How to maintain weight ?

I have managed to lose 65 pound since January. I now need to try to keep weight at around about the 10 stone mark but not sure how to do this ! I am terrified of eating more and putting weight back on. Just not sure what to do? Also need to find a way of tightening the flabby skin on belly. Advice please?


  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle Posts: 1,349 Member
    When I hit my goal weight I just added 100 calories at a time until I was satisfied I had my TDEE.

    As for a flat tummy, it might just be a matter of a little more time but I would recommend lifting weights. I used to work on building chest, back, shoulder, quad and hamstring muscles only and my tummy was the flattest ever then. Today, I'm still happy with my body and my main form of exercise is running.
  • bullieforme
    bullieforme Posts: 37
    I do a very physical job - ten hour shifts stacking shelves. So don't need any more exercise. Just not sure how to maintain weight. At the moment I'm still losing but that's got to stop. I've lost the weight on my own so have had no guidance and now need advice on how to maintain weight properly. On the odd occassion when my weight has gone up again by a pound or so it freaks me out ! What is the norm for weight fluctuation ?
  • Cmnden
    Cmnden Posts: 8
    Congrats on your progress so far. The first thing I would suggest is to give yourself a 10 pound range (what you weigh now + 10 pounds) that you can maintain in. Remember, you do not have to weigh an exact amount every day. Weigh yourself daily, track your calories and most importantly listen to your body. Don't go to bed hungry or you are in for a binge! Let your calories vary according to your exercise demands, stress..... Tighten up when you can, relax when you need to and give yourself a comfortable weight range to live in. The journey should be pleasant or it's not worth taking.
  • anothermop
    anothermop Posts: 187 Member
    When I went on maintenance, I just started eating back my exercise calories every day. It's been working pretty well for over a year now.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    I do a very physical job - ten hour shifts stacking shelves. So don't need any more exercise. Just not sure how to maintain weight. At the moment I'm still losing but that's got to stop. I've lost the weight on my own so have had no guidance and now need advice on how to maintain weight properly. On the odd occassion when my weight has gone up again by a pound or so it freaks me out ! What is the norm for weight fluctuation ?
    Simple answer is you eat the right number of calories to stay within a reasonable range of weight either side of your goal weight. +/- 3 or 4lbs would be sensible. Some people's weight jumps around more, some remain relatively steady. I'm sensitive to salty foods and alcohol - both cause rapid weight change (water). On holiday I gained over a pound a day - but only a small amount was actually fat.

    If you are still losing you need to eat more - that's it. No mystery really.
    Walk up your calories bit by bit until you find the sweet spot. It really is just a numbers game, people make it more complex than it really is.

    Why the terror and fear? You know how to lose weight so why would you lose control?

    The worst thing you can do if keep freaking out over normal fluctuations, weight is not just fat and rapid changes in weight can only be fat if you are over or under eating by many thousands of calories.
  • bullieforme
    bullieforme Posts: 37
    Thanks for replies.
    Know this is something I've got to take control over myself. But having lost the weight I certainly do not want to put any back on. If weight can fluctuate by several pounds normally then I can accept that. I just thought that by puting a few pounds back on it meant I'd be going in the wrong direction. Just wanted to know what the norm in weight fluctuatuion would be. A pound or two or a lot more ?
  • Doit61
    Doit61 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Bullieforme, I lost 25 kg by diet and exercise and went on a four week vacation and only put on 2kg, I ate whatever and whenever I liked. I know if I had been home and near scales I would have dieted as soon as the 1kg went on, but going away for 4 weeks was a blessing, because my weight fluctuations were not noticable - clothes wise and I honestly thought I would have gained at least 4 kg. So give yourself a break from the scales for 4 weeks, eat sensibly and then see what the "damage" is. I guarantee it won't be nearly as bad as you think. Give your metabolism a chance to catch up to your new way of living. Ditch the scales for 4 weeks, I guarantee you wont regret it. This is now living. I can function, exercise and eat like a "normal" person.
  • Joseph236
    Joseph236 Posts: 11
    I have no idea of how to maintain weight! Most of the time i suffer from eating disorder and i couldn't control my self from eating.Last week i eat abnormally.One week i eat normal and the next week intake of my diet become abnormal!
  • MargaretSobers
    MargaretSobers Posts: 167 Member
    For maintaining your weight you have to make two plans one for putting efforts toward reducing extra weight maintaining your weight. And the other is you have to focus on your daily calorie requirement of your body, and choose the correct food for your body. Try some good exercise and do physical activity to burn extra fat. Every one having different body needs so be aware of your own body need. Take the required vitamin. For tightening of your skin you have to follow a best surgery plan for extra loose skin removal.
  • bullieforme
    bullieforme Posts: 37
    For maintaining your weight you have to make two plans one for putting efforts toward reducing extra weight maintaining your weight. And the other is you have to focus on your daily calorie requirement of your body, and choose the correct food for your body. Try some good exercise and do physical activity to burn extra fat. Every one having different body needs so be aware of your own body need. Take the required vitamin. For tightening of your skin you have to follow a best surgery plan for extra loose skin removal.
    I am hoping, maybe in vain ! That skin will tighten more over next few months as I've lost the weight fairly quickly.
    I am eating more now but still slowly losing weight. Never thought how hard it would be to maintain a steady weight ! But then again I've never before weighed myself on a daily basis. Previous comment about not weighing daliy makes sense. But it is hard to resist. It kind of becomes an obsession checking your daily loss doesn't it ?
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Just not sure what to do? Also need to find a way of tightening the flabby skin on belly. Advice please?

    Will need to find out what your TDEE is and play around that number to see how your body responds.

    Getting rid of excess skin, will take time for one.
    But I would encourage weight lifting, and maybe still stay in caloric deficit till it shrinks back
  • jonesyGT
    jonesyGT Posts: 6 Member
    For me, I work on loosing about 500grams a week. Drink lots of water & do 1 fast a week of About 600 calories. I'm loosing still & do very little exercise. Maybe or may not suit but its working for me & I'm down 12kg since January.