what's a poor diabetic to do (newly diagnosed)

I am noticing several things this time around trying to lose weight. First of all, I am addicted to fast food and for the most part was rarely ever truly hungry because I ate large amounts of calories 3 times a day. Therefore by cutting it out, I really don't have much of an urge to overeat. My mind now and again craves it but for the most part I am still in the honeymoon phase where I am super motivated. The metformin I'm on also could be acting as an appetite suppressant. I can't seem to eat as many calories as they want me to on here (without resorting to lots of carbs.) I weighed in at 325 at the drs on the 13th and I have literally only been trying to be healthy for 5 days and the scales already say 310!!! I am really shocked I am almost suspicious, this seems too easy. I am betting I will plateau at some point.
I am also still trying to understand what I can and can't have. So far I have ruled out ice cream (lol I had a vanilla frosty cone last night since it is the lowest calorie option and so I wouldn't feel left out when the whole family went out for frostys and 2 hours later my sugar was 158. My dr wants me to keep it under 140) I have gotten away with a cup of mac and cheese with dinner, a slice of white bread with breakfast, and those el monterey beef and bean burritos and my sugar has been okay pretty much under 130 but that's still diabetic range so I don't know if I need to cut back even more which is counter intuitive since I am already worried about starvation mode. I don't have the largest food budget so healthy snacks like nuts and things like that are pretty much out. I have discovered aside from the sodium I can usually satisfy myself with pickles but they are calorie free so that still doesn't help. I'm to talk with my dr June 2nd about my numbers so I should have a better idea of what she is looking for but to be honest, I am still easing into exercise, so I'm not very active, and I figure if you don't move much you shouldn't eat much? but there are still times I get hungry, usually the mid afternoon slump. My calories are all over the place in the last 5 days from 1076 to 1728 but it is still in the range that the site says I can eat and still lose 2 pounds but I'm dropping weight like crazy. Anyway sorry for rambling the main point is I need to figure out some snacks that won't break my diet or sugar or the bank since it seems for the most part I am more comfortable with small meals and get full quickly.


  • tranquility17
    tranquility17 Posts: 5 Member
    It isn't unusual to lose a lot of water weight in the first few weeks. It will stabilise eventually.

    The metformin does act as an appetite suppressant for some people.

    The Bloodsugar 101 website is a good read for newly diagnosed diabetics, especially type 2.

    As far as you can eat a protein based diet and eat natural carbs, veggies and lower sugar fruits like berries.

    Exercising after eating a meal also helps with BS levels.
  • GlucernaBrand
    GlucernaBrand Posts: 486
    It's great that you're seeing so much progress, and testing your blood sugar to see how different foods affect you. Ask your doctor for a referral to a registered dietitian who specializes in diabetes education, and she'll help you develop a food plan that fits your budget and your needs. You can't go wrong by adding more lower carbohydrate vegetables to meals and snacks, and including protein helps you feel satisfied. I like hummus and raw veggies for a snack. ~Lynn /Glucerna
  • kamaperry
    kamaperry Posts: 885 Member
    I'm doing low carb and it helps me alot, and yes please read the site Diabetes 101. You can beat this!
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I'm doing low carb and it helps me alot, and yes please read the site Diabetes 101. You can beat this!

    I agree. Carbs when diabetic should ideally come from vegetables first and foremost..........then dairy, nuts, fruit........eaten sparingly should be starches and grains.

    You want to PREVENT damage to your nerves and organs.
  • nancy10272004
    nancy10272004 Posts: 277 Member
    I'm surprised that your doctor didn't send you to a nutritionist. When I went on Metformin a while back for insulin resistance, my endocrinologist made sure I saw one so I could figure out all of the questions you've listed in your post.

    So, my advice? See a nutritionist and lay out a food plan with that person.
  • JennyHollyHansen

    If you want to lose a lot of weight and help your diabetes then stay away from sugar! If your not having cravings then this should be not be hard.

    If you really care about your health then make the food and snacks that will help you get healthier. You can find the cash for nuts...just stop eating the ice cream and use that cash for nuts.

    If your family and friends want to support you they would not take you for ice cream and frosties.

    You need to set some goals and boundaries