
Hi guys
im sandra im married and a mum of 2 chantelle who is almost 13 and jayden is 8 months i put up almost 3 stone having him and really struggling to loose it have fell of the band wagon more times but looking back at all the photos of myself it upsets me how heavey i am so im really determined to loose it this time iv alot of work to do as iv alot of bad habbits iv a really sweet tooth and quite like my wine a few night a week but that means constant picking too so need to cut it all out, and i do no excerise, iv only started cutting back this week but will be full steam ahead for my diet and excerise on monday iv got an excerise buddy so were both going keep each other motivated fingers crossed


  • homemom05
    homemom05 Posts: 23 Member
    Hello Sandy, welcome!
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    You joined so your making progress. Way to go on beginning! Keep it up and keep logging on
  • sandybaby13
    i intend to keep doing it this time thanks guys, and best of luck to you!!!