Went From The Top Of the World To Deeply Depressed

Hello everyone,

I can't believe I'm writing this, but the title is true. I went from being on top of the world to deeply depressed. I've come here looking for support during these tough times. Here's my story.

I used to be really athletic and workout five days a week. Intense yoga & fitness classes. Life was amazing. Everything was perfect. And then, my left ankle started to hurt. So I took a little time off. It wouldn't get better. I got it checked up. Did all the typical R.I.C.E. stuff. It healed a little and then 3 months later, my right ankle was in pain.

I went to see a podiatrist. I was diagnosed with posterior tibial tendonitis. They gave me orthotics and shoes. It took away some of the pain but I still couldn't workout. The doctor suggested I get an injection but I said that pain was totally manageable. I spent the next several months trying tons of stuff - massage, chiropractic, etc, nothing worked.

About 6 weeks ago, I woke up with extreme pain in my right ankle. I could hardly walk on it. It was getting unbearable. So I went to a naturopath and got some natural stuff injected. It took away the pain for a bit but it all came back. So I finally gave in and got an injection from my podiatrist. Some of the pain went away but it returned. I was told to wait 6 weeks. But I couldn't freaking walk, so I saw another podiatrist, got a different injection.

Now I'm sitting here in a walking boot. Totally miserable. I can't drive. I can't workout. I've put on weight. I have no job anymore. I am officially depressed and have no clue when this will heal. If you saw me 6 months ago versus today, you wouldn't recognize me, night and day. Anyways, I came here looking for some support, a few words of encouragement will help me get through this terrible period in my life.


  • helsdels
    helsdels Posts: 10 Member
    Hi there,

    I stumbled across your post and wanted to reply. Things certainly sound tough for you at the moment; whilst I've never personally had issues with ankles or feet, several of my friends have and they have been exactly where you are - feeling down and out. Pain is incredibly hard to deal with, and can definitely make you feel miserable.

    I don't want to sound trite or make light of your situation, but there may be things you can do to get a little movement in, boot and all. Perhaps do a little research on the net about movement exercises that are not weight bearing or upper body movements...sometimes just doing something makes you feel like it's not all totally hopeless. Start with the small things that can help you see what is possible.

    It sounds as though you were very active before and given you can't be as active now, assess your diet and see where adjustments can be made. If you're anything like me though, it's easy to binge on 'sometimes' food and be constantly tired which makes you want to binge even more...if you're doing that, try to stop because it won't help you're emotional state or your healing process.

    Things might seem really bad at the moment, and even though it's easy for me to say, times are bad now so you can rise up and be even better than before. Don't let it beat you. You'll get through this.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    being in chronic pain would be difficult and very depressing, add in everything else and yah I can see why you would have fallen into a depression.

    As far as the weight gain my suggestion would be to start counting calories...get in a deficit and the weight will come off.

    Exercise is for health and fitness...not weight loss.

    However that being said exercise can help fight depression.

    That being said you can exercise even now...just choose one that doesn't "hurt". It might only be upper body with low impact lower body but you can exercise. That will help. Lose the weight you have gained as well...eating at a deficit.
  • Thanks for the support. Will keep pushing through it. I haven't put on too much weight. That isn't even what is bothering me. It is the lack of being able to move around freely. We don't appreciate small things like that, until they are taken away.
  • missthix
    missthix Posts: 10
    I have arthritis and my doctor is trying to find out if I have fibromyalgia. I have constant pain on my right foot but i still go to the gym and do what I can. I am over weight and have been in a rut lately. Know your worth. You don't have to rely on working out to see your worth. Do other things that do not require excessive exercise. Yes it sucks that bad things happen but I really hope you can help yourself out of it. Know your worth! It could be worse.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    What about something like aquafit?
  • nibbler1
    nibbler1 Posts: 6
    I feel for you, I too suffered from severer pain in my back for years before i found i chiropractor that helped me manage my pain. It was so bad at time i could hardly walk. I gained quite a bit of weight too (but i also had a undiagnosed under active thyroid) Can you lift weights with your legs? That might be the way to go. Stay strong xx
  • TheWorstHorse
    TheWorstHorse Posts: 185
    I am sorry to hear you are struggling. Pain and immobility are really tough, especially if you are used to being active. I hope you and your doctors figure out what is going on. In the meantime, don't wait: work with the stuff that is workable. Focus on your diet: calories, portion control, healthy whole foods. Don't get caught by the "sit, websurf (or watch tv), and eat" demon. Talk to your doctor about "being in pain" vs. "being in pain while performing certain movements" and explore what you *can* do movement-wise. Stay connected and get more connected with other people. You can do that here and at a hundred other websites but do it in your everyday real life, too.

    Last of all, be patient and kind to yourself. Depression is a tricky beast. It feeds on isolation, closing down, and self-loathing. Scaring it away is easy: stay connected, take charge of the things that you can control in your life, and constantly test whatever you consider to be your limitations.
  • nancytyc
    nancytyc Posts: 119 Member
    Have ACL injury in knee, torn/shattered meniscus, if I walk on treadmill, my knee blows up like a watermelon (as it did last night when I gave it another try). I wear a full leg knee brace. I have heart issues and just came off a 30 day heart monitor that I had to drag around with me everywhere. BIKE BIKE BIKE BIKE.....You can even do it in a boot (or a brace). Puts little to no pressure on joints, not weight bearing, burns TONS of calories.....and was the suggested choice of activity recommended by my orthopod days after my injury. Now, this is going to sound a little harsh.....stop complaining about your situation. We ALL have them. Get up, regroup, solve your issues, and chose to be happy. Life sucks and it is a choice to let it get us down or decide that we are not going to be driven or directed by what life throws at us. Pick up your bat and hit that ball right back out at life. Unless you are in a wheelchair, you can exercise sufficiently.

    So, go get yourself a cup of tea. While you are sipping it, remind yourself of all the good things in your life, evaluate your situation, apply solutions, and move on. We are here for you, but we can't make you better or happy. That, my friend, you have to do.
  • All the responses got me moving a bit. Got a small writing gig today. Will take my mind off things and give me something to do. The money isn't great but that wasn't really the reason for taking it. Anyways, please keep posting advice, I really am listening.