what am i doing wrong?

mothiez Posts: 11 Member
Hello all!

im not quite sure what im doing wrong-- im watching what i eat, life weights/cardio 3-5x a week, my job is physically demading - (flight nurse)... i was really dedicated, stuck to my diet this week and im up 1.5lbs !!!!! what the crap?

i may be retaining water because my cycle is due to start in a couple days. so im trying to not over eat ie.. silly chocolate cravings. ugh. its so discouraging.. i set a goal of 1300 calories macro goals are 60%carb, 10% fat and 30% protein

is that good or should i adjust?

im 5'2 & 154lbs.

thanks !


  • skrlec70
    skrlec70 Posts: 302 Member
    its the water weight forsure, weigh in next week, itll be fine
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    Take a deep breath! You're a nurse. You KNOW the human body gains and loses all the time! You can gain 1.5 lbs eating a salty meal. IMHO, 1300 is kind of low for someone with your activity level. Your weight loss will stall if you don't eat enough and start to lose muscle. Muscle burns calories. Lose muscle lose less calories in the long run. I'd stop weighing myself until menstruation is past if the water gain freaks you out. A lot of women on here have that habit.
  • mothiez
    mothiez Posts: 11 Member
    ugh so discouraging! im so peeved! LOL.

    thats what i figured.

    im gonna stick to what im doing. and hopefully the scale will prove ive been doing a good job
  • mothiez
    mothiez Posts: 11 Member
    i weigh first thing in the AM. before i shower so no excuse for clothes weighing me down. i know it fluctuates. ugghhh
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle Posts: 1,349 Member
    Relax and be patient with yourself. You can do this:)
  • colkoala
    colkoala Posts: 1
    You could be gaining muscle which weighs more... Are your clothes fitting better or are your measurements smaller? Water weight can make a big fluctuation in women (which totally sucks!) I'd keep doing what I'm doing. Sounds like you are doing great!