Dressing to hide obesity

tips? I'm a woman but men, feel free to discuss here too....

tired of being ashamed to go outside...


  • beckyjeanleemaddox
    beckyjeanleemaddox Posts: 154 Member
    Me too!!!! tips please
  • KayJaMikel
    KayJaMikel Posts: 341 Member
    Well, I feel like a whale and I dress appropriately. I wear only sweats and T-shirts, I buy the biggest I can find, currently 4x T-shirts, which I don't need size wise, but if i feel the clothes on me, they bug me, so I buy bigger than I need. I don't own anything nice, but i work from home and really never go out.

    I have a few pairs of mom jeans in the drawer, with elastic waists, that I bought probably 2 years ago, and have never worn.
  • Confused892014
    Well, I feel like a whale and I dress appropriately. I wear only sweats and T-shirts, I buy the biggest I can find, currently 4x T-shirts, which I don't need size wise, but if i feel the clothes on me, they bug me, so I buy bigger than I need. I don't own anything nice, but i work from home and really never go out.

    I have a few pairs of mom jeans in the drawer, with elastic waists, that I bought probably 2 years ago, and have never worn.

    that makes me sad :( hugs from me to you....

    and i think i'll start wearing sweats and big tshirts too....fml
  • KayJaMikel
    KayJaMikel Posts: 341 Member
    Well, I feel like a whale and I dress appropriately. I wear only sweats and T-shirts, I buy the biggest I can find, currently 4x T-shirts, which I don't need size wise, but if i feel the clothes on me, they bug me, so I buy bigger than I need. I don't own anything nice, but i work from home and really never go out.

    I have a few pairs of mom jeans in the drawer, with elastic waists, that I bought probably 2 years ago, and have never worn.

    that makes me sad :( hugs from me to you....

    and i think i'll start wearing sweats and big tshirts too....fml

    I will gladly take the hugs, I love hugs, but don't be sad. I am one of those people who really enjoy being home. It is a choice I make. Give me my house, no sun, and sweating outside, any day of the week. I love it. I am a hermit. What does FML mean?
  • Confused892014
    Well, I feel like a whale and I dress appropriately. I wear only sweats and T-shirts, I buy the biggest I can find, currently 4x T-shirts, which I don't need size wise, but if i feel the clothes on me, they bug me, so I buy bigger than I need. I don't own anything nice, but i work from home and really never go out.

    I have a few pairs of mom jeans in the drawer, with elastic waists, that I bought probably 2 years ago, and have never worn.

    that makes me sad :( hugs from me to you....

    and i think i'll start wearing sweats and big tshirts too....fml

    I will gladly take the hugs, I love hugs, but don't be sad. I am one of those people who really enjoy being home. It is a choice I make. Give me my house, no sun, and sweating outside, any day of the week. I love it. I am a hermit. What does FML mean?

    oh sorry, i misunderstood, i thought you meant you didn't go out bc of your weight, guess i projected myself onto you xD fml is **** my life hehe
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    For larger women, the area right under the breasts tend to be their skinniest area. Additionally, their breasts tend to be on the larger side.

    So, maximize that by wearing dresses/shirts that flow from after the breast on down, instead of the traditional dress that flows from the waist on down.

    Avoid neon colors like the plague. Go for designs that break areas up instead of fully solid colors.

    If you can wear heels or shoes that raise you a little bit, it will add a slimming effect.

    DO NOT wear any clothes that are even slightly too small.
    While it is mentally nice to be able to "fit" into a size smaller, it does not mean it looks good. An example could be pants, where you could technically fit in a size smaller but gives muffin top or what not, this actually makes people look larger than if they wore a larger pant size!

    A lot of it really depends on the style of clothing you like to wear and the shape of your body.

    No neon. Ever.
    Accent what you got, minimize what you don't.
    NEVER wear a size too small.
    Heels rock (not street side worker girl heels though...)
    Solids should be avoided unless there's a design involved.

