Need some motivating friends

So 4 years ago when I started university I had plenty of time and freedom so I found it easy to lose weight and became slim, fit and healthy for the first time in my life. A year later I was pregnant with my daughter and I have been struggling with my weight ever since. My main aim is to be slim and fit again so I can go back to my passion of horse riding.

I could really use some supportive, like minded people to encourage me back into the healthy, fitness focused lifestyle I used to enjoy.


  • FishingMachine
    FishingMachine Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Izzy Rose !

    I have been an active athlete my whole life and began daily workouts with Teambeachbody programs, P90X, Insantiy and now Focus T-25. I then added Advocare nutrition products to my daily intake schedule.

    I hurt my knee 18 months ago and have been struggling with it since.

    It would be great to check in with someone like you daily to help keep me motivated.

    Fishing Machine
  • FishingMachine
    FishingMachine Posts: 6 Member
    I have been an active athlete my whole life and began daily workouts with Teambeachbody programs, P90X, Insantiy 5+ years ago and now Focus T-25. I then added Advocare nutrition products to my daily intake schedule 4 years ago.

    I hurt my knee 18 months ago and have been struggling with it since.

    It would be great to check in with someone like you daily to help keep me motivated.

    Fishing Machine
  • DianaCHidalgo
    Hi!!! I wish I would have taken my time during college to dedicate my time to my fitness but I was too lazy (and my love for food has been stronger than my willpower). I am currently embarking on a steady journey to try and lose 40 pounds (though it won't be the final goal) throughout the year to make my weight loss durable and healthy. So please feel free to message me and check in; I will share my progress if you'd like but I am so new to this community type of weight loss that I feel a bit awkward about it since I feel like Id' be over sharing but I am more than willing if you would like to share :). Just know that wherever you are now is not permanent- the beauty of our bodies is they can always adapt to new shapes and now as a mother your body has changed but I am sure that with more time for your health you will be able to feel better about your weight! So here's to your weight loss and health gain (and mine)! Cheers!
  • czabby2014
    czabby2014 Posts: 3
    Hi All,

    I tried this program quite some time ago and am back again. I lost about 10 pounds a year and a half ago, and have seemed to gain it all back, I think because of a medication that I went off of. I'm really looking for some positive and motivating friends to help encourage me. I recently got braces and am having a hard time eating, so this could be a blessing in disguise :) I have two little ones and we are very busy running to sports so it makes it difficult to be organized and make healthy dinners. I love zumba and yoga, and am planning on running a 10K this September with my boyfriend. I really want this to be a lifestyle change that I can commit to, not just a diet! I would like to lose about 35 pounds, maybe less depending on how I feel/look as I lose weight.
  • bassnote
    bassnote Posts: 3 Member
    Motivation? Sure. I could really use some motivation. Willpower is my biggest issue. What I really need is somebody to chase me around with a stick. Somebody to MAKE me go to the gym.

    Re-re-re-re-re-re-restarting this get healthy thing. 15 pounds to my next goal, 35 to my long term goal. 55 to go to my 'ideal' weight, which I find unrealistic, but hey... we'll see.

    So, who's got the stick?