30 day shred !!!!!



  • hooterklb
    hooterklb Posts: 27
    I downloaded it today of Amazon instant video and plan to start it tomorrow. I have a house full here for BBQ at the moment. Lol. I'm in!
  • loz2304
    loz2304 Posts: 13 Member
    I've done this DVD before and have a problem with my knees, I used a really thick yoga mat and just took my time with it I didn't always finish each level in 10 days and sometime in some of the exercises I didn't get past the beginner level but in most I did. You know your own body best so take your time and even if it takes twice as long you're still strengthening your body which itself is the best protection against sore joints. Good luck with it I'm gonna start again now been really good at finding excuses for not doing any exercise lately so could really use the motivation :wink:
  • toadg53
    toadg53 Posts: 302 Member
    I have a really bad left knee. Fell on it a few years ago. Have had cortisone shots and surgery and it's still bad. Probably will end up with replacement in the future. Anyway, when I tried the jumping jacks, it just about dropped me to my knees. So in the couple days I did the shred before, I just did some calf raises and did the arm part of the jumping jacks instead. I figured it was better than nothing.
  • Meergan
    Meergan Posts: 23 Member
    I've attempted to see it through before too and failed!
    I'm going to start tomorrow. Somebody make a group!!
  • thanson563
    thanson563 Posts: 75 Member
    Ok, someone start a group....I would, but will give the OP (or someone else) time to do so. We had a group the first time I did it, and it really made a difference to me, having people to talk to and keep me accountable. As for knees and joint pain and so forth....the first time I did it, I had some knee and ankle issues in the beginning, but they got better with time.
  • efayram
    efayram Posts: 3
    I started the 30 day shred on May 22 too! It was meant to be :). I would like to join the group!
  • Shelob13
    Shelob13 Posts: 2
    Hi everyone I am on day 6 of 30 day shred and would like to join this group. Finding it tough but determined to stick with it. Dumbells just been delivered have been using water bottles as weights up to now. Pushing 60 so guess I am much older than most. Feeling nauseous by end of workout might be crunches and all the getting up and down anyone else getting this?
  • Anzuj
    Anzuj Posts: 2 Member
    I am on my day 2 - if there is a group I will gladly join ;)
  • conqueringsquidlette
    conqueringsquidlette Posts: 383 Member
    So I did buy it, and tried it today for the first time. Made it thirteen minutes into the video and had to quit after the first circuit.... I think it will take me a while to get through even level one.

    I feel like I got hit by a truck.... my HRM looks insane.

  • whatusaid
    whatusaid Posts: 41 Member
    Okay guys, I started a group!


    All the names I could think of that were related to 30 Day Shred were taken, so it is called Workout with Jillian! Please join!
  • whatusaid
    whatusaid Posts: 41 Member
    So I did buy it, and tried it today for the first time. Made it thirteen minutes into the video and had to quit after the first circuit.... I think it will take me a while to get through even level one.

    I feel like I got hit by a truck.... my HRM looks insane.


    You can do it! Today you made 13 minutes, tomorrow make it for 14 minutes! You are awesome!
  • ellekill
    ellekill Posts: 13 Member
    I'll join I just started on Monday and could use the motivation.
  • Tarab75
    Tarab75 Posts: 6
    I just started it also. I should be starting level 3 but still on 1! I can make it through ok but I watched level 2 and I think I'll stay on L-1 FOREVER. lol
  • whatusaid
    whatusaid Posts: 41 Member
    I just started it also. I should be starting level 3 but still on 1! I can make it through ok but I watched level 2 and I think I'll stay on L-1 FOREVER. lol

    As long as level 1 gives you a good workout, then do it :)

    Come join our group!

  • AngelaL22
    AngelaL22 Posts: 3
    Hey Everyone!! I'm on day 3 of the shred and would also like to join if there is a group!! I have fallen off of the bandwagon so many times, I think if I have some type of support it will help so much!!!
  • Kymsanity
    Kymsanity Posts: 27 Member
    I just joined :)

    Startin' on Monday...
  • andrea394
    andrea394 Posts: 15 Member
    Is anyone starting this weekend?? I want to join!
  • lilpe5512
    lilpe5512 Posts: 397 Member
    Me. I'm startiing today.
  • Pickles175
    Pickles175 Posts: 211 Member
    Just finished day 8 of Level 1 today! It's a love/hate relationship with the workout. :laugh:
  • caligirl1001
    caligirl1001 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi guys, I'm starting Sunday, June 1 and would love to join the group - count me in!