Weight Lifting for Women

I have been reading up on simplyshredded.com and have begun the program..... does anyone have any helpful tips for dieting? What should i focus on the most?
Here are my goals
Lose fat
Gain muscle
Lift heavy!
I am wanting to lose between 20-30 pounds in the next 5 months.
What should I set my macros to? Current stats= 5'10", 240 pounds, love long distance running (the program suggests HIIT, so would it be bad to add in at least one long run a week i:e 3-4 miles?)
Any tips or guidance are greatly appreciated! My page and diary are open!


  • bymyslf892
    bymyslf892 Posts: 114 Member
  • agrafina
    agrafina Posts: 128 Member
    I just started strong lifts, so my recommendation is to lift heavy, since if you're going to do weights, you might as well do them for real. Continue eating at a deficit, so you lose fat. You won't gain muscle, but you will protect your lean body mass with the weight training. Eat enough protein, I do know that. I'm no help on the macros.

    Haven't added cardio in yet, but I will be doing it on training days in the evenings, I think, once I get the lifting habit down. My sense for cardio is do what you love, so that way you keep on doing it.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    You might be better off posting this in one of the weight lifting group forums.
  • SuperC_85
    SuperC_85 Posts: 393
    I love simplyshredded.com! I used that to start weight training too! :smile:

    Ok firstly, besides newbie gains you wont really gain that much muscle while in a calorie deficit (lose fat)
    So you need to concentrate on which one is more important. To lose fat eat at a calorie deficit, to gain muscle eat at a calorie surplus.

    If you havent yet check out http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/ to set your calorie goals.

    Macros: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/819055-setting-your-calorie-and-macro-targets?hl=macros
    I use a 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat.

    I checked your diary and there are a few entries not in there, you should really try and log all your food to get the best results. The one day that I saw in there you did not hit your protein goals, have a look at bumping your protein up.

    And one last BIG tip, step away from the scale! When I started weight training my weight went up by 2kgs and stayed there for 6 weeks (kid you not) but eventually it all came off and I had a big 5kg loss one week. Take pictures and measure yourself to see the real losses.

    EDIT to add, if you like running carry on with that, I didnt do ANY cardio during this program and still made big losses. Do what you enjoy doing.

    Good luck and have fun! :smile:
  • agrafina
    agrafina Posts: 128 Member
    You might find the group Eat, Train, Progress helpful.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I have been reading up on simplyshredded.com and have begun the program..... does anyone have any helpful tips for dieting? What should i focus on the most?
    Here are my goals
    Lose fat
    Gain muscle
    Lift heavy!
    I am wanting to lose between 20-30 pounds in the next 5 months.
    What should I set my macros to? Current stats= 5'10", 240 pounds, love long distance running (the program suggests HIIT, so would it be bad to add in at least one long run a week i:e 3-4 miles?)
    Any tips or guidance are greatly appreciated! My page and diary are open!

    I have been lifting heavy for 9 months using the Stronglifts 5x5 program...

    Fat loss comes from your calorie deficit.
    Gaining muscle is almost impossible eating at a deficit unless you are very new to weight training or obese..and even then those gains are short lived...you need to be in a calorie surplus and doing a progressive load lifting program with the right macros to do that.
    Lifting heavy is doable for anyone...as it is personal...your heavy is your heavy. That is defined by being able to do up to 5 reps of a weight...with the last one being difficult..that is how you know you are lifting heavy.
    Your macros are personal but lots go the 40/30/30 route.

    running is a good thing if you like it just do it after lifting or on an off day

    As for tips or suggestions, find a lifting program you like and work it. Eat enough protien to help maintain your current muscle mass...and stay away from the scale at first. Take measurments and pics to track progress. Lifting actually makes you retain lots of water at first which masks weight loss...

    at a deficit you will quite possibly stall on your lifts but it's okay just deload and work back up and make your choice...go for strength gains or weight loss...eventually the two are in opposition to each other.
  • nstock
    nstock Posts: 135 Member
    I like using bodybuilding.com. You can follow 4 week or 12 week programs, or search by muscle groups and print out the workouts and record them on those sheets. It's really easy to follow especially when you're just starting out :)
  • AmyWininger
    AmyWininger Posts: 150 Member
    I have been reading up on simplyshredded.com and have begun the program..... does anyone have any helpful tips for dieting? What should i focus on the most?
    Here are my goals
    Lose fat
    Gain muscle
    Lift heavy!
    I am wanting to lose between 20-30 pounds in the next 5 months.
    What should I set my macros to? Current stats= 5'10", 240 pounds, love long distance running (the program suggests HIIT, so would it be bad to add in at least one long run a week i:e 3-4 miles?)
    Any tips or guidance are greatly appreciated! My page and diary are open!

    I have been lifting heavy for 9 months using the Stronglifts 5x5 program...

    Fat loss comes from your calorie deficit.
    Gaining muscle is almost impossible eating at a deficit unless you are very new to weight training or obese..and even then those gains are short lived...you need to be in a calorie surplus and doing a progressive load lifting program with the right macros to do that.
    Lifting heavy is doable for anyone...as it is personal...your heavy is your heavy. That is defined by being able to do up to 5 reps of a weight...with the last one being difficult..that is how you know you are lifting heavy.
    Your macros are personal but lots go the 40/30/30 route.

    running is a good thing if you like it just do it after lifting or on an off day

    As for tips or suggestions, find a lifting program you like and work it. Eat enough protien to help maintain your current muscle mass...and stay away from the scale at first. Take measurments and pics to track progress. Lifting actually makes you retain lots of water at first which masks weight loss...

    at a deficit you will quite possibly stall on your lifts but it's okay just deload and work back up and make your choice...go for strength gains or weight loss...eventually the two are in opposition to each other.
    So, you should lift before you run? I used to hear running was better before lifting. Or, does it really not matter?