raw veggies until you feel full. Good luck sister. :flowerforyou:
  • helluva4
    All good ideas guys really. I think what upsets me is that I find myself thinking about food all day now because I'm trying to plan for the next meal. As before when I get hungry I would just eat an that's eat! I dn't like the fact that I'm constantly planning out meals and what to eat. What do eat it's getting boring and then it does fill me up at that time. Now you suggested eating smaller meals throughout the day. Again that's like I'm still eating all day. I used to eating a late breakfast/brunch and then dinner and that could mean anything. I will keep at it, just have to get used to this. UUUGGHH!!! :sad: :noway: :explode: :grumble: :mad: :frown: :embarassed:
  • escobar9300
    escobar9300 Posts: 15 Member
    You can do it!! Were all in the same boat with you! Just take it one day at a time and don't give up!
  • kimbot
    kimbot Posts: 32 Member
    It's nothing wrong with eating 5 or 6 small meals a day. Yes, you're still eating, but if you cut your portions down, it doesn't make you feel like "oh my God, i'm eating all day." The good thing is you are realizing what you're doing. It takes a lot of courage to admit to yourself and others that you have bad eating habits. You know you want the change, and slowly but surely, you'll make that change. It's not an overnight process. I'm ALWAYS hungry, but now when I get hungry, i go grab 16 ounces of water and a pickle (11 calories) or I eat green veggies and drink water until i'm full again. You can do it...Just keep having faith in yourself.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Try not to get frustrated - that's just added stress. You're new at this and it takes time to learn. And don't beat yourself up - you've made a commitment and taken A step - that's better than where you were before. Be proud of that and remind yourself that you are a strong person just to get that far (look how many people don't).

    I looked over your diary and have a couple suggestions. You mentioned in your other post about sodium. A couple of little things that would help cut down on that is the cheese - reduce it or get rid of it. Cheese, especially processed, is high sodium. And little things like the croutons. They don't add that much excitement to the salad (I know, I know, I love them too...but they aren't worth the cals, carbs or sodium).

    Second, try getting some more lean protein. Chicken, fish, etc. You can eat 3 chicken breasts for only 372 cals. Sounds like a lot, but it will keep you full longer. There are lots of recipes and different suggestions for snacks all around MFP - just start looking through the boards and you'll find tons of new things you can make to ease the boredom in your menu. Try not to think of meal planning as a chore - think of it as a game you can WIN when you make something new that's great. And it's an opportunity to try a bunch of NEW healthy foods that you haven't tried before.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Oh, and look through other people's diaries to see what they're doing - it will give you ideas on recipes and how to meet protein/fat goals.
  • helluva4
    Hey thanks for that and also looking over my diary. I didn't know about the chicken breat though....interesting. Yea, I said I need to get a low-fat cheese. No I don't need the croutons either. I really think it's the crunch sometimes I need (LOL) Kimbot did suggest veggies for the crunch and peanut butter. I'll get it together, however I do appreciate all the motivation and tips from you guys. Yes I do need to browsw and search for more ideas. Also looking for some budget-friendly meals as well. I am open for more suggestions and comments please. I need all the help I can get and I will honestly say, I have never been this honest before about my eating habits nor did I want help. I figure I won't tell any one I'm dieting or changing eating habits out of embarrassment if I failed. It won't happen overnight just like the weight didn't. Thanks a bunch guys!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Maybe try to plan your meals ahead of time. If you look at my diary, I plan out a week (Monday - Sunday) and put it all into the diary. I then use that plan to go grocery shopping and I buy ONLY those things needed for those meals. Saves money and calories all at once. That way, you are not thinking about what you will fix next because it was already planned out.

    And eating "all day long" as you put it, or 5-6 meals a day, is never a bad thing UNLESS your portions are too big and eat too much. Actually, eating smaller meals like that is good for you in the long run for a lot of reasons. Don't be afraid of food. Don't think of it as something you have to stay away from. You body NEEDS food...that's its fuel. You just gotta learn to fuel it properly. And most often, the proper fuel is less calories than the "bad" stuff so you can eat more of it. 100 calories of veggies is HUGE and can fill your whole plate and moreso! 100 calories of chips and dip is a handful of chips at most and a dollop of dip.
  • helluva4
    Cool, thanks for the tips. I'm gonna stick at this just takes a little time and planning as you stated.