    Shop with a friend. Ask honest opinions. Some of the prettiest girls I know are overweight/obese. They just wear stuff that fits properly in the right areas, work their make up well, and have confidence.
  • KayJaMikel
    KayJaMikel Posts: 341 Member
    Well, I feel like a whale and I dress appropriately. I wear only sweats and T-shirts, I buy the biggest I can find, currently 4x T-shirts, which I don't need size wise, but if i feel the clothes on me, they bug me, so I buy bigger than I need. I don't own anything nice, but i work from home and really never go out.

    I have a few pairs of mom jeans in the drawer, with elastic waists, that I bought probably 2 years ago, and have never worn.

    that makes me sad :( hugs from me to you....

    and i think i'll start wearing sweats and big tshirts too....fml

    I will gladly take the hugs, I love hugs, but don't be sad. I am one of those people who really enjoy being home. It is a choice I make. Give me my house, no sun, and sweating outside, any day of the week. I love it. I am a hermit. What does FML mean?

    oh sorry, i misunderstood, i thought you meant you didn't go out bc of your weight, guess i projected myself onto you xD fml is **** my life hehe

    No, it's definitely not because of my weight. I just like being home. I am weird, I know. In the winter, it is better, but I really really hate summers.

    And Ahh, I thought FML was a typo and maybe meant TMI, LOL.
  • morgan9
    morgan9 Posts: 22
    Buy clothes that fit and never mind the size, remember not to compare others external best to your overcritical internal, and force yourself to be confident (I do a power pose for a few minutes before reminding my self that I can only be my best today; the past and future have gone and will come, respectively). Kinda cheezy, and I know a little pep talk to counteract negative self-talk can seem patronizing, especially when you are not feeling your best, but can do wonders...even if it just gets you out the door. Some days, its the only way I can.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I'm fat. I still dress sexy, stylish, etc - I'm not going to let my body hold me back fashion wise. I may be fat, but I make fat look damned good.

    I shop almost exclusively at a store called Torrid - they are a plus size only store, so there is no "praying for your size". They have some really amazing clothes (both style and quality).

    I don't think there are rules for dressing just because you're overweight. The only "rule" is to make yourself feel good - and eff what anyone else might think.
  • Confused892014
    Here is a pic of what I am mainly wearing these days...do you think they are okay for a fat person like myself? It does have patterns as 1 poster suggested....

  • Notenispal
    Notenispal Posts: 168 Member
    I'm almost 270 lbs and only 5'6". I shop at Lane bryant because their jeans fit my big ol booty. Their tops are a bit big on me so I have to try quite a few to find ones that fit me. I can't wait til I don't have to shop there but they have some good fashionable stuff. I am a stay at home mom so I wear yoga pants quite a bit. Not the most flattering but comfortable! I have some black slacks I wear when I go out with my husband and some nice tops to go with them. Honestly, we are all different shapes so certain things will look good on your body type that wouldn't look good on me. Take a good friend/ family member with you to the store and ask their opinions on things.

    I personally am not buying any new clothes till I drop a few sizes and my clothes are starting to fall off! :-) Good luck!
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Here is a pic of what I am mainly wearing these days...do you think they are okay for a fat person like myself? It does have patterns as 1 poster suggested....

    I think whatever you feel comfortable in is okay. If you exude confidence, you're beautiful and sexy, IMO. No matter what size you are or what you're wearing.
  • joejoeblue
    joejoeblue Posts: 1
    I find helpful:
    If I'm going to wear a tank top, I never choose spaghetti straps; always thicker straps.
    The thin ones draw more attention to arm flab.

    I wear longer shorts in the summer, and I especially like Skorts, they're comfortable and hide my thighs.
    For swimsuits, I like the ones that have a skirt or shorts bottom, otherwise I just add one on.

    I wear darker colors which make you appear slimmer.

    For shoes if some sort of heels are required, I go for wedges. The appearance of being taller makes me look slimmer, and there are some really attractive wedges and they are way more comfortable.

