New job = new weight gain

Hello everyone, i'm new and i really need some people to help me get motivated! So... i've always been a bit overweight but last year, somehow, i lost weight without even trying... i did go through a bad experience though so maybe that's why i lost some. I was starting to feel confident and more outgoing. Then just before christmas i got a new full time office job ( i used to only work part-time in retail)I have gained at least half a stone since starting this job and i'm really down about it. I knew i'd gain weight though as i used to walk 2 and a half miles to work about 4 times a week.. sometimes it varied depending on the weather and i would be on my feet all day. So going from that to walking to the train station in the mornings (about half an hour walk) and then a 15 minute walk to my job, and sitting down ALL DAY i was bound to gain weight. But i find myself becoming lazy, i should be walking back from the station after work not getting the bus. Also i cannot stop snacking at work, literally all i think about is food! When i first started i'd bring 2 rolls, crisps, chocolate and a banana to eat! My lunch break isn't until 1.30 so it's a long time without food so i'd just pick at everything. This past week i have only bought 1 wholemeal sandwich, an apple and a banana.

I'm just looking for new people to talk to, get motivated and inspiration from.


  • lauwallis
    lauwallis Posts: 4
  • MadKatter9
    MadKatter9 Posts: 13 Member
    Hey there!

    I totally know how that feels!
    I was working at an office for 2.5 years, but was walking around and moving pretty much all day. Then I quit in December and was unemployed for 3 months. Well, I got right back into shape! And then I started working at a much more relaxed office job, and have since put pretty much all the weight and then some back on!

    I have problems with snacking too, but find that if I have good healthy snacks (ex. apples, bananas, carrots, granola bars etc) that I don't want the chocolate bars or chips. :)

    Anyway. All that to say, FEEL FREE TO ADD! :D
  • sherrihs2000
    I just joined and am committed to getting this weight off -- support is good. I've gained more than 70 pounds in two years and need to get it together == I am here!
  • stickersticker
    stickersticker Posts: 140 Member
    My life turned the other way. I changed jobs and it is easier to lose weight. I went from a fast food manager to landscaper.
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    When I got my first office job in 2010 I worked there for 3.5 years and gained about 40 lbs. I am not able to have an office job and lead a healthy lifestyle, so that's not something that I can do in my future. I was laid off and it's the best thing that ever happened to me. At least now I know what I need to stay healthy and keep my body at a healthy weight, and it includes work that encourages me to not be sitting all day.
  • Stitch_down_carbs
    Stitch_down_carbs Posts: 52 Member
    I'm with you, I gained a stone and a half over a year and a half at my current job. Now hardly anything I have fits.

    I'm a right grazer at work, constantly grazing on everything and yes I genuinely feel hungry when I do this.

    I'm trying to snack healthily at work at the moment, as well as completely cut out fizzy/energy drinks.

    I doubt I'd be much of an inspiration but perhaps we can keep each other motivated. Feel free to add me if you would like too and anyone else. :)
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    I've lost weight since starting my office job, but I can see how easy it would be to pack on the pounds. Pre-logging and bringing my own snacks that I know fit into my goals have kept me in check. I was surprised to find how easy it was to resist all the treats they bring in here multiple days per week (cookies, cakes, etc.). When it comes down to it - you either want to lose the weight or you don't. Only you can control what goes into your body. You need to take control. You say you CAN'T stop eating at work. Oh, yes, you certainly can, you just won't. So, change it.
  • sullrico18
    sullrico18 Posts: 261 Member
    I hear ya! I also went from a retail job that consisted of standing on my feet all day/moving around constantly to a desk job. That, plus being in a new relationship, didn't help my good eating habits/working out, and I gained 25 pounds. Fast forward 6 years later, I've lost that and a few additional pounds --- What has helped me was making sure I had healthy choices available with me so I didn't grab something from the vending machine. I drink only water instead of pop. I have found that the more water I drink, the less hungry I usually feel. I also make a point to get up and move around throughout the day, even if it's only for a few minutes at a time. I take a walk on my 15 minute breaks. I also schedule workouts during the week outside of work. Little things do add up!

    Do you have any friends at your work who are also looking on losing weight? It helps to have a buddy to keep you accountable/motivated when you're not feeling it.

    Feel free to add me if you'd like! I log in daily and will check in on you throughout the week. :-)
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    I sit all day at my job but managed to lose just shy of 60 lbs. It can be done.

