New Army Wife

Hi guys! I created an account a while ago but never really used it. In the past year however I got married and my husband joined the army which has really made me realize how out of shape I am and how much I need a support system to get through this. I'm 18 and am about 150-180 pounds overweight. My husband is very fit and healthy, and I'd like to eventually work out with him without feeling self conscious or like I'm slowing him down. I've started walking about 5 miles 4 days a week and have been trying to keep my calories under 1500 a day. I am very excited to meet new people who have such daunting goals as I do that can help motivate me to not give up!


  • pawsnpurrs
    pawsnpurrs Posts: 39
    Hi it sound like your on track with the walking you will be amazed at how fast the pounds drop you live on base or off. the military bases have a lot of great support systems for the wife's now..and you might find discounts at the gym check it out . I spent the first 18 years of my life stationed on military bases all over the world Army Wife's now have one heck of a support system on twitter too and you can even take boot camp type work outs for civilians in some areas so you get a taste of what your hubby is going through.. Good Luck you will do great..thank your hubby for his service..blessings
  • Monkey_Business
    Monkey_Business Posts: 1,800 Member
    Hi JSS

    I am sending a freind request.

    My profile and diary are open. If you think we are a good fit (after reading the profile) please accept the request.

    I logged daily and am here to help cheer you on.

    I also am in the forums alot kidding around as I believe this is a social site also and good cheer helps us with our attitudes toward losing weight.
  • JShawSarah
    JShawSarah Posts: 22
    I live off base, but have been walking to the base and exploring or going to the gym that's there (usually exploring though, I find walking around to be easier than working out around all those toned skinny servicemen and women). I'll have to look into support systems and stuff. Thank you!
  • meltoine
    meltoine Posts: 46 Member

    My husband is Air Force, but at all the bases when been to the gyms have a family room, where mostly spouses (and kids) workout. Usually has a few treadmills, ellipticals, free weights, etc... If you're self conscious (though there's no reason to be - you're trying to be healthy, just like everyone else there!) it might be a good place to start.
  • JShawSarah
    JShawSarah Posts: 22
    I'll have to see if I can find one! My husband is in the army but is currently training on an air force base. So that's very helpful