
Hi all,

I'd love some advice please.
I have been reaching my calorie target but almost always seem to go over on protein ... sometimes double! will this have a big effect on my weight loss?
today i had tuna in one meal and chicken in the next. do i need to cut down on my meat intake?

any advice very welcome, new to this so please go easy on me!! :)


  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    If you're talking about MFP's default protein, that's the bare minimum protein intake. It's generally recommended to eat about 1g per pound of lean body mass. Eating excess wont stop your weight loss. The only thing that will do that is a calorie surplus. Any food eaten above maintenance will result in weight gain. I eat about 100g a day.
  • Edmond_Dantes
    Edmond_Dantes Posts: 185 Member
    The higher protein will probably make you feel fuller and ultimately help your weight loss. Much better than going over in sugar!
  • myfitnesspale3
    myfitnesspale3 Posts: 276 Member
    +1 (agree!). MORE protein than required, is not a problem, unless you are on a diet of 100% desert squirrel without the necessary fat.

    I'm on low-carb and I can't seem to get enough protein. I like eggs, deli meat, chicken, meat snack sticks, sardines, tuna, yogurt, cheese, nuts, peanut butter, jerky, protein bars, but still, my weekly protein is typically about 30% deficient.

    I'd like to hear about high-protein sources that I have not mentioned above.
  • raige123
    raige123 Posts: 352
    I get about 150 grams of protein a day and I haven't had an issue losing. MFP defaults are very wrong. I get my protein from eggs, egg whites, chicken, turkey, cheese, yogurt, and whey protein powder.
  • back2lynne
    back2lynne Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks so much for the informative replies. yep, I was going by the MFP target, great to know its not going to have an impact on weight loss.

    I'm mostly getting protein from red meat, chicken, tuna, cheese, eggs, milk, greek yoghurt, nuts, pumpkin seeds....

    Thanks again :)