Exercise Plan Suggestions

Can someone suggest a beginner-workout plan for me?

I'm 5'1"
BMI = 44.6
Age = 25

I have a right shoulder injury and a metal rod in my left shin but both are medically cleared for exercise.

Right now I've just been walking, but I was hoping someone could give me a suggestion of what an average week of exercise should/could look like.



  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    What do you like to do?
    What are your goals?
    What do you have access to - ie a gym, pool, trails, track, bike?

    There is no "should". Any exercise is beneficial. It is much easier to do what you like than to force yourself. If you have specific goals, that may affect what you "should" be doing.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Can someone suggest a beginner-workout plan for me?

    I'm 5'1"
    BMI = 44.6
    Age = 25

    I have a right shoulder injury and a metal rod in my left shin but both are medically cleared for exercise.

    Right now I've just been walking, but I was hoping someone could give me a suggestion of what an average week of exercise should/could look like.


    Cardio: I like Walk at Home DVDs. These are low impact aerobics. You walk in place for awhile, then you do side steps for awhile, and keep changing the moves up. You can add arms...or not. These are great because the simplicity allows you to modify up or down depending upon your needs.


    Strength: you will want some strength/resistance training too. This can start with body weight exercises.....squats, planks, push ups....or pilates is good. If you have dumbbells there are DVDs or lots of resources on line to help you. Strength training while eating at a deficit helps you maintain lean muscle.


    Yoga for flexibility & balance would round things out fitness wise. Not everyone needs a ton of this, but (for me) this helps prevent injury. I add certain stretches after my walks, it keeps things from tightening up.

  • ThomasGinter
    ThomasGinter Posts: 36 Member
    I have found the free resources at this site to be really helpful:


    The guy who runs the site has some great articles on exercise as well as goal setting and habit forming/breaking in general. I have an old shoulder injury myself and found the beginner bodyweight workout to be right on track for where I am at:

  • JShawSarah
    JShawSarah Posts: 22
    I just started my journey, I'm about 300 pounds, 5'7", at age 18. Starting out for now I've just been walking. I've read a lot of stories of people losing pretty dramatic amounts of weight just by walking a few miles daily in the beginning of their journey then progressing to things like running or joining a gym or taking classes. I've been walking 4-5 miles, 4 days a week and each time I do it I see a little improvement.
  • CoachDanJudge
    Hey Jshaw,

    Do you know how many daily calories your consuming?
  • JShawSarah
    JShawSarah Posts: 22
    Hey Jshaw,

    Do you know how many daily calories your consuming?
    I couldn't give you an exact amount (I've been loosely counting until today) but about 1500-1700 a day
  • redhead217
    redhead217 Posts: 5 Member
    I recently found this app called "jefit" It has pre-made workouts that are set at different levels, from beginner to advanced. You load it up on your phone and take it to the gym with you. It tells you what to do, gives you a place to track your weights used, and helps you time your breaks between sets so you don't waste a lot of time sitting around the gym.

    You can browse the workouts from your computer and then download them into the app on your phone to do at the gym. I'm enjoying it. You may find something there that you like.
  • bebeisfit
    bebeisfit Posts: 951 Member
    There are mountains of resources to be found. I think the best exercise for beginners is any that you will be most consistent. The key is to move. And then move some more.

    It needs to be a little uncomfortable. No, not painful - just push yourself, every single day! It doesn't all have to be done at once. If you can't manage 45 minutes of continuous movement, start with 10 minutes - but do it 3 or 4 times a day.

    Fitness and success in long term weight loss for me means I can't just workout 3 days a week. I need consistency, because when I know I'm going to a yoga class later in the day, I tend to watch my portions, drink more water. It comes together with that daily movement.

    Try doing a diy dance party - crank up the tunes and dance the stress of the day away.

    If you want to join a club, see if they will give you a free day pass.

    And do all of those tips you read about to add in steps every day: park the car further, get off the bus one or two stops early and walk, ride your bike to do errands, use the stairs at any and every opportunity. Desk bound? Get up and stretch, march in place. Go for a walk on your break.

    Good luck - now get outside and play!