heart rate monitors / calorie counters

Hi everybody

I was wondering if I could get opinions on what the best heart rate monitor is? I am specifically after one that will accurately (well, as close as possible) count the calories burned during a workout. Cost is an issue sothe more cost effective the better!



  • kenuk1
    kenuk1 Posts: 64 Member
    I use the Wahoo Blue HR belt, it might have changed names now, I think this is the same belt that Runtastic sell from their store, anyway, Ive used it for ages, the battery lasts a good 3-4 months with regular exercise, it works with most apps out there and if cost is an issue, you can pick them up for approx £50 online, or approx £60 at your local Apple store.

    I can only give my word that it is accurate as I have nothing really to compare with, however, Gym runs on new machines etc seem to be very similar.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I was wondering if I could get opinions on what the best heart rate monitor is? I am specifically after one that will accurately (well, as close as possible) count the calories burned during a workout. Cost is an issue sothe more cost effective the better!

    OK, a Heart Rate Monitor is a Heart Rate Monitor, not a calorie counter, although some do give an estimation of calories expended through a session. The accuracy of that approximation does depend on a number of different things, including what type of training you're doing.

    In the absence of knowing what type of work you're doing all you're going to get are lots of examples of what people use themselves.

    Personally I wouldn't advocate using an HRM to estimate calories, use it to inform your training by reporting on, and recording, your HR through a session.