    Add me if you wish.

    Edited for spelling.
  • keobooks
    keobooks Posts: 92 Member
    I remember being a kid and doing the musical "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying" In the script, they made lots of jokes about the "secretary spread". I guess women would start off their secretarial jobs very thin and the longer they sat all day typing, the more they spread out and gained weight.

    I didn't get it until I quit my very active teaching job and took a library desk job. I gained 25 pounds in 3 years.
  • Beth_Gorman
    Beth_Gorman Posts: 35 Member
    I've had similar issues. Would go out to lunch and eat foods I wouldn't generally eat. I've started keeping healthy foods at the office so I would do better. I've cut out all sugars and carbs which looks like was my main problem. Water is also key.
  • B32Roden
    B32Roden Posts: 11
    I was in the same position a few years ago, I moved to Canada and started a new office job. I gained about 20lbs and did not feel good about myself.

    I moved closer to where I work and now walk to and from the office every day - come rain, hail or shine. I even walk in the middle of winter when it's -35. It's about 40 minutes a day at a fast pace and I listen to music or podcasts while I walk. It gives me fresh air, I can run errands on my way home and in winter I just wear extra layers.

    I also stopped eating all the snacks in the office kitchen, we have chips and cookies and pop. I bring my own snacks and keep a stash in my desk drawer of things like mixed nuts, granola bars, protein bars (Luna etc). I also keep yogurt and cut up veggies in the office fridge and make sure I bring my own lunch every day so I'm not tempted to buy lunch because it's hard to buy things that are healthy and filling.

    I stopped buying a Starbucks every morning, I have a coffee at home and switched to black coffee at the office.

    I'm lucky that a lot of my co-workers are in to keeping fit and active so at lunch time we are all eating well and share recipes. We also discuss our health and fitness goals and support each other. A few people in my office even had a weight loss competition to get themselves motivated.

    Planning and preparation are the key, if you drive to work or take public transport then you need to workout before/after work.

    If you have lots of temptations at the office like snacks and fast food places nearby, then you need to prepare your own snacks and lunches and make sure you have lots of options so you don't get bored. You can even not bring your money to work, keep $5 for emergencies and leave the rest at home.

    It can be done, you just need to figure out your own way.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    When I was younger 15 to 18 I used to work in a restaurant and I was the thinnest I've ever been despite eating like a pig (working at a restaurant = free food and all the sugared fountain soda I could drink). It wasn't because I was young necessarily, it was because being a server at a restaurant requires a ton of walking and standing on your feet for 6 to 8 hour shifts and at peak dining hours at fast paces. More activity = more calories burned.

    Now that I look back, it's no surprise that I started slowly packing on the lbs when I went away to college and stopped working as a server. I was eating the same if not worse in college especially with drinking more alcohol and not exercising enough to make up the difference. Out of shape/obese former High school and college athletes experience the same thing. Due to physical activity they need to eat a lot but when they stop playing sports they don't change their eating habits.

    Record what you eat and adjust your eating habits based on your activity levels. That's the only way to lose weight and maintain. Those who practice the see food diet are rolling the dice.
  • spolice88WECHANGED
    You can do it. My boyfriend has a desk job and he used to be well over 300lbs and was a smoker. In one year. he made some healthy choices and lost 75lbs and is now a non smoker. So don't despair: it can be done and you are not alone!

    BUT.....don't think that you can take on the whole world in one day. Losing weight shouldn't be the priority. The priority should be to get healthy and feel good in your skin. :-) Start small. Make little changes to your diet one thing at a time until it becomes routine, then change another thing. Trying to go from eating all the stuff you love to eating none of it will just make you miserable. Since your lunch is so late in the day, snacking is inevitable. Bring good snacks! If you're a salty snacker, try some almonds with various seasonings! Or some air popper popcorn with some chili powder, lime juice and a touch of salt!

    Also, just because you slip up one day doesn't mean the end of the world. You didn't fail. You just caved to temptation. Be optimistic about your goals but anticipate the occasional backslide. Just keep moving forward. Every little thing counts. You like chocolate yes? Who doesn't! So bring dark chocolate instead of milk and only bring enough to curb your chocolate craving. Always thinking about food? Me too! Channel that into obsessing over healthy recipes and plan your meals for the week! Always hungry? You could easily just be bored! Try drinking some water first then see if you are still hungry.

    You can do it.