    I also wear undergarments that help with outfits that show too much of my "muffin top"

    Overall I just try to wear what looks good and doesn't draw attention to some of my problem areas. I still want to look and feel sexy!
  • erelyl
    erelyl Posts: 48 Member
    Something i figured out long ago is that there's no hiding. So to hell with that, i am who i am, and i'm done apologizing for that. Lots of fat women look fantastic it's all about attitude and style. Sweats do not have any style sad to say.

    Wear what makes you happy, not what "fits". Buying a size or two up is just as bad as buying too small!! I know everyone says dark colors are slimming (and personally i'd wear all black all the time just because i love black) but a punch of color really adds to an outfit. I work in an office so i'm mostly dressed business casual, dress pants, nice tops etc. I love a slight v neck (just gotta be careful of flashing too much boob when you have extra to spare!) I think i'm going to bump up my wardrobe with more skirts and dresses for the summer. Easy enough to throw on a dress and grab a cardigan on my way out the door each morning. There are loads of "comfort waist" pants out there now that look good but have a bit of stretch in the middle. Accessorize with nice shoes, costume jewelry etc.

    I will admit i dress for comfort. But you can look nice and put together without resorting to sweats and tees all the time. I'm no fashion goddess, but i make a point to look good and put in a bit of effort. It doesn't disguise my weight, but the truth is you can't make 260 lbs look like 125 no matter what you do.
  • ravenmiss
    ravenmiss Posts: 384 Member
    Unless you want to wander around in a box of some kind you cannot hide obesity with clothing.
  • forkofpower
    forkofpower Posts: 171 Member
    Google 'fatshion'--you can find lots of good ideas. Just because you're fat doesn't mean you can't look great or be fashionable. I'm not fat, and I still follow lots of fat fashion bloggers, because they dress amazingly well, and look awesome.
  • DaivaSimone
    DaivaSimone Posts: 657 Member
    Please read this from one of my favorite plus size fashion blogger: http://www.killerkurves.ca/2013/07/the-rules-of-fashion-what-plus-size-women-should-not-wear/

    And wear whatever you like on you and makes you feel pretty and confident.

    That's what I do.

    This morning, I'm wearing whitish-metallic skinny jeans (color name was metallic ice or something like that) with a sleeveless black tunic and cute sandals. Tomorrow, who knows, probably a dotted vintage dress with a colorful cardigan an a fancy hairdo.

    Be proud of yourself and love the skin you live in, everything else will fall in right place.
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    When I gained my weight, I used tricks from when I was small and would get my 5lbs winter weight or bloat. I wish those were my only issues now. The same tricks apply though.

    *Clothes that fit right
    * Empire waist shirts (comes in under the breast) These flatter and hide the tummy.
    * If you can heels
    * No horizontal stripes (no need to look wider)
    * Bathing suit with dimension and bunched up material (hides tummy roll)
    * Hair Done, Well kept and a smile...confidence goes a long way.
    * Clothes that are too big, that many larger women do, make them look bigger. A shirt hiding your butt actually makes your butt look bigger.
    * clothes that are too small, everyone notices and draw the eye to all problem areas.
    * a bra that fits right, no need to add backrolls. Plus the perkier and better the breasts look the small the gut looks.

    Find your best asset and flaunt that, even with my weight gain, I have killer calves...heels and outfits that flatter them make my short self look like I have legs that just keep going.

    OP yoga pants with a wide band can be flattering, the band can create the waist area and this can divide up the body visually. Looking like one giant shape looks worse, even though most larger women seem to prefer this.
  • sue_stef
    sue_stef Posts: 194 Member
    Even though I have lsot 62 lbs Im still obese and you know what?
    I wear whatever I want
    I always did
    if I want to wear bright yellow I wear it
    want to know why?
    my size does not change who I am
    I have always been a confident person
    I am cute even when I was fatter
    I was still cute
    just be you and go out and do stuff
    find your joy
    being healthy is the main reason I came here to lose weight it had nothing to do with not being happy with how I looked
    I like my body now too and I will like it when it gets